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The day offered no sleep. I tossed and turned while Nemesio slept soundly. I would close my eyes and drift off just a bit before hearing a voice that resembled everything seduction and shadows should. "You harbor something against me. You are the danger to this coven. You will either bring salvation or destruction. Do not fail," it spoke. I never saw a face, just an empty abyss.

The next time I lulled off I heard, "Use your talent child. Wake me, then destroy the others, their blood on your hands will please me."

I saw Crescent and Bastet's bodies lying on the ground, drained and almost turned to ash. A shadowy figure cloaked with the hood covering its face stood near them, I could only see the terrible stretch of lips revealing fangs and teeth in dark smile. It took the cloak off and laid it on them, revealing my very own face.

I woke up thirsty then and got up, going to the bathroom feeling like nothing could go well tonight. When I had steeled myself, I rose and laid back down.

This time I wasn't even asleep when I heard the voice, " Your salvation will be damnation, just like your mother." 

I couldn't sleep, I just sat up, this time waking Nemesio. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I sighed, "I just need blood."

"Come with me," he got out of bed and took my hand in his, he led me down and through the ballroom, to the kitchen. The kitchen was pitch black, but I could make out the refrigerator, which was where the blood bags were held. He passed me a blood bag and I drank greedily.

I wanted another distraction from the day's voices barging in, invading my head with who knows what, but I could still feel their lingering presence. It seemed as if they were phantoms, phantoms that drove mortals mad and left them wishing for their end. "What's wrong, Onyx?" Nemesio asked me, moving behind me and caging me within his embrace as he laid his head on my shoulder, nudging me a bit.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're on edge, my love," he explained, "I doubt you've gotten any sleep. If you don't like the castle I can have a rush tunnel built for you in case you ever get stuck here again."

"It's not that," I smiled and turned around, placing my hands on his chest, "I think I'm just nervous about tonight, I probably just need a tonic or spell." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth, and I felt a bit bad for not telling him, but I wasn't too fond on sharing the fact that I had been hearing voices, either. 

He sighed and kissed my cheek then led me back up to his room where he held me tightly and I pretended to sleep for the rest of the day. By the time the throll had come up to wake us, Nemesio had fallen back asleep, and I had just started to calm. The knock sounded and I got up to open the door. "Yes?" I looked at the servant grumpily.

"The other Masters and Mistresses are on their way," its head was facing the floor, while its arms were outstretched holding clothes, "And the King ordered me to give you these."

I took them pleasantly, "Thank you, send my regards to the King, and tell him we will be in the Council room shortly."

"I'm afraid, Mistress," it addressed me, still in a cowardly position, "Everyone is to collect themselves in front of the steps."

"But of course," I growled, "Now go." I shut the door then dropped my nightwear off of my body. I had been given jeans and long sleeve shirt, along with combat boots. They fit nicely and seemed to have been brought back from my own home.

"You look delicious," Nemesio chuckled, staring at me as I got dressed.

"And you look like someone who needs to get ready," I snapped, tired.

"Okay, okay," he put both hands up, "Not an early evening person I see."

"Obviously," I murmured and yawned then opened the door, "Meet me downstairs, apparently that's where everyone is collecting themselves."

"Already done," he smiled, "Now let's go down together and get you a fresh human."

I rolled my eyes as we left his room. We walked down slowly, holding each other's hands and we came upon his father, King Damion. His eyes flashed at me, it was a warning. I lowered my head in acknowledgment, "Majesty." He was glaring at me, I was sure of it.

"Father," Nemesio greeted him, "Onyx and I were just off to fetch one of the bleeders for a quick bite."

"You will ruin him," a voice hissed at me, and my head snapped up looking around me. There was nothing unusual about the entrance, but I felt uneasy and could almost feel a chill. I never got cold. It was impossible, but here I was, feeling the stinging cold of haunted whispers.

"Nonsense," King Damion looked my way with piercing eyes, "One will be provided later on after the others gather."

"No," Nemesio glared, feeling territorial, "We will feed now, without prying eyes." He almost resembled a creature with its hair raised in alarm somehow."

"Calm down, son," I heard the king chuckle as I simply began to walk out the door.

"Nemesio, there's no need for this, Bastet and Crescent will join us on our way, we only need head towards the back of the castle,"I opened the door, then smiled, deliberately showing all fang to the king. He could do nothing to me if he wanted the queen to rise, and the voice I was hearing now, seemed to be on my side. "I think your dear grandmother is already guiding us to her."

As soon as I was outside, I was joined by Bastet and Crescent, only a few moments went by, and, by that time, Nemesio joined us as well. "Do any of you all hear her too?"

"I do," Crescent spoke, "I can help take us there. . . so long as I don't hear the others interfere."

"Indeed," I agreed, and we started to the back, the grass getting longer as we got closer to the forest. The owls hooted, the predators growled lowly, prey darted and hid, creatures howled, and the moon was new. Stars guided us to our entryway between the full trees. It was time we found one of the Fallen.

_______________________________________________________________________________Three slow chapters in a row, I know, but these slow chapters are important to the story! You need to know the council's positioning and everything, who gets along with who, and so on. This story is getting a major upgrade and I plan on making this good, so, patience dear readers. Thank you for reading and going along with my revamped version. I hope my writing has improved a lot more and the story seems richer. Remember to rate, comment, and review! Tell me what you all like, heck, dm me if you want. I'm pretty open to talking to new people! Thank you again!


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