The Midnight Dance

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                Upon our arrival, Bastet had a whole group of past lovers open the door and greet, begging her to take them back, and she laughed, chiming, "I have already found my mate dears," and walked off, just as I stood up. By the time I had started to walk she was already at the door of the stone castle, waiting for me. The castle looked like your cliche Count Dracula one, and once we entered we were met with splendor.

A staircase that led up was immediately within view, the gray marble was everywhere, letting up only to the ebony candelabrum and chandeliers. A human throll, dressed as a butler pointed us to the hallway to the left and behind the staircase. As we walked through the dark, lightless path, it lit up to a giant ballroom. All of it was dark bronze fires lighting the area, and a concave ceiling, pictures of ravens and bats along the walls, holding rubies. The other vampires' eyes glowed as they all danced, the fire making their eyes brighter than usual. Some continued to dance once, we entered, others stared curiously.

"So where is this mate you speak of?" I asked.

"Not invited," she smiled slyly, "And he never will be."

I looked at wearily, "No questions, right?" And she nodded. "Okay, so let's just dance." So we did, for a good amount of time, we danced and I pretended not to worry about what she meant. "Bastet, what do you mean he or she is not invited?"

She sighed and brought me to the side of the room, against the wall, just as the flames dimmed and The Council stood above at the balcony, making themselves seem as if they were on pedestals. The room immediately grew silent and Bastet and I gave each other looks about talking about this later.

They all dressed in gold, with full masks on themselves, so none could tell them apart. They spoke in unison, "As always, this is the annual celebration of our Royals' pureblood son, but it is different from every other night. " They paused. "For he wishes to meet the Nobles who so graciously help preserve our order. Some of you may be lucky enough to talk with him. As such, that is all, have a lovely evening. . ." And they disappeared replaced by the Masked Prince in a burgundy suit and charcoal dress shirt. The suit had small intricate, curving designs along it, and the designs matched his black mask.

"Welcome everyone, please continue to enjoy yourselves, I will make my way around," he spoke deeply, and the music began again, while I led Bastet outside so I could talk with her. "At least tell me that your mate is human. . . ?"

"Half-human," she replied


"Half-vampire," she laughed sheepishly, " So it's not too bad, she's just unable to be changed into a full vampire or resurrected as a full human. . . "

"It's not as bad as I thought, but it's not good, you realize what the others will say, you'll be an outcast-"

"Not if that half-ling is part of the key to awakening the Queen."

"You're joking," I glared at her, "The only keys we know of are you and me, for the third to just magically be your mate, would mean that the fourth is going to be recognized soon."

"That's because the fourth is!" She smiled, "We can finally reveal ourselves to the other Nobles, and the Council can come forward with why the Queen hasn't made an appearance in so long, not that many don't know." 

" I guess. . . but you are still taking a risk-"

"Good evening, ladies," The Prince, still with his mask on, appeared between both of us, and even without seeing his face I felt myself freeze. My breath was taken away, my cheeks began to flush, and I immediately felt myself become so attached I could feel every breath he took as if it were my own. I wanted nothing more than to take every bit of him into myself. I felt protective and loyal to him, the way no one else had managed to make me. 

"Good evening," I breathed out, then straightened up, wishing for us to be the only ones in this courtyard. 

"Your Highness," Bastet bowed her head respectfully. 

"What family do you lovely ladies hail from?" He asked curiously, a smirk in voice.

"I'm the head of the Dragona Family," I answered staring straight at him, glaring at him for not immediately asking me to join him in his welcomings to the other Noble families. 

"I'm the heir to the Succuba Family," Bastet replied, side-eyeing me. 

"Ah yes, the famous Onyx Dragona and Bastet Succuba, if I may presume," he removed the bottom half of his mask, revealing a predatory smile. "And I don't suppose either of you have seen Nocterna of the Dracula family?"

"I have," I smirked, "But I think she's with her mate right now."

"Nyx," Bastet nudged me, " Maybe you should lead him to her, as a formality." Her tone made it clear that I was making her uncomfortable with how rude I was being.

"That's a brilliant idea," He flashed his fangs, "But first I have to go find The Council, I'll come find you when I'm ready for you. Adiós."

  "What was your problem, Nyx?" Bastet hissed, grabbing my wrist.

"Don't worry about it," I growled, "Let's just go dance, we can worry about everything else the next night." She sighed and looked at me with slight worry but walked with me to the ballroom. 

We both swayed, and enjoyed ourselves, carefully encasing ourselves in the crowd of other vampires. In all honesty, I was hoping to disappear and ignore what I knew about the Prince. I didn't want to dive into the political climate any more than I already had to. Bastet disappeared on me after a little while, however, saying she was meeting her mate and found the celebration boring because no one had challenged anyone to a game of poison. 

Alone, in the sea of Nobles, I continued to dance, until I felt hands find my own. My partner's body pressed against mine, and his lips found my neck, breathing in my scent. "I didn't expect to find you here," he growled. Our bodies moved together, and I leaned my head back, exposing my throat to him.

"But here I am, Highness," I grinned, this time flashing my fangs. "Did you find Nocturna?"

"Indeed," he answered, then whirled me around to face him. "Stay the whole time."

"I can't, the sun burns me more than the average vampire," I looked at him, his mask still on, but his red eyes more vibrant than before.

"Then just stay with me," he stated it like it was obvious.

"My Prince," I snickered, "I don't even know your name, and we've only just met. . ."

"And you're already tied to me," he growled, "Stay with me, or I'll mark you right here on the dance floor, with the rest of the Nobles watching."

I hissed at him, "You'll have to catch me first, and you're not allowed to leave. Good evening, Royal Heir, I'm afraid your time of chasing has come to an end for tonight." I sped to the door and left only to be met with the beginnings of the sunrise. Figures, that I would cause myself trouble, I raced home cursing as my skin grew a dangerous red.

I shut myself in my house and washed myself in hot water. My dark brown hair looked black and my skin began to look more fair than red. Everything was good until I heard my door open.

_____________________________________________________Whelp Chapter 2 has officially been cleaned up and reposted. I know the beginning is very different so far, but I think it flows better, and the change of names might seem odd, but it will make sense later. Thank you for being patient as rewrite and change things. Please remember to rate, comment, and vote!

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