Pt1: Preparation

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                    The crimson liquid began its descent from the thinly lined tubes into the gallons that were filling quickly. Many bodies were hung upside down, ensuring better flow, and the coloring was fading from the bodies seamlessly. I walked up and down the length of the corpses, though there really was no need to. Blood collecting from the cows that had the death sentence for trying to escape was such a drab job, but everyone had to do it, even if you were a Noble. It was supposed to be humbling and show all were equal and unworthy when it came to the Royals.

The swish of air as the door opened revealed my dearest friend and her nearly silent steps barely grew louder as she got closer. I turned around and saw her mocha skin and big dark eyes glowing with specs of silver shining in her eyes. Her curly hair was pulled back into a bun and she smiled at me with full lips, carefully hiding her fangs. "Ah, Nyx, I see you're still stuck on Food Collection."

"Only for two more- you're the one taking over aren't you?" I laughed, and she nodded sheepishly. "Bastet, you never come early."

"I never come early for the others," she grinned, "I can come early for my closest friend, that and I happen to have a very important date meeting me here."

"Personally, I could care less who you bring, but try not to make a ruckus, the others may not enjoy you disturbing them. . ." I warned her. 

"Yeah, yeah, you just head home and make sure you're prepared for the Prince's Feast tomorrow night, and I'll be ready as well," her grin stretched wider revealing her fangs, and she waved me off, out the door.

It was around dawn, and the sun was starting its rise and my skin was not happy about it. I could feel the beginnings of sunburn and ran off to my house. The small house had a porch opening on the right of it where a statue of a dragon. It was black brick and inside all the curtains were blackout, ensuring no sunlight could cut through and cause me pain. A single chandelier dimly showed allowing for the midnight blue walls to be seen. The black furniture had white accents and looked like something you would expect from a rich person's house, what with it having cushions and velvet looking. The couch and chair both were done in this style and the carpet was dark forest green. My living room resembled a night sky with stars that you would watch while laying in the grass.

The next room I walked into the kitchen and it was done in dark wood and decorative vines. The microwave, stove, and refrigerator were all done in white, even though the only thing I used was the fridge. I walked up to it and opened, hoping I hadn't forgotten to restock it, as I didn't feel like feeding on my servant, ah well, I guess I would have to get a new one after the party.

I moved away from the empty thing and moved toward the upstairs where my room and the throll's existed. The charcoal coloring went through the halls and on the two bedroom doors and one bathroom door. The first one was my servant's, so I opened it, quietly, she was sleeping. It was best that she stayed that way, so I crawled up and took her wrist, then bit down. A small groan escaped her, but I couldn't care less. The life-sustaining liquid being swallowed made me feel rejuvenated and tasted of heaven. I could feel myself drooling through the blood, and drank deeper, needing more. Once she was emptied I dragged her into the kitchen and cut her up, placing her into trashbags, that I would take out the next night. 

I went back upstairs and cleaned the room quickly, making it plain for the next throll to decorate. Next I went into my room that was painted pitch black with violet decorations and furniture, like a canopy bed and vanity. My closet door, however, was white, like the carpet. I grabbed my fluffy, bat pajama pants and tank top, with my underwear, of course, and got a shower. It wasn't necessary, but it felt good, especially with the hot water. When I was finished with it all, I went back to my room and slept until the next night, when I awoke to Bastet's knocking -at my bedroom door, not my entry.


"Oh, shut up, Bast."

"C'mon now Onyx," Bastet used my full name, instead of her usual nickname. She was being serious and making me go to the party. "Everyone has to go, especially the nobles and you know it." She walked over to my closet and pulled out a one-shoulder black gown that had fabric  hanging from it for a dramatic effect, it would hug the top of my body then flow at the waist, with a very slimming effect as it reached the floor, it was Grecian style, and looked like a goddess would wear it. She dug around my vanity next and found a gold bracelet. The bracelet would cover around five inches past my wrist, and the matching earring set looked like many golden, dangly gems done together in a fancy triangle. 

"Put it all on, Nyx," she smiled, "And do your makeup, I want to get dressed too." She rushed out, and I got changed, placing thick black liner onto my eyes, I did an inverted and out-verted cat eye along with dark smokey eye and nude lip. Everything fit perfectly and I put my hair up in a bun, then checked my face in the mirror. My eyes looked unwavering into my reflection. Blue to green to gray to blue again, the constant color changes in my eyes with the slits made me seem more unnatural.  I looked exactly as I wanted, a Gracian goddess, specifically, Nyx, goddess of night, of whom my nickname stems from.

"I'm ready, Bastet, come in so I can see you," I called and she entered in a gorgeous gown. The off the shoulder gown was a golden yellow, with a corset and a full body skirt of the dress. There were traces of designs all at once. The black lining her eyes, resembled what one thinks of when you think of Egypt, her eyeshadow was a deep green-blue and her lips were brown with bronze sparkles. She looked like an ethereal queen who demanded all the attention in a room. "You look absolutely stunning!"

"Our limo is downstairs," She smiled, "Now let's go, I hear we actually get to see the prince this year."

Hello readers! This is what I hope to be a successful story, full of some bits of smut sprinkled here and there, lots of death, and some other lovely surprises for you all! I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! Please vote, comment, and favorite! I will try to update at least once a month and make sure each chapter is not too long or too short! Thank you for reading!

OH! And the song is Monster by Stitched Up Heart, I don't own it any way or form, but I thought it would be a nice little graphic for the beginning of this story.

P.S. You guys will notice as I update there will be changes to looks and character, but the plot will mainly remain the same.


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