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I got dressed quickly, fluffy pajamas didn't scream "Get the fuck out of my house!" but they were better than nothing. "I swear to Lilith," I cursed under my breath. "Bastet is that you?!"

The Prince appeared before me, "Not quite, cute outfit, by the way."

"Are you fucking psycho?"

"Darling, I have waited many lifetimes for a mate, and you are not going to get away from me now," he looked at me hungrily. "I am not waiting for The Council to approve of you, and I don't care what imbalance it causes."

"Well, good for you," I rolled my eyes, "But it won't be you who pays for that price."

"They won't touch you," he promised and took his mask off, then pressed me to the wall, "They won't even get close," I didn't get a chance to see his face before his hand held my face up and his fangs sank into my neck. A moan escaped me and he covered my mouth as he drank deeply. He licked my blood off his lips and smirked at me. "Now drink mine, love," his voice was deep and I followed, almost hypnotized. I licked his collar then bit it, and the life-sustaining sanguine juice filled my mouth. The metallic liquid was addictive and heavenly. I bit in deeper, demanding more of this wondrous taste. It was savory and sweet, with a kick that snuck up on you.

He groaned and breathed in deeply as I tore myself away from his drug-like veins. When I finally looked at his face, I saw tan skin, on an average height man. He was lightly defined and his face was oval shaped, with a strong jaw. His face had almond monolid, ruby eyes, a broad nose and full lips with a cupid's bow. His hair was long, raven colored, tied in a ponytail. His suit jacket had disappeared somewhere along his way here, and there was a darker spot at where some of his blood had gotten on his black shirt, right on the collar. Damn, was I lucky. . .

"And I thought you were hiding your face because you were ugly," I chuckled.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Oh, did you? It was not because it's tradition for Royals to hide their faces at all times?"

"It was a joke," I rolled my eyes. He was still pinning me to the wall, and I couldn't help but notice he still had a hungry look in his eye.

"After drinking most of my blood, you're still hungry?" I asked him curiously with a devious smirk, knowing full well, that was not the type of hunger he was feeling. I was still stuck, pinned at the wall, but his face was close enough that I could surprise him with a kiss. 

I leaned my face into his and pressed my lips to his, and he responded with vigor, picking me up and wrapped my legs around him. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, and he pressed his body into mine, making me heat up. "H-highness. . ." I breathed out heavily, "I-" and he cut me off with another kiss, biting my lip hard enough to mix my own blood into the kiss.

"Where's your room, Onyx?" he growled, laying more kisses and bites on my neck and collarbone, "Do hurry and tell me, or we may not make it there."

"Through that door," my eyes shifted to the door, and we found ourselves tangled there. Our clothes were quickly ripped to shreds as we explored each other, laying love marks wherever possible and enticing sounds from the latter whenever possible. He paid specific attention to my neck when he realized the effect it had on me, all the while letting his hands wander.

They cupped and massaged, then continued their descent. Once one arrived at my sensitive area, my back arched, and another moan escaped me. He allowed his free hand to come back up and trap my arms, then moved his mouth down my body, tracing patterns with his tongue. I groaned and shut my eyes, I wanted to give him the same treatment, but I couldn't move due to his entrapment and the ultimate euphoria I was so close to. I was almost to the point of begging him when his tongue found a bundle of nerves that left me calling out to him.

"M-my Prince-!" His animalistic gaze met my eyes and he came back up and whispered in my ear.

"It's Nemesio," he nibbled on my ear, "May I, love?" he asked and I merely nodded, unable to speak.

He entered me and I gripped his neck, all of the world disappeared. He let his teeth sink in again as he adjusted my legs to his preference, and I couldn't breathe. This feeling of connecting to another person, it was unexplainable. I sobbed into his shoulder and chomped down. The ecstasy was so close now, and I could feel my muscles tightening. 

He moved faster growling and groaning, demanding that I finish, "Finish for me." I was so close and he flipped me and nipped at my ear, nudging me, encouraging me, as he went deeper.

"Please," I begged, and he went harder, I was a wreck, "N-Nemesio," I moaned, "Hah~Ah~" And I began my spiral down, everything shaking as pure pleasure racked my body, while he kept going and pounding into me, breathing hard and using me as cover when he thought he was too loud, until he, too met with euphoria, and collapsed onto my back.

"There's no going back now," he whispered and moved us so that I rested on his arm. "This is exactly how I want it."

I turned and stared at him and kissed his cheek, "Just realize High-"

"Nemesio," he interrupted.

"Nemesio," I corrected myself. "Just realize, you are just as much mine, as I am yours. I will expect nothing but loyalty to me, or I will kill you myself."

He smirked, "Then we have no disagreements." I climbed on top of him and indulged in more of his blood.

"No one else drinks from you, but I and the same goes for me," I whispered and nibbled on his ear. "You are only mine, and I expect total cooperation." I moved my hips slowly, making his eyes hooded and his attraction prominent, once again. "And now that you agree," I smiled, "It's time to sleep."

I moved off of him and he turned and grabbed me, "We have an agreement, but you will not be sleeping tonight."

Thank you for going through this reconstruction period with me everyone! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter more than the other, things may seem to progress a bit slower or faster at times, but I promise things will get good again. Please vote, comment, and rate! I plan on fixing up this story throughout the summer, so here's to hoping my schedule doesn't get too crazy!


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