{35} ~Reject~

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[Based on my dUmB life events]
(Y/n's POV)

I'm so sick of it, I can't do this anymore, I can't take this anymore. My heart hurts. It happened once again. Of course he loves her.

Every time she hurts Joji in anyway, I'm always there for him. Moral support, comfort, love. But my "love" is taken for granted. He doesn't take my feelings for him seriously.

That bitch. She doesn't know. He loves her, he really does. She would do the stupidest things, like cheat on him, and Joji would call me at midnight, crying, over such an ungrateful brat.

Then there's me. I feel bad, I love him so much. I comfort him just to make him happy, because when he' s happy, I am. I'd tell Joji that she didn't mean it, she loves him, even though I know she's too heartless to love anyone.

Like the first time it happened, he came back to her. Any chance he had, he'd run right back into her arms, leaving me, not even a slight thank you. He would forget about me, won't even say hi to me, or wave. But when she does it again, he comes back to his back-up and spills his problems out to me, in hopes for some support.

He left me for her again. And I fell for it, I fell for him. I'm so foolish.

She rejects him, then he rejects me, leaving me the one that has to take the pain.

Fuck, dammit i did it again. Lmao sorry i didn't write again for a year or so, I've just not been feeling up to it. BUT ANYWAYS TY TY SO MUCH FOR 18k AND ALL THE PPL THAT FUCK WIT ME ILY ALL SO MUCH ITS CRAZY. ( i'm choosing the winners soon bbs)


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