{28} ~The One~

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[yall should go read my other bookie "Feelings"]

"George, h-hi George! Would you like some homemade chocolate?" "Get out of my way." "But do you want the chocolate you can have them all," "Jesus Christ."

George Miller hates me for some reason. We were friends when we were little. He used to be so kind and caring, but now he's like another person, he's cold hearted.

His hands pushes me away, causing me to bump into the wall. I've always had feelings for George. One day I decided to tell him how I felt and it all changed, he never treated me the same. He treats other people fine, with great manners, but with me, it's like he hates my guts.

"George why the fuck are you so mean?!" "I don't wanna talk about it" "No. You are going to explain why the hell you're so mean to me."

"Fine, I'm scared. Okay? I've liked you too, but I thought you didn't have to same feelings for me back. But when you told me you loved me, I was scared. I was scared I'd be heart broken, I was scared I might not be good enough. I was scared I might not be the one."

George/Joji Miller ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant