{16} ~Abandon~

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(Y/n's POV)

Where is he? I was panicking, trying my best make Ryan stop crying. It's Ryan's second birthday, and George was no where to be seen.

He's been gone for seven hours, and I've tried calling him multiple times, texting him, doing everything I can. Maybe he's just buying Ryan a birthday present.

  I hug the mini- George and smile, "I think daddy is out buying you a present."

Time skip~

  It's been a month, since I've seen George. I've called the police already, and it turned out, He's across the country. Why?

  I can't even bare to stay in our apartment, so Ryan and I are staying over at a friends house. I miss him so much, but why did he leave?

  I pick up my phone, attempting to call George yet again. Rings* "Hello?" "Oh my god, George?" "Y/n?" "George where did you go?" "George baby come here," I hear a woman's voice say.

  No, I hang up the phone as fast as I could. How could he? How could he just abandon me and his own son like that? We weren't even fighting or anything, we never disagreed on anything. And I know George loves Ryan more than anything in the world. So why? How? How could he just abandon us for another woman?

George/Joji Miller ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now