{13} ~Future~

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(Y/n's POV)

Holy balls I'm so late to work, I'm getting anxiety rn fuckk. I dash my little feet to the elevator, pressing the button as fast as I can. Just as the elevator door was about to close, a guy ran in.

I'm so sorry boss, I didn't mean to be late. I kind of got stuck in traffic? No that's such a cliche excuse.


Oh shit what the hell? "What's happening?" I ask the guy in the elevator. He looks back at me with a worried expression and shrugs. At least the shitty elevator music stopped. The elevator wasn't moving anymore, "Fuck, I think we're stuck," the guy says. No shit Albert Einstein.

He presses the emergency button on the elevator and start talking to the operator, while I was calling the police. So, now we're waiting in the elevator. Well, now I have an excuse for being late. "Hi, I'm y/n," I smile. "I'm George."

George, he's very attractive, and can we stop and look at that ass DAMN. Wait, something about him is familiar, I feel like I've seen him before. Oh god, I remember I used to love his YouTube channel. "Aren't you filthy frank?" "Oh yes ma'am the one and only."

"So are you a fan miss y/n?" "I used to be a hardcore fan, Francis of the Filth." I giggle and look over to see him blushing, OH HOT DAMN SOMEONE CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS IS NOT A DRILL. IMMA HAVE HIS BABIES BYE. We then just started joking around, basically having a great time in a bad situation.

Time skip~
(George's POV)

So after the fire department got us out we just canceled our plans, to spend the day with each other. I took her to a small bakery around the corner, and we just talked about our hopes and dreams. "I like this side of you George." She smiles. I just met her, but I have a hunch that we'll be able to have a future.

George/Joji Miller ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat