Sassiness and Chair Lords

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Lillian sat in her space in Azkaban, flipping through her dark potions book. It had been a while since she had learned any new spells, and was curious as to what other dark magic might be useful in the future. Finally, she clapped the book closed. Everything in it was unidentifiable at first glance, and she was tired of not knowing what it would even do. Maybe, she thought to herself, it was time to learn something useful and predictable. But what? An idea suddenly popped into her head, and she stood up, grabbing her wand. It was perfect.

She set to the familiar process of choosing a prisoner and bringing them back with her. It wasn't until they were in her room that she broke from the usual routine.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she told him, leaning against the wall. "I just need your help."

"That's what you tell them all, isn't it?" he snorted. "Seduce them with your feminine wiles then throw us to the dementors?"

Lillian wrinkled her nose. "God, no. One thing I never do is seduce; my sister can tell you that. Besides, I prefer people with hygiene and platinum hair." The prisoner raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "Let's get to business, shall we?" Lillian raised her wand, and pointing it at the prisoner, said, "Imperio."

The prisoner didn't even flinch, but his eyes darted nervously toward the exit. Lillian, seeing the movement, said, "My sister has a weird hypnotic voice, but I'm not gifted with the talent. And by the way, I know I said I wouldn't hurt you, but I won't hesitate to shove you to the dementors if you won't be my lab mouse."

"You gotta mean it," he sneered. "If you don't have the will, you'll never be able to do imperio. You're too pathetic, aren't you? Just another little girl looking for power."

Anger welled up in Lillian, and her hand tightened around her wand. "You're a worthless human being. You know what? Maybe I will give you to the dementors either way. I will learn imperio. After all, my sister can do it." She seemed to be talking to herself more than to the prisoner, but the leer on his face stretched only wider as he saw his newfound advantage.

"You sure about that, sweetheart? Maybe your sister really is better than you. After all, if she can do wandless imperius just through her voice, she's obviously stronger. You'll never be as good as her."

Lillian's eyes blazed with anger. "Perfect Charm. She shouldn't even know how to do it; there's no reason for her to. She doesn't even care about what she could do with a spell like this, you know. All she does is destroy." She continued, her voice rising in pitch as she did. "I can do anything as well as her. I'll be the one using it to destroy assholes like you."

"I'd like to meet this sister of yours," the prisoner hummed. "Bet she's prettier too. After all, the signs seem to point to her superiority."

"Shut up!" Lillian yelled at him. The word imperio flew through her mind, and he immediately stiffened. She took a deep breath before continuing in a calmer tone. "You are a peasant. I am a princess. Therefore, I think you should bow to me."

She flicked her wand, and he painfully bent at the waist. There were a few moments of silence before he twitched, trying to break free from the spell. Stay, she muttered over and over in her head. It was another tense moment before he snapped up, locking eyes with the princess.

"Well done, princess," he rasped. "Perhaps you do have potential. But I can still speak, can't I? Can your sister - Charm, is it? - control the person's thoughts as well?"

"Get out," Lillian hissed. "I don't care where you go, but get out now."

"I can help you," he persisted. "I can teach you to grow stronger."

Magic and Other Misconceptions [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon