Of Dracos and Jims

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As Jim walked down towards the table, Charm darted towards him, wrapping her legs around his waist and hugging him.
"Ja—Jim, oh my god! Why didn't you tell me you were transferring to Hogwarts?"
He carried her back to the table as he said, "Surprise!"
Meanwhile, Fred was glaring at the two. I will get her back, she will be mine. She is mine.
From afar, Sherlock stared at the boy. "John, has Charm ever mentioned Jim  Morris to you before?"
"No, why?"
"It just seems odd, no one, other than Charm appears to recognise this young man. Although, Lillian seems to believe she saw him somewhere else, but something perplexes her."
Lillian glanced over at the two of them, frowning.  I thought his name was James? she asked her sister through their connection.
No, you must've misheard him. It's Jim. He's amazing, isn't he? Switching schools to hang out with me more.
Is it just me, or do I sense incredible dopamine increases when you two are slobbering over each other? she snickered.
We are not 'slobbering over each other'. For god's sake, you're best friends with Jaxon, you know what 'slobbering' truly means, Charm let out a laugh and turned to her sister.
"So, where's Draco?"
"Not sure, actually."  Lillian shrugged.  "We were supposed to meet on the train, but-"  She paused as she realised she hadn't bothered to look for her boyfriend, instead spending her time with Harry and Jaxon.  "I couldn't find him," she finished.
"Well, that's great and all," Jim said, "but I frankly have no clue who you people are. Introductions?"
"Name's Jade."
"Nice to meet you, Jim. I'm Hermione."
"I'm George."
"No, he's Fred, I'm George."
"I'm Jaxon. And, considering you're a friend of Charm, I'm assuming I'm going to have to make sure you don't die from lack of nutrients and sunlight, too."
"Hi, I'm Harry. Harry Potter, the chosen one, the boy who lived, etc. Yes I have a scar."
Jim laughed, "Wow, tmi much. I just wanted a name."
Just then, Draco appeared behind Lillian, sitting down next to her.  He laid a hand on his girlfriend's arm, and upon seeing Jim, raised an eyebrow.
"Hello, James," he greeted the other.  "Transferred schools?"
Jim bit his lip and said, "First off, the name's Jim not James. Secondly, no, I just randomly appeared at this school, obviously."
Suddenly, a scream was heard from across the hall.
"Oh my god, a dementor!"
Harry, as he was sitting close to the entrance, turned to face the wraith behind him. Unfortunately, he caught its attention, too. It came over, and began to suck the happiness out of him, causing him to pass out. But right before his lights went out, a bright white light threw the dementor outside of the hall.
The man shook Harry awake then gave him some chocolate, and then walked towards the professors' table.
"Sorry I'm late, Professor Dumbledore."
"No problem. Well, I have some announcements to make. First off, dementors will be staying with us this school year due to the escape of Sirius Black. Secondly, seeing the unfortunate event that caused Professor Lockheart to be incapable of doing his job, we got a new professor. Maybe I present, Professor Lupin."
"Dad?!" Charm and Lillian yelled at the same time, perplexed by the fact their father had just become their teacher.
James leaned over and whispered in Charm's ear, "So, this is the one you liked less."
"Oh, shut up."

Later that evening, James had situated himself in an armchair near the corner of the common room, and Charm had found a comfortable seat on James's lap with her head on his shoulder.
She looked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, asking, "So, how do you like Hogwarts so far?"
"Your headmaster seems a bit... unhinged."
"Yeah, Dumbles has kinda got his own style."
She then put her head back into his shoulder and he began to stroke her hair. After thirty seconds, the common room door opened and three familiar faces walked in.
"So, Jim," Sherlock said, "I'm supposed to welcome you into the house or something, but I honestly don't care."
"Sherlock!" Greg and John yelled at the same time.
"What he means is, it's a pleasure to have you as a part of the family, as we kind of are," John said.
Sherlock was completely ignoring John's words, opting to walk over and poke Charm. Repeatedly.
"How strange."
"What're you doing, Sher?"
"You're willingly sitting on the lap of a human and letting them stroke your hair."
Before Charm could respond, a raised voice interrupted them from the confines of Lillian's room.
"He's my friend, Draco!" they heard Lillian yell.  "You have no right to do that."
"He's not good for you," Draco's voice replied, calm but loud.  "You shouldn't be hanging out with him, and I took initiative."
"Yeah?  Well, you can take your initiative and shove it up your ass."
The door to her room swung open and an obviously furious Lillian stalked out, brushing past Sherlock and out of the common room.
"Lillian!" Charm yelled.
She turned on her heels and glared at her sister. "What?!"
"I told you Draco wasn't good for you."
Lillian just growled and continued to angrily storm out of the common room.
Sherlock turned back to the duo before him and asked, "Jim, how well do you know Charm?"
"She's a friend I met this summer. Why do you ask?"
"She's known many boys for much longer than she has known you, yet she opt to let you hold her and not others. Why is this?"
"Sherlock..." John sighed.
Charm turned to face Sherlock, which required a somewhat uncomfortable changing of positions, and said, "Well, James smells better than most of my other guy friends, he has a cute husky named Vladimir, he's very comfortable, and his skin is smooth." Also, he's super hot. I mean, how can you not love this psychotic man?
I KNEW I SENSED DOPAMINE, Lillian yelled through their connection upon hearing Charm's train of thought.
Shut up, Lillian, we're just friends. Jim and I are just friends who happen to sleep in the same bed cuddled. With only underwear on.
I hate to break it to you, Charm, but that's what couples do on their marriage night, not after becoming friends.
Oh my god we did not do it we just were really hot and sweaty one night because the power went out so we threw off all of the covers and stripped.
Why were you two sleeping in the same bed in the first place?
Well, sister dear, you're not the only person who can listen to other's thoughts. Running away from Draco to stay with Harry, Why were you ditching your boyfriend for the one you should be dating?
"Charm, those reasons are frankly unimportant," Sherlock interjected, causing Charm to accidentally break off her connection with Lillian. "I've known you for quite some time now, and I don't ever remember you being that close with your own fathers when you were a child."
"Sherlock, leave it alone," Greg said, realising how awkward this must be for Jim.
"Well, Sherlock, if I may call you by your first name Mr. Holmes, she did not have the most usual childhood. Also, maybe a change just occurred, to my knowledge you were not affectionate before the Malfoy's case. A few bottles of Vodka can do many things, create a criminal mastermind, cause the infamous Holmes brothers to be completely lost in a case, and even causing them to embrace the romantic emotions trying to claw their way out of them. Also, who knew that a few bottles of vodka could make you rich, I always assumed it would leave them with some strange after effects, like a weird obsession with murder or something."
Charm dug her face even deeper into the crook of James's next to stop her laughter from reaching anyone's  ears.
Sherlock stared at the young man before him. How could he take the Malfoy's case in such a manner, unless... No. Charm would have better judgement than that, although, maybe I should just keep an eye on him.
"Hey, Gavin."
"It's Greg, for the final time Sherlock!"
"Well, Gary," a collective sigh was heard from everyone in the surrounding area, "did you put the protective unit on Ron?"
"Why'd you put a protective unit on that git?" Charm complained.
"Well, whether or not he's a git, he's been attacked so many times we need to guarantee his safety for this first week."
"Okay. Well, James and I are going to go hang out in my room. See ya later!"
Now she's going to go fuck that Irish guy. Why can't I be with her?! I deserve to be with her in her room, Fred thought.
Once the twin arrived in Charm's room, she asked, "So, do you want to go pranking?"
James laughed. "I did not expected you to be the pranking type."
"Is that a yes?"
"That's a hell yeah!"

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