Christmas Mini Chapter

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Outside Grimmauld Place, snow fell in large clumps, blanketing the world in a serene white.  While Charm was still buried in bed, fast asleep, Lillian was eating breakfast in the kitchen.  She had always retained the habit of getting up at the crack of dawn on Christmas, so she was the only up at the moment.  Soon, however, Remus came plodding in, grabbing himself a plate of breakfast foods.
"Morning, Lillian."  He smiled sleepily at her.  "Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas, Dad," she returned.  She slid a small, circular gift across the table to him.  "You said you lost your remembrall earlier, right?"
He nodded silently.  "The irony," he chuckled to himself.  "I lost a remembrall, of all things."
"Yes, well."  Lillian gestured at the gift.  "You've got a new one now."
"Thanks, Lillian," he told her with a smile.  "I appreciate it."
Suddenly, a bang sounded from upstairs, followed by loud cursing, and Lillian grinned, a mischievous look in her eyes.  Under her breath, she silently counted.  Five, four, three, two- 
"I'm going to murder you two!" Charm yelled, and Remus raised an eyebrow at Lillian.
"Obviously, the twins shouldn't have done that," Lillian said, composing herself.  "That was very rude of them."
A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, but he remained otherwise silent.
"Goddamit Lillian!" Charm yelled from her room. "Not again! Why are you trying to make me deaf?" She stormed down the stairs, and asked, "Am I not allowed to sleep on my holiday?"
"It's Christmas," Lillian replied, an innocent look on her face.  "This is a time for joy, Charm, not hate."
"Christmas, ughhhhhhhh why do we have to do this?"
"Because you get presents," Lillian reminded her.  "Tons of them.  Stay on the sunny side!"  She grinned at Charm.  "Or, I guess if you don't want your presents, we can always return them.  After all, if you don't like Christmas, what's the point?"
"The point is I like money, so give me stuff because stuff=money. But there's no reason to wake me up at 4:30 AM to do that!!"
"I didn't do that," Lillian denied.  "The twins obviously did.  Why would I prank my sister that I love very much?"
"You did this last year, too. At least you didn't make it rain Hogwarts: A History or tacos. You have a very specific style, no offence."
"Fine."  Lillian sighed dramatically.  "I confess.  Now do you want your present or not?  I think it'll take a little bit of time to clean up your room after the explosion, so you obviously can't go back to bed."
"Okay, fine. What is it?"
Lillian summoned another, slightly larger gift this time, which whizzed into the room, depositing itself neatly in front of Charm.
"Ta da.  You're welcome."
Charm opened the present and squealed. She hugged Lillian, and said, "Thank you for supporting my violent sprees, sister dear!" She had received a set of throwing knives that were ideal for enchanting.
"Any time," Lillian replied with a grin.  "Just don't use them on people, okay?"
"I'll try."
"Charm, be careful."
"Of course, I know how to handle knives."
"Charm, since when do you have experience!" Remus angrily replied.
"Never, it's just obvious."
The three settled into a conversation over breakfast, and over the next hour, the twins and Draco arrived in the kitchen, exchanging bleary 'happy Christmas's.  They were also startled by Jaxon arriving around 7 in the morning, explaining that he had gotten caught up with some unexpected work.  Finally, everyone was done eating and moved into the living room for the obligatory present-opening.
"Oh hey, sis, I decided to make you happy and get you a present." Charm handed her a surprisingly well wrapped box.
Lillian carefully unwrapped the box, opening it to reveal a book series she had been wanting to read for a while - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.  She ran her fingers over the spines almost reverently, then looked up at Charm.
"Thank you so much, Charm," she said, a smile overtaking her face.  "This is awesome."
"No problem."
After all of the others had exchanged gifts, Lillian and Charm noticed two surprisingly big boxes with notes.
"Hey, sister dear, I volunteer you to open first."
"Bring it on."
Lillian dragged the large box toward her, peeling off the paper and opening it up.  As soon as she saw the contents, she recoiled with surprise, eyes widening in disgust.
"Well?" Charm asked, curious.  "What is it?"
Slowly, Lillian took hold of the dress inside and pulled it out, holding it up.  It was blindingly white and beaded all over with pearls, sparkles dotting the neckline.  Under it, there was a matching pair of shoes, and an extravagant tiara with rubies set into it.
"Who the fuck sent me a wedding dress?" Lillian asked through gritted teeth.
Her cheeks were aflame, and she couldn't manage to glance in Draco's direction.  Charm leaned past her sister, pulling out an envelope and wordlessly handing it to Lillian.  Lillian pulled out a piece of stationery from the inside, and started scanning the words. "My dear Lillian, I hope this finds you in excellent health.  I have sent you this very expensive gown in preparation of your imminent future.  Happy Christmas.  Love your mother, Koibito Black"
Lillian's fist clenched around the paper, crumpling it up.  She threw it back in the box, along with the dress, then turned to her sister.
"Why don't you open yours, sister dear," she said with a forced smile.
"Fuck, I forgot I had to do that," Charm replied.
As she opened her box, she got a whiff of perfume.
"Oh, what the hell is that. I always knew she was trying to choke me!" She continued opening the box, and discovered a bunch of colourful dresses, colourful makeup, and a bunch of other girly shit.
"I swear to god, do I have to read the card."
"Yes," Lillian replied.
Charm opened the letter and read, "Dear Charm, please try to act more princess like. Try wearing colours for once, other than black. Also, I hope you've grown out of your violence. Bye, Your Mother P.S. Please try to act more like your sister."
"Why does everyone think I should be less violent?" Charm inquired. "And, dad, when did these come in?"
Remus frowned, pursing his lips.
"A few owls brought them in last night, after you two went to bed.  I thought they might be from some friends at school.  I'm sorry, girls."
"It's okay, dad, you couldn't have known," Lillian told him, still eyeing the box with disgust.  "I'll go put this up in my room."
Standing up, she grabbed onto the box and dragged it up the stairs with her.  Draco, also standing up, hurried after Lillian.  Once they both reached her room, Lillian pushed in the box, slamming the lid shut over it, then turning to face Draco.  There was a moment of embarrassed silence before he spoke.
"So...  A wedding dress?"
"Yeah."  Lillian rubbed the back of her neck, nervous.  "My mom sent it; apparently she thinks I'll be marrying in the next year or so.  Still too young, though.  Ha.  Ha."
"Yep," he stammered in response.  "Definitely too young.  I mean, you could get married if you wanted, but most people don't get married at this age, not even princesses.  Right?"
"Right.  Totally."  Lillian bit her lip as an awkward silence fell between them.  Finally, she broke it.  "We should... get back downstairs, then."
"Yep.  Downstairs we go."
The two travelled back down the stairs into the uncomfortably quiet living room.
"So, what now? Is Christmas over, can I go back to sleep?" Charm broke the silence left from the awkward gifts. "Either way, I'm putting this in my room." Charm went upstairs into her room, grabbed Lillian's gift to her, closed her eyes, opened them, and she was in her flat. She set the box down in her closet full of horrible gifts, and put the knives in her secret-weapons-and-stuff-like-that stash. Then she quickly apparated back into her room, and yelled, "Can I sleep now!"
"Charm, no," Remus replied.
"But why?"
"Because we need to have a Christmas lunch together."
"Okay, fine."
She went downstairs, and looked at the table. She took a piece of bread and ate in. Everyone else was having a huge meal, so Charm decided to grab an apple and eat it.
"HAA!" Jaxon yelled in victory, "YOU'RE FINALLY EATING AN APPLE!"
"Yes, I am. Merry Christmas."
During the meal, Fred was staring and Charm, but she was completely oblivious to his longing. Finally, it was over, and Fred went into his room.
He sighed, Am I not good enough for her? He opened the box with matching heart necklaces he'd gotten for the two of them. He started to tear up, by then sucked it up knowing George could come in anytime soon. As if on cue, his twin walked into the room.
"Hey, Fred, I'm going to go hang out with Jaxon in his room, you're alright, right?"
"Of course," Fred replied, managing a laugh. As soon as his brother left the room, closing the door, he began sobbing.
Charm, meanwhile, was downstairs thinking about her new gifts. I don't want to have to way for tonight to try them out, awwwwwwwww. She got up and went to go eat more dessert, mourning her very insignificant loss.
Dis be Ashco. I hope you enjoyed this Christmas chapter! Koibito will start coming in more often now, so expect her. Have a fab day. ~ Your friendly neighborhood turtle, Ashco

Hoi it's temmie. Not its Chad. 3000000% better. So, yeah we released a mini Christmas chapter to introduce Koibito (aka Charm hater) and her personality.
~see you later, Chad

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