The Death of a Fangirl

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It was the beginning of December, and the group was walking to breakfast.
"Do it," Charm said to Jade.
"Ask yours first."
"Come on, you know she'll say yes. You two have grown close."
"Ugh, fine. I'll ask her," Jade replied as she walked over towards Hermione, obviously defeated.
"Hey, um, Hermione, well wouldyoubemygirlfriend?"
Hermione stopped walking and turned around. She squealed, hugged Jade, and started to jump up and down.
"I thought you'd never ask!"
As the new couple walked away, Jade took a look at Charm and saw her mouth "I told you so."
Charm was now in the back, alone. She didn't really mind it - actually, she preferred to be alone. Lillian was great and all, but Charm always needed her alone time. Almost all the time.
"Hey, Charm," Fred said, putting his arm over her shoulders.
Oh yeah, he was the exception.
"Hey." They weren't really together. Charm didn't want to make the first move, and Fred wanted to annoy George.
As they walked into the great hall, Charm noticed that Fred and Jaxon were missing. Strange.
As they sat down, Dumbles stood up to the podium.
"Good morning students. So, as it is nearing the holiday season, we have decided to host a ball. This ball will take place December 7th, the night before students return to their homes, and everyone is allowed to come. Formal wear must be worn, but it doesn't have to be the most expensive thing. You can bring a date, but it is not required. Thank you for your time."
Charm continued to eat the plate full of bacon, when a red head appeared behind her. It wasn't Fred, because he was sitting right next to her.
"Hey Geo— oh, it's you," Charm said in spite.
"Hey, babe," Ron said. "You're going to the ball with me." He grabbed her arm.
"Get the fuck out," Charm growled. If he squeezed any tighter, she was going to grab the throwing knife she had hidden on her waist.
"Come on, babe—"
Fred released his anger. "Ron, leave her the fuck alone unless you want to die today."
"Fine, you're just jealous though." As he walked away, Fred hugged Charm.
"Are you alright?" he asked as he caressed her hair.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What is wrong with your brother?"
"I don't know. But he's not going to lay another finger on you, I swear." Fred leaned in and nuzzled against her neck with his nose, restraining himself from kissing her right then and there.

The group was walking back to the common room, and Fred was still walking with Charm.
"Fred, I'm telling you I'm fine."
"Look, I'm going to protect you."
"Trust me, I don't need your protection. Go ahead, I know you're dying to talk to George."
Charm turned down an empty hallway, knowing that Ron was following her. She waited until they were far enough down the hallway, and then turned around, taking out her throwing knife.
"Don't you ever touch me again."
"Come on, ba—"
"Call me that again and I'll slit your throat, but for now, I'll just leave you with a few scars for now."
She walked over, stabbed him in the gut, broke his nose with a punch, and kicked him in the balls.
"Au revoir, salope. Pour vous, je m'appelle MC."

Lillian walked around the hallways of Hogwarts aimlessly. She had ditched the large group of Slytherclaws earlier, and was now content to be alone in the vast halls of Hogwarts. As she walked, she heard two voices echo from an adjoining hallway, and peeked her head around the corner in time for a very battered Ron to hobble past her, clutching his stomach as if his innards were falling out.
"You good, Weasley?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting in confusion.
"Despite the fact that I got bloody stabbed," he wheezed out. "I'm bleeding out because of that bloody MC."
Lillian sighed, pursing her lips. "Stay still." Pulling out her wand, she pointed it at the wound in his stomach. "Vulnera sanentur," she mumbled a few times, moving her wand in a small circle.
The wound slowly knitted together, leaving Ron with a hole in his shirt that was crusted with blood.
"Go to the hospital wing, Weasley. Madame Pomfrey can help you better than I can."
Ron nodded shortly, then, licking his lips in nervousness, muttered a quick thanks before hobbling off. This left Lillian to turn the corner and see a very angry-looking Charm at the other end.
"Hey, Lillian, he deserved it. He can't harm anyone like that, at least I didn't kill him." Charm started to head towards the common room.
Lillian joined her, extremely disappointed in her sister's temperament.
As they opened the door, they saw the rest of the group behind them.
"Hey guys, looks like we got ahead."
As Lillian and Charm walked in, Charm screamed.
As the other two girls came over, they were consumed by hormones once again. They all started squealing.
Lillian slipped past her sister into the common room to see Jaxon and George sitting on the couch. At first glance, it seemed like they weren't doing much, but after a second, a snort of amusement escaped her mouth. Jaxon and George were attached by the lips, completely oblivious to the world around them.
"Hey, Fred," Charm yelled, "Come in here."
All of a sudden George became aware of his surrounding. "Oh hell n—" he was cut off by Jaxon's lips.
"Come on, baby."
As Fred came in the room, Charm threw herself up against him and said, "Help, it's too adorkable."
"Geo—" Charm put her hand over Fred's mouth.
"Don't spoil this for me."
As Draco walked in the room, he was reminded about that one time Charm talked to him concerning Lillian.
"Told you there was nothing to worry about," she mouthed to him.
As the other girls were consumed by watching Jaxorge unfold in front of them, Lillian slunk over to an armchair on the other side of the room, settling comfortably into it and opening a book. Before she could start scanning the page, however, she was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm reading, Charm," she groaned, not looking up. "I'm not interested in watching my friends suck each other's face off."
"I'm not Charm," a voice chuckled back, and she slowly raised her eyes up from the page.
"Potter," she managed to grit out, biting the inside of her cheek. The urge to push him away or hex him was becoming more and more difficult to resist. "How can I help you?"
"As you know," he started, hand not leaving her shoulder, "the ball is coming up. Have you found a partner yet?"
A sinking feeling started in Lillian's stomach, certain of what was about to come next. "No, I haven't. I don't really care, though, so it's not a priority."
"Well," he continued, flashing her a grin, "We're both a big deal and don't want anyone bothering us. Why don't you go to the ball with me?"
She took a deep breath, fists clenching on the arms of her chair.
"Look, Potter, I'm really not sure that's a good idea."
"It's a great idea," he retorted. "We'd be a power couple. I want to get to know you. This would be a great way to learn more about each other. Go to the ball with me, and I promise it'll be worth your while."
She stood up, placing her book on the side table. Opening her mouth, she prepared to turn him down again, only to be cut off by another voice.
"Lillian will not be going to the ball with you, Potter," Draco's voice smoothly cut in. "Nor will she ever be dating you."
"And why is that?" Harry sneered. "You don't make decisions for her."
"Because," he responded through gritted teeth, "She's going to the ball with me."
Without a word, his hand slipped around the back of Lillian's neck, pulling her into an effortless kiss. Lillian would've been revolted if it were anyone else, but Draco was different. She curled her arm around Draco's waist, and as he slowly pulled away, she leaned back in for another kiss.
"YES SO MANY FEELS!" Charm yelled.
"Way to ruin the moment, sister mine."
"No no, continue please, I need the ships to survive or I die."
Lillian stepped away from Draco and turned to Harry, who was standing with a dumbstruck look on his face.
"Obviously," she told him, "I'm dating Draco. Why would I cheat on my boyfriend, who I like very much and am going to the ball with?"
Draco flushed at the confession as Harry nodded shortly.
"Fine, be with him. I'll be here if you ever change your mind."
He stalked away to his room, the door swinging shut behind him, and Lillian sank back into her armchair. She picked up her book, not bothering to look at Draco. He cleared his throat, trying to get her attention, and when she didn't look up, he made the sound again.
"Need a cough drop, dear?" she drawled, flipping a page.
"Um," he stammered. "Did you actually... were you being serious earlier?"
"Of course I was," she replied without missing a beat. "Unless you'd rather take Potter. You two would be... quite the 'power couple.'"
She stifled her laughter, a smile quirking her mouth.
"Oh god no," Draco responded, eyes widening in horror. "I'll take you."
"That's what I thought," Lillian replied, finally looking up. She offered him a small smile. "I can't wait."
As Fred watched this discussion go on, he noticed that Charm was walking up the staircase towards her room. Fred, concerned about, followed her.
"Hey, Charm, you okay?"
"Huh! Oh, it's just you," Charm replied absentmindedly.
"Just me?" Fred cheerily replied. "I thought I was more than that to you."
"Yeah, sorry."
"Hey, there's no need to say sorry." Charm merely grumbled in response. "Seriously, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not." Fred grabbed her by the waist and carried her away. Well, I'm glad I keep my throwing knife in a sheath. That could've gone wrong. Now, what the hell does he think he's doing?
He took her even higher up the tower, and sat her down on a window seat. He sat next to her and asked, "Seriously, Charm, tell me."
"It's nothing. I'll just go. It's okay, I know you just feel bad for me."
"No I don't, and I understand if you need personal space. But, as long as you're back by the ball."
"You sly bastard."
"You asked me out to the ball. Good job, honestly didn't think anyone would."
"Well, who else would I go with?"
"I don't know, ugh Sherlock would be so disappointed in me right now."
"Seriously, how did you two get so acquainted?"
"That's a story for later. Well, see you soon, bye Fred." Now time to clean off this knife.
~Time skip brought to you by the magical potatoes living on the moon~
It was the day of the ball, and all the students were excited. In the past week, there had been rumors going around about who was going with who, and whom the princesses were going with, and who the boy who lived was going with, and now that the day was here, everyone was anxious to see the pairings.
As Charm was preparing for the ball, she heard a knock on her door.
"Fred, no, I'm going to surprise you. Luna, yes, you can come in."
"How did you know?" Fred exclaimed.
"The power of deduction, my dear date."
As Luna came in, she gasped, "Charm. You look gorgeous!"
"Thanks." Charm blushed, she wasn't used to receiving compliments.
The two girls helped each other with hair and makeup, and then they returned to the common room. As Charm and Luna walked into the common room, they saw Lillian curled up in her armchair she regularly inhabited, engrossed in the dark potions book. She was still wearing her school robes, seemingly unaware of the fact that they were due to be at the ball in thirty minutes.
"Lillian!" Charm called. "Earth to sister."
"What?" she asked, looking up. "Nice dress, by the way. Fred's gonna pass out from seeing you."
"I'll assume that was a compliment," Charm replied with a barely concealed smile. "Why aren't you ready to go? We have to be in the great hall in less than half-an-hour."
"What?" Lillian asked, putting down her book. "I was sure we had more time than that. Last I checked, it was only two."
"Yeah, well," Charm sighed, "Get up. You need to get ready or Draco will be partnerless. I'm counting on you two and Jaxorge to fulfill my ship necessities!"
Lillian slowly closed her book, tucking it under her arm as she stood up.
"Fine. I'll be out within the next twenty minutes."
As promised, Lillian emerged from her room twenty minutes later in ball garb.
"Ready," she proclaimed. "Let's go; Draco told me he'd wait outside the great hall for me."
Luna, Lillian, and Charm left the common room to join the steady stream of students making their way to the great hall, where the ball was being held. As they walked, they gained a few quick glances from other students, curious to see who the princesses were with. They were disappointed, however, by the surprising lack of dates on the girls' arms. Unfortunately, this gained the attention of one red haired boy.
"Well, ba-Charm, I'm surprised to see you dateless. Should've come with me."
"Ron, I'm surprised to see you didn't bleed to death. Fuck off you wanker."
The boy walked away, flushed, returning to his date.
The girls continued, getting a few pick up lines and compliments here and there. They were oblivious to most of it, not trying to be rude, just not knowing how to respond. As they finally reached the Great Hall, Charm immediately spotted her date off to the side, talking with all of the other Slytherclaw boys (the girls kicked them out).

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