In Which Fred and Draco Are Not Amused

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The last dregs of summer passed by quickly, and without warning, September first was once again upon the students of Hogwarts.  The train ride passed uneventfully, with the small group of Slytherclaws claiming their place in the back of the train and making conversation or doing some other misc. task to pass time.
Finally, it was the first day of classes, and the Slytherclaws were comparing schedules over breakfast.  Most of the classes seemed fairly normal, but there was something new - combined classes with the other houses.  Most Slytherclaws tended to stick with each other, choosing not to interact much with the other houses, so this was a bit of a change for all of them.
"Charm, which house are your double classes with?" Lillian asked her sister curiously.  "I've got potions with Gryffindors and herbology with Ravenclaw; I need moral support if I'm going to be in the same class as Ronald Weasley."
Charm leaned over and looked at Lillian's schedule. "The only ones we share are potions with the Gryffindors and DADA with the Hufflepuffs. This is really going to suck."
"DADA shouldn't be too bad," Lillian shrugged.  "The Hufflepuffs are supposed to be nice.  It's mostly potions that I'm anxious about."
"I've got double potions too," Harry piped up.  He grinned at Lillian.  "I can help you bear the burden of the Gryffindors."
"You're so sweet," Lillian teased.  "I'll be glad to have you at my side.  Hey Draco, when do you have potions?"
"Double potions with Slytherins," he reported.  He glanced at Harry briefly, a dangerous glint in his eyes before focusing back on Lillian.  "I believe we have herbology together, however, and DADA."
"Great," she said cheerfully, oblivious to the tension between him and Harry.
Charm stole Fred's schedule, and noticed that he also had potions with them.
"Great," Fred moaned.
Charm looked him in the eyes and said, "No need to be a Freddy Frowner."
He simply turned around and continued his discussion with Hermione and Luna. Unfortunately, none of the other Slytherclaws were in Lillian and Charm's classes.
As Charm walked into her first class -  Charms, ironically - she began to think of her power with a goddess. I've never really experimented with how much I can control with my mind. Maybe I should start experimenting; there has to be an empty room in this castle somewhere. Oh! What about that room that had the pensieve?  That'll work. She quickly and efficiently completed the day's assignment, kindly offering her help to others who needed it. For the most part, people were shocked that she wasn't a bloodsucking, stuck up princess.
A girl came over to her and tapped Charm's shoulder.
"Umm, could you help me with this?" the girl stuttered.
Charm smiled and cheerily said, "Of course!"
After she finished helping the girl, they started talking about other things.
"So, what's it like being in Ravenclaw?" Charm asked.
"Well, everybody is usually focuses on their own work and stuff."
"Might I ask, why haven't you guys ever won the house cup?"
The girl laughed. "Well, we have a history of sneaking things into the common room to do experiments that are kind of illegal because we want to learn about it."
"That's amazing! I would totally do that in my common room if the Slytherclaws wanted to."
"You could always join us."
Charm sat there and thought for a moment. "I would love to, but I think I'd make it easier for you guys to get caught. But, if you ever need to find something for your experiments, I'll be willing to help."
"Really?!" the girl replied, shocked. "Thanks. My name's Jabula."
"Nice to meet you. In case you didn't know, my name's Charm." They shook hands and laughed as class was dismissed.
Charm recalled her schedule, and noticed that she was going to transfiguration with the Slytherins. That part wasn't too bad, but the other class the period was going to be shared with was insufferable. Bloody Gryffindors.
Charm made it through that period by ignoring everyone and sitting as far away from Ron as possible. Which, unfortunately, put her in a corner with a bunch of other Gryffindors.
She quietly went on doing her work. She was exceptionally good at the subject, due to the fact she has hands-on experience with transfiguring through her many, many years of life. One of the boys looked over, and noticed she was done.
"How?!" he yelled.
Charm snorted. "I paid attention."
Another boy joined in. "Well, so did we!"
Charm looked at them, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"
McGonagall walked over, tired of the noise.
"What's this about?" she inquired, looking over their work. When she noticed Charm's was complete, she gasped. "Oh my, I never expected anyone to complete it this fast."
Charm, not exactly sure what to say, carefully chose her words. "Thank... you?"
McGonagall laughed. "You're welcome. Don't worry, I strive against believing in house reputations."
Well, too bad for her. I am evil, just not outwardly.
McGonagall gave her an advanced schedule, for she could tell that Charm would need to be challenged more than the other students, and went off. Charm ignored the ruckus of boys around her. When class ended, one of the boys grabbed her arm.
"I'm sorry for how they acted," he softly said.
"It's no problem. I'm used to it. But thank you, anyways."
He quietly nodded and scattered off.
~Time skip brought to you by that zebra in your living room~
It had finally come time for potions class. (a/n - I feel like there should be an ominous sound effect here so imagine that)  Lillian had already found a seat and was waiting for her sister and Harry to show up.  Soon, other students started trickling into the room, Harry with them.  Spotting Lillian, he took the seat next to her with obvious relief.
"I thought I would have to share with a Gryffindor," he whispered to her with a smile.
"You're lucky I was saving the seat for you," she grinned back.  "But poor Charm will probably have to sit with a Gryffindor now.  I wonder where she is?  Class is starting in like, two minutes."
Fred rushed in after Lillian said that, taking an empty table behind them.  He too seemed to be searching for Charm, his eyes roving the room search of the signature pale blonde hair of the princess.
All of a sudden, a burst of bleach blonde came into the room. As Charm took a quick glance, she saw the guy that was nice to her after transfiguration.
"Hey," she said with a smile. He looked up, and smirked back.
"Hi," he greeted her.  "Want to sit here?  Class should start soon."
She quickly agreed after glancing around the room to assess the other seats.  The only other free spot was beside Fred, so she didn't hesitate.  When Fred saw her sit next to the Gryffindor boy, he couldn't believe it.
"Got another boyfriend, have you?" he muttered under his breath.  "Guess I really was nothing to you."  Still, Fred knew, that didn't change the fact that he needed to win Charm over again.
His thoughts were cut off by Professor Snape sweeping into the room, the door slamming shut behind him.
"Welcome to possibly the most difficult class you'll take," he stated in a monotone voice.  "Potions.  I expect order and respect from each and every one of you this year.  I have a very low tolerance level; do not test it."  He paused for a second, eyes sweeping over the class.  They lingered briefly on Ron, then each of the princesses, before he continued.  "We will start off the school year by preparing an antidote to common poisons.  This should be impossible to mess up for second years, so I expect high marks from all of you today.  The instructions are on the board; you may begin."
The students started to chatter as everyone started to prepare the potion.  Both Lillian and Charm worked wordlessly and efficiently with their partners.  After a short period of time, the two both raised their hands, signalling for Snape to come over and check their potions.
How did you get done so fast with a Gryffindor? Lillian asked Charm curiously.
Leo's a nice guy and he's nice to me. He apologised for the other Gryffindors'  actions during charms.
He does sound fairly nice.  I think poor Fred is withering from your lack of attention, though.  I can hear him whimpering behind me whenever you two brush hands.
I honestly doubt Leo's interested. Caught him staring at Longbottom a lot, Charm snickered in her head.
Fred doesn't know that.  Longbottom and this Leo of yours...
Not of mine, but continue.
...would make a cute couple.
Ship it!
For once I agree with you on something.  I can't think of a decent ship name for them, but they're still my new otp.
Jaxorge is offended. Also, Snape arrived at your table. Pay attention.
Lillian broke the conversation with Charm to pay attention to Snape as he inspected their potion.
"Ms. Black, Mr. Potter...  Full marks."
He then swept off to Charm and Leo to inspect their potion.
He raised an eyebrow and droned out, "Full marks. Surprisingly good for a half-Gryffindor mix."
Charm turned to also after he left and whispered, "Ignore him. Also, a word of advice, talk to Neville after class."
Leo choked on air and stuttered out, "What do you mean?"
Charm winked at him, and turned back to her book.
Fred, creepily watching from across the room, noticed her action. He scowled, and let out a huff of air. Dammit, what's so wrong with me? One day she'll see my worth.
Lillian, hearing Fred's pitiful sigh, glanced at Harry with a small smile on her face.
"Hi," he grinned.
"Sounds like someone is in love," she whispered to him.  His face reddened rapidly, but she didn't seem to notice, continuing, "Poor Fred.  Charm's breaking him just by existing."
"Oh," Harry stammered.  "Yeah.  Redheads are more my type, though, so I don't see why he'd be obsessing over your sister."
"And you said you weren't gay," Lillian said in a deadpan voice.  "Give it another month, and I'm sure Fred will be over it enough for you to make a move."
"I didn't mean Fred," Harry mumbled.
"George, then.  Unfortunately, he's taken.  Please just don't tell me you like Ron or we cannot be friends."
"Don't worry," he sighed.  "Ron's not my type either.  And I'm not gay."
It was fifteen minutes later that class ended, and everyone was walking to lunch.  Harry and Lillian were walking in a comfortable silence, Charm and Leo a little bit behind them.  Without warning, a loud crash echoed through the hallway as a chandelier fell to the ground.  Lillian jumped at this, instinctively grabbing the nearest object and squeezing tightly.  Peeves appeared in front of them, a smirk stretched across his face.
"Oh, hello, Princess," he greeted Lillian.  "Did you see how the firsties reacted?  Priceless!"
He disappeared, leaving only the echo of his laughter, and it was then that Lillian realised she was still holding Harry's hand in a death grip.  She winced as Harry gave her a slightly pained smile.
"Oops.  Sorry, Harry."  She loosened her grip but didn't let go, instead opting to tug him around the wreckage.  "Peeves is a nuisance.  He snuck up on me last year while I was doing homework, and made me spill my ink all over an essay for transfiguration."
"He is a bit annoying," Harry weakly agreed, and they made their way into the Great Hall and over to the Slytherclaw table.  Lillian finally released Harry's hand to sit down by Draco.
"Hey babe," she greeted him.  "How's the first day going?"
"Good," he gritted out, eyes flicking between her and Harry.  "How's yours?"
"Pretty decent, actually.  Harry and I finished first in potions class and Snape gave us full marks for our performance.  I think he'll prove a very useful partner in the future."
"Really," Draco said in a flat tone.  "Good for Potter."
Charm was about to sit at the Slytherclaw table when she saw Jabula walking over.
"Any chance you can provide me with a bit of unicorn horn dust?" she promptly said.
"What do I get out of this?" Charm asked.
"I'm attempting to brew a cure for any illness–not for human consumption, though, just magical creatures. I'd give you a share of what I successfully create."
Charm smirked and said, "Deal. I'll have it in a couple of days."
Charm then left the great hall, and snuck out of the castle. She did her best to make her way into the forbidden forest without  being detected, and went to try to find a unicorn.
After about half an hour, she found her target. Its fur shone like moonlight in a desolate, dark landscape. It was the brightest thing in a place where the canopy blocks out light, making it hard for anything to survive there. Yet, the most pure creature thrived in this landscape.
Charm walked up to it, and decided this may as well be a good time to practice her magic. She closed her eyes, and felt through the surrounding landscape. Even in this unfamiliar place, the unicorn still emitted presence. She felt its energy, and manipulated it. It was hers; she was given the birthright to control it. She was a goddess, she was chosen.
As she moved it around, she heard the unicorn scream in pain. She opened her eyes, still wielding the dangerous ability she just discovered.
The unicorn fell to the ground, and Charm realised that there was a floating white aura beside it.
"Woah," she muttered. She waved her hand, and the aura moved along with it. She motioned it towards the unicorn, and closed her eyes.
Here I am, in this weird place again. She moved the aura precisely, as if performing a surgery. After she thought she had the job completed, she opened her eyes.
The aura had dispersed into the air, and she had a bag filled with the unicorn's horn, blood, and fur. She noticed that the second part of her plans succeeded. There was a mound of dirt where the unicorn was. Charm went over, and whispered.
"Sorry you had to die, well, not really. But you will be useful, so you're a lucky one. Have fun in the afterlife! Well, if there is one." Wouldn't make sense with the whole entire god/immortal stuff. Although, who knows. Never like I'd experience something like that. Maybe there is. Probably doesn't accept unicorns though. "
Charm snickered, and went back towards the castle. She quickly ran to her room, and teleported to her flat. She put everything in the vault, and returned to the common room.
Charm continued her schedule with a few appalling looks. Then, she got to her final class. Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Everyone was sat in desks waiting for the teacher to come in.  After five minutes of bored silence, the door swung open to admit none other than-
Gilderoy Lockhart? Lillian snorted to Charm.  He's an author, not a teacher...  But who knows?  Maybe he'll be decent because of all his experience in the field.
She returned her attention to the front, where Lockhart had sat down.
"Good afternoon, class!" he cheerily started.  "As I'm sure you all know, I am Gilderoy Lockhart, world-famous author.  I'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year."
Charm looked at him, still not responding to Lillian. She turned to Jabula, who happened to share the period with her, and whispered, "Seems like a bloody idiot to me."
"I agree," she whispered back. "Not just an idiot, but how the hell did he even get a teaching position?"
"Probably wiggled his eyebrows at McGonagall and she just couldn't refuse him."
The two girls began laughing really loudly, interrupting the class.
"Is there a problem, ladies?" Lockhart asked, stopping his rambling speech to raise an eyebrow at the two girls.
"Of course there is," Charm said with a deadpan face. "You became a teacher."
"Well, I'm glad you two are so excited for class," he replied with a winning smile.  "This will be a very exciting year for all of us, but please restrain yourselves enough to listen to my lecture.  Now, as I was saying about my autobiography, Magical Me..."  He trailed back off into his dull lecture.
He finally stopped talking, and passed out a piece of paper.
"Now, this is a test of true intelligence. Very few succeed, but those who do are destined for greatness."
Lillian looks down at the paper, intrigued by his words. The topic title said Lockhart's 50 Favourites: A Guide to Unlock His Heart.
When she saw it, Charm stood up and yelled, "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck that."
She promptly walked out of the classroom, but not before Ron Weasley blocked the entryway.
"Professor, aren't you going to punish her?" he asked.
Lockhart smiled innocently, "Yes, detention with me tonight, Ms. Black."
Charm said through gritted teeth, "It's Ms. Lupin." She then pushed Ron over and started to sprint down the hall.
Charm, that was rude, Lillian chastised her sister before returning her attention to the 'test.'
It was thirty minutes later that Lockhart passed out the tests again, now graded.  There were red marks decorating nearly everyone's papers except two - Hermione's and Lillian's.
"I would like to personally congratulate Miss Granger and Miss Black for each gaining full marks.  No mistakes at all!  Class is dismissed; have a magical day, everyone."
As the students filtered out of the class, Hermione and Draco both headed for Lillian.
"So you like Lockhart too?" Hermione asked, eyes sparkling.  "He's amazing, isn't he?"
"No," Lillian replied flatly.  "He may have had experience in the field, but I do not in the least admire him."
"You got full marks," Hermione reminded her.  "No one pays that close attention to details unless they have an interest in the subject."
"I have a photographic memory when it comes to books," Lillian informed Hermione.
Draco finally caught up to the two, slipping his hand in Lillian's.
"I'm afraid the only man Lillian likes is me," he snapped, then turned to Lillian, face softening slightly.  "He's a bloody idiot.  I don't know how I was able to sit through the entire period."
"At least class will be interesting," Lillian laughed.  "I'll be surprised if we learn anything practical, though, based on how today went."  She gently detached herself from Draco, announcing, "I'm going to look for Charm.  She needs someone to bug her to go to detention tonight, otherwise Lockhart will keep forcing her into it all year."
She headed off down a side corridor, going nowhere in particular but hoping she would bump into her sister.  Luckily, for her, just that happened as she rounded the corner to see Charm and the Gryffindor boy from potions standing in front of the one-eyed witch statue.  They didn't seem to have noticed her, and Charm was tugging at his tie, loosening it before popping the top button of his shirt.  She quickly backed around the corner, face slowly growing red.  At least Charm isn't still upset about DADA, she thought to herself before fleeing back to the Slytherclaw room.
Unfortunately, she missed when Charm said, "Now go ask Neville out, Leo. You two'd be dodging bullets as Neo."
When Lillian reached the common room, she sank into her spot on the sofa beside Draco.
"Hey," he greeted her with a smile.  "You look... worn out."
"Just escaping from the horror that is Charm and another boy in foreplay," she mumbled into Draco's shoulder.
Fred, who was sitting in another armchair, perked up at this statement.  "Charm was what?"
"I think you heard me, Weasley," Lillian sighed.  "Now be quiet; I need to finish repressing the memory."
Fred silently stood from his perch and walked out of the room, back stiff with anger.

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