A Week Later

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It had been a week since we met the boys. We all are like best friends. But they are going on tour next week.

"Please don't go!" I say as I tug on Nialls arm as he packs.

"Sorry, love. I have to."

"Uh no! Then I'm coming!"

"I wish you guys could. We will miss you."

We sit there and listen to music as he packs his stuff in the hotel.

"Wait, are you guys responsible?" he asks me. what kind of a question is that?

"Yeah normally. Why?"

"What if you guys where hired as our... umm what the word... nannies! I guess."

"What is that?"

"Like you guys keep us on track. Make sure that we stay on schedule and everything."

I think about it. It sounds kinda fun, being able to boss them around.

"Ask Evie. And try to convince my parents!" I say and he smiles.

"I will." he says and takes my phone. he calls someone.

"Hi Mrs. Reed, may I ask you something?"

"Oh this is Niall."

I laugh and he shushes me.

"Well I was wondering if Madelyn could come on your with us and help us out with everything?"

I stand up and look at him. He grins.

"Really? Oh thanks so much! I promise I will keep her out of trouble!"

What? I am going on tour with One Direction. My idols and best friends.

"Okay she will call you later then. Bye! Thanks again!"

He hands me back my phone.

"How did you get her to let me?"

"She just said sure. I guess she needs some time to herself. For ten months."

Ten months. With my best friends. Traveling the world.

"Oh my god Niall I love you!" I say and hug him.

"Okay let me call Evie's mom and ask her if Evie can go!" I say and call Camille.

"Hi can Evie come on your with me and One Direction? My mom said I could go so I would be there keeping her a virgin." I say and Camille laughs.

"Wait so on tour? For how long?" she asks me.

"Ten months." I say with hesitation.

"Oh well if you are gonna be there I guess so. Make sure she comes home a virgin!"

"Oh my god thank you! I will call Evie and tell her! Oh and I promise I will! Thank you so much!"

I hag up and jump up and down.

"Oh my god we don't have to leave each other!" I say and hug Niall.

"Okay call Evie!" Niall says an I call her and put it on speaker.

"Okay when she answers let's both yell 'you are going on your with one direction!'" I say and he nods.

"Hey Madelyn!" she answers.

"YOU ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH ONE DIRECTION!" we yell and she doesn't answer.

"Okay that's not funny." she says an I laugh.

"No I'm serious! I already talked to your mom and we get to go on your with them!"

"AHHHHH!" she screams an I laugh.

"Yeah so start packing."

"But I am out with Harry and Louis!"

"Do it later! But call me when you do and I will come over!"

"Okay! Bye, love!"

"Have fun on your date!"

"Go suck it!" she says and hangs up.

"Oh my god coke back to my house to help me pack!" I try to pull Niall by his arm but I'm to weak.

"Okay darling." I like it when he calls me love and darling, or princess. I feel special.

"Oh by the way I know you like it when I call you that." he whispers to me when we get into the hallway. I blush and he pokes my red cheeks. I make a funny face and he laughs.

"And I know you like to be around me because you are in love with me." I say. It is true, I know he likes me.

"Well you're not wrong." he says and he puts his arm around me. I like it when he does that too.

"Okay well pack all your clothes and girly stuff and you'll be good." he says and I giggle.

"I don't have that much girly stuff! I only have make up and bras and stuff."

"Aw no!" he says and I laugh.

"Don't worry. I won't make you touch them." he sighs in relief. we each the lobby and go out to my car.

"I absolutely love this car. Can I drive it?" Niall says.

"Yeah. I say and throw him my keys.

"Yes!" he says and I get in the car, laughing.

"Love, why don't you just be my girlfriend?" he as asked me this a thousand times.

"I have told you this already!"

"But tell me again!"

"We don't know each other very well-"

"Yes we do!"

"We have only been friends for a week. So no." he smiles.

"Well we will be together everyday for ten months so I will make you change your mind. I will be the best boyfriend ever! And you will be the best girlfriend ever! I just know it."

"As long as you are good to me. Don't fret young one, we will be together someday!" I pat his cheek as we pull into my driveway. I can hear the fighting outside. They never stop. Well my dad is kind verbally abusive to my mom but my sister isn't here to help me through it. She went to London for college.

"Okay just avoid my parents and follow me." I say and Niall takes my hand.

"Okay!" we walk into my house and I close the door behind me. We run upstairs and go into my room as I close the door behind us.

"I am really sorry about them." Niall tries to comfort me.

"Oh I have learned to ignore it. Its just a part of my life now I guess. Until they spilt. I know it is coming." Niall wraps me in a hug.

"It'll be okay, love. Just remember I am here for you." he says and I grab my suitcase.

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