Our Sadistic Night...

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Reiji's POV:
While Yumi is in her room, I been organizing my things in my room to be perfect for Yumi. Then I heard a knock from the door as I calm myself down and responded.

"You may come in Yumi."

After I replied to come in, I find myself drawn by her long elegant silk black robe with a hint of cherry blossom perfume as she looks at me with seductive and loving pink eyes.

After I replied to come in, I find myself drawn by her long elegant silk black robe with a hint of cherry blossom perfume as she looks at me with seductive and loving  pink eyes

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*Yumi's black silk robe*

"Whoa ummm...why are you dressed up like that?"

I asked politely while I stood there shocked by her robe, she replied to me.

"I apologize for what you are seeing here, but while I was in the room, I thought about asking you about wearing a robe so I could have an opinion from you. So what do you think?"

She asked smoothly as I walked towards her, I pulled her into my chest by the waist and kissed her roughly as I immediately pulled out the kiss, I smirked at her.

"You are a bad girl Yumi, coming in here with a lewd outfit."

I said as she gently pushed up her glasses up, she looks at me alluringly and smirks.

"Oh I'm not the one who's going to be disciplined Reiji."

She said as she immediately pushed me to my bed, I slowly lift my back and watched her stripped her black silk dress into her black lacy lingerie, she walked towards me and leaned on top of me.

She said as she immediately pushed me to my bed, I slowly lift my back and watched her stripped her black silk dress into her black lacy lingerie, she walked towards me and leaned on top of me

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*Yumi's lingerie*

"Your the one who's going to be disciplined Reiji since you've allow that deplorable woman to touch you like that. As you can see Reiji, I'm not just a smart female human. I'm more of a dominant woman than just a smart high school student."

She smirks as she untied my tie, she threw it to the ground. Then she unbuttoned my vest and shirt where she threw them to the dark corner with such elegance.

Opposite Twin(Yui's Sister)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant