First Day of Night School...

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Nobody's POV:
As Reiji and Yumi are walking in the hallway, Reiji couldn't find himself looking away from the blonde human as he staring at her while walking.

Reiji's POV:
She's so refined and her manners are precisely perfect unlike her sister. Not to mention that she's very interesting to communicate with but she's also like me. Hmmm...I wonder if I can asked her about her life, her likes and dislikes, her hobbies?...

I then cleared my throat as I politely asked her.

"Miss Komori."


"I would like to ask you something if you don't mind."

She then smiled politely at me.

"Why of course Reiji I would love to answer your questions, so want do you want to ask me?"

I then asked my first question.

"Can you tell me about yourself?"

"Alright then, what do you want to know about me?"

"Your life, childhood, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and your future goals."

"Alright then. Well my life as child, my sister and I were adopted by our father where he would raised us in the church. My sister and I were used to be closed as children however...I started to hate my sister because she's a show off and attention seeker back in the church and well...the church would praised her especially my father who gave her so much attention...something that I don't have. My hobbies are reading books, collecting tableware, studying exams, and sometimes I talk to my friends online at home. My likes are watching mystery animes such as Tokyo Ghoul, Detective Conan, Mob Psycho 100, Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood, and Steins Gate, and I like I've mentioned love books, and I also love studying chemistry, biology, sociology, psychology, and anthropology. My Dislikes are my sister, my father, my sister being an ignorant fool, ignorant people, imperfections, arrogant people, and god which sometimes I hate. For my goals, I don't know what to do when I graduate other than taking care of Yui and read books."

She then smiled warmly at me as she asked me back.

"What about you Reiji?"

"Well I'm much like you. I love reading books, I collect tableware, making potions, and I love perfection. And like you, I also hate my oldest brother Shu because my mother would always paid attention to him while study to impress her but nothing would pleased her. I hate deadbeats like him, and I hate imperfections."

As I finished answering her questions, we finally reached to Yumi's room where I gave her a school uniform.

"Now we reached our destination, I would like you changed into this so we can go to night school."

"Of course Reiji I would love to and thank you for showing me to my room it was really generous of you."

"Why thank you Yumi. Now when you're finished changing I will meet you back at your room to see you in your uniform."

"I will Reiji and thank you."

She smiled politely warm at me as I smiled back.

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