The Recarnation of Cordelia...

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Yumi's Dream:
As I stood there disgusted by her presence, I immediately questioned her.

"What do you want Cordelia?"

She then smirks at me mockingly.

"What I want? What an ignorant question Yumi, I just want to see the sacrificial bride's twin sister that's all."

She said it arrogantly as I stood there glaring at her, I immediately looked away from her.

"Well now you see me, so get lost you scum woman."

I coldly spat at her, but she seems unfazed by my hostility as she seems calm and composed while looking at me, she smirks.

"Ooo feisty, I'm starting to get a liking of you."(not in a yuri way no!)

"Like me all you want, but that doesn't mean I have to like you."

I coldly stated as she came up to me, she lift my head with her finger.

"I didn't say you have to like me Yumi, but to be honest, I do admire your strong willingness and your undying jealousy for your foolish sister of yours especially when you smashed that pitiful cross of hers, I found myself amused by you."

She said it halfheartedly as she laughed arrogantly, I spat at her with much disdain.

"Let's not talk about my life story here. I want you to answer me THIS. Why did you bring me here? And what do you know about Yui?"

I coldly demanded as she stops laughing, she went back looking at with such cockiness.

"I came here to give you a special agreement once I get rid of my three sons and the other half sons."

She said as I asked again.

"And what agreement do you mean?"

She gazed narrowed her green eyes with calamity as she replied to me.

"I want you to be my advisor Yumi Komori."


I asked as she replied back.

"Think about it Yumi. Once I take over your sister's heart, soul, and body, you will never see her again and you won't able to deal with her foolishness again. Once I get rid of the brothers, you, Richter, and I will rule the house together."

"Why would I associate with a selfish promiscuous woman who doesn't care about putting her own three children at risk? Besides I don't really know you that much."

"You don't me well, but do you actually believe you have the guts to save your sister from me?"

She asked arrogantly as I thought about the pain and suffering that church had put me through, I stayed quiet where I start to think about the trouble that Yui put me through.

She has a point. Why do I even care about my sister anyway? I'm been hating and resent Yui for many years and I haven't done single genuine thing to her since I left the church! I even get irked whenever her name was mentioned, I get disgusted by her words, her thoughts, her actions. It makes me sick to my stomach and it irks me to the core!...but...but I can't deny I still care for her...but I can't, because I'm nothing but a jealous monster who doesn't care about her sister. I even hide my inner care from my sister by secretly giving her gifts on her front door without writing my name down.

After a lot of thought process I made, I finally made up my decision when she asked me.

"What would say Yumi? Would you care to join me for our domination in the Sakamaki mansion?"

I then looked straight through the eye and said this.

"Get your filthy hands off me you bitch!"


I coldly spat at her as I aggressively smacked her hand away from my face, I pushed up my glasses and looked at her dumbfounded face with a disgusted glare.

"You know damn well that I will never...ever...associate with a selfish and vulgar woman like you! Yui maybe a naive fool, but she's also my sister that couldn't deny caring for, so do me a favor Cordelia and stay away from my sister and never come back to the mansion!"

I demanded indifferently as she laughs evilly and looks cockily and mockingly at me, she then spoke mockingly to me.

"I think it won't be possible Yumi. How in the hell are you going to get rid of me if you don't know where i am."

She said cockily as she disappears from midair, she laughs mockingly and evilly with the background turning completely black.

*Dream Ends*

I screamed as I quickly got up from my bed, I breathed rapidly where Laito and Kanato stood there looking worried.

"Yumi chan? Are you-"

As he tried to speak, I immediately cut him off when I grabbed the knife that I took from Yui's room and ran off with Laito and Kanato looking shocked as they ran after me.

"Eh?! Yumi sama where are you going?!"

"Waaaait! Yumi chan slow down!!!!"

After the two ran after me, I started running down to Yui's room while feeling worried about her, I thought to myself.

Yui....please be okay...oh please god, please....make sure Yui's alright!...

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