Meeting Richter...

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Yumi's POV:
When all of us turned to see a man with dark green hair and red eyes, I immediately felt something unpleasant and dangerous from that man. Something malicious, something unnerving, something....vile...

As the mysterious man stood upon us, he immediately shifted his gaze on Yui who is shaking in fear with fear under her eyes.

He then smirks mockingly and asked her with unpleasantness in the air.

"Cordelia, one day you will rise and together we will rule together in the mansion..."

He said as Yui flinches at his proclaims, he then turned his gaze on me when he walked towards me, he slowly formed a smirk on his face.

"You must be Reiji's lover am I correct?"

He asked with a smirk on his face as I scowled at the man.

"And who are you coming out here and talk to my sister with such utter deplorable manner?"

I coldly demanded as he frowns at my demands, he spoke rudely to me.

"Don't you dare talk to your future uncle in law like that!"

"And what's makes you have the right to call yourself my "future uncle in law"? Besides I don't even know you that much. Please, tell me, what's your name?"

I politely demanded as he gets on his knees and grabs my hand, he gently kisses the back of my palm with his eyes laid on me and finally reveals his name.

"Richter my dear niece in law."

He said with a smirk while I stood there glaring at the man with disgust, Reiji immediately pulled me into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, he glares at his uncle.

"I appreciate it if you stop displeasing my fiancée Richter."

He coldly demanded as Subaru steps in, he immediately acts rude towards his uncle.

"Forget that! Why are you here Richter?!"

He rudely demanded as he responded politely to him.

"I appreciate it if you call me "uncle" Subaru."

"Tch! Shut up and get lost!"

He angrily demanded as the triplets appeared with disdain and disgust to see their uncle.

"~fufu~ Guess who decided to show up in the middle of the night."

He said it with a fake smile on his face. Then he turned to look at his three triplet nephews.

"I see you haven't change a bit Laito since your still a lecherous being just how your mother taught you to be."

He coldly insulted him as Laito immediately forms a frown on his face with Ayato stepping in glaring at his uncle.


"Ah Ayato, I see that you haven't changed as well since you we're such an embarrassment to your mother."

"Shut your trap geezer!"

He rudely hisses as he and Richter exchanged glares at each other, Kanato came to me where he gets in front of me in protection.

"Stay away from Yumi-sama Richter!"

He hisses at him with huge hostility under his eyes.

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