Entering the Sakamaki Mansion

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Yumi' POV:
I can't believe it. Why does father want me to go with my good for nothing sister?

This is the worst day of my life. I was forced to go with my twin sister Yui to live with her in a place where I assume that it's rumored to be haunted. I have no interest of being with Yui while we're staying because our father told me go with her since he's going abroad to somewhere far. I don't where he goes or why he wants to go there because I don't care about him or my show off sister. Ugh...why do I have to go? Can't she go by herself? I should be studying at home or talking to my friends at school, but no because I have to go with HER.

I was sitting at the end of my car seat while reading my book as I watched Yui opening the window like an idiot with her head barely popped up from the window while she looks curiously outside in the car, I gently slam my book and looked at Yui with irritation as I sighed in dissatisfaction.

"You do realized that we're almost there, so why would you opened the window like an idiot?"

I said as I gently pushed up my glasses.

She then glares at me like she's offended by my remarks.

"I was just looking to see if we're there yet! Geez! Why did father agreed with you to come with me?!"

"Gee that's a great question. WHY DID I agreed to go with you. Oh right, because you'll do something stupid or get us in trouble."

I said sarcastically while I making a contempt look on my face, her face puffs in anger.

"Ugh! This is the reason why I don't want you to come with me because you always hated me for no reason, scold at me, and you don't care about anything!"

"Pfft! Yeah right, do you actually think I would agree to go with you? Besides, father only wanted me to go with you it's because he wants me to keep an eye on you since your ignorance puts you into a lot of trouble."

"I do not! I am very aware of myself as you can see!"

She shouted as I rolled my eyes at Yui's ignorance.

Then me and Yui saw a huge mansion where we made our final stop at the mansion. As soon as it starts raining. I get my suitcase out, I saw Yui being an idiot when she ran towards the mansion while it rains.

That idiot, does she even know when to be patient?

Then I ran after Yui when she came into the mansion without knocking first.

Honestly Yui. What am I going to do with you?

Yui's POV:
I quickly ran inside the house not caring about Yumi being outside in the rain.

Then I curiously wandered around the inside of the house. That's when I saw a man with red hair lying on the couch.

"That's strange, I wonder if he's asleep?"

Then I slowly walked up to him as he sleeps on the couch, I get on my knees onto the floor looking at the young man.

"Umm excuse me.."

As I took his hand, I felt his hands are freezing.

"You're cold! Are you okay?"

Then I slowly laid my head onto his chest and my eyes widened when I don't hear his heartbeat.

"He doesn't have a pulse! Oh no! I should call the ambulance right away!"

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