Meet the Sakamaki Brothers

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Reiji's POV:
After he put their luggages away, I am in the living room with Ayato and the twins as they sit on the couch while Ayato is sitting at the other end besides them.

Then I began to spoke up.

"Now for the sake of formality let's begin. Why won't you tell us about yourself and how you came into this house."

"Uh right. Well I-"

Just as she's about to speak, an nonchalant laugh came from the other side above us.

That man.

Yumi's POV:
I just I heard a laugh from the side, I turned my head to see a man with a fedora is upstairs smiling at us.

"Well what do we have here? Could it be that two cute little human girls has decided to pay us a visit?"

As I looked at the young fedora man, he smirks as he appeared on couch, I watched him licked Yui's cheek before the purple haired man with a teddy bear appeared behind her.

"~Fufu~ oh my you smell so sweet and your skin taste delicious."

"Please, let me have a lick too."

She then covered her face.

"You're right, she does taste sweet."

The fedora man grins as he sets his perverted gaze at me, I looked unfazed at him just before he wraps his arm around my shoulders, he smirks.

"~fufu~ Of course haven't forgotten about you glasses chan."

Just as he reached out his arm, I lightly smacked his hand away from me and I strictly pushed up my glasses.

"Don't you think it's rude to touch someone you've barely know? As you can see, I don't like it when people touch me like that."

"~fufu~ feisty aren't you? This is going to be fun <3"

I lightly shivered in disgust when the fedora man pervertedly licking his lips at me.

How disgusting! Does he have no shame?!

Then the man with glasses spoke to them strictly.

"Stop that you two. It's highly inappropriate to behave so impolitely to a woman that you only just met."

"But why? It's only natural to taste so irresistibly yummy. Kanato even agrees with me.

"Yes, I do."

"Hey knock it off you guys."

Then all of turned our heads to the red haired man.

"Haven't you forgotten that yours truly was one that saw them first? Consequently yours truly is going to be her first everything."

Then a mysterious voice came out of nowhere.

"Lame, I'm so sick of hearing you calling yourself yours truly."

Then the red haired man gets up from his seat.

"What the hell?! Damnit Subaru I know you're in here. Come out and show yourself!"

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