Chapter 21- Downtown

Start from the beginning

"But the viewers wanna know! Who is this criminal? How angered are his vict--"

"Leave now!"

"Here, come with me," someone said right behind me. They gently escorted me into an ambulance. 

I barely even remember the ride to the hospital. I was in a daze the whole time.

We pulled in and I sat in the waiting room as the doctors brought Petra and Lukas into rooms in the back. Lukas was in a bit of pain, but Petra still hadn't woken up. The waiting room had blue plastic chairs lining the walls and a desk by the wall. The walls were gray and the tiles of the floor were white.

A little while passed until a nurse came out and said I could see Lukas. I got up and she led me to his room.

Lukas's POV

"A report had been filed the night before the event that they had seen some suspicious activity around the school. The police stayed on the lookout, until a shooting happened the next day and the criminal was captured and arrested."

"Those idiots..." I muttered to myself as I watched a small screen in front of my bed in disdain. It displayed Gabriel and his friends finally getting arrested.

"Lukas?" said my nurse as she popped her head through the door, "Jesse is here to see you."

She led Jesse into the room and went to go work on something else.

"Hey, Jesse," I said.

"Hey," she replied, "How's your arm doing?"

"Pretty worse for the wear. Remember that other time it got shot? Well, apparently, the healing potion didn't completely fix it, and I had no idea. So, because I've been using it and now it's hurt much worse..."

"'s pretty bad now, isn't it?" said Jesse.

"Yeah. But the nurse said that if I just get a cast, it should heal completely in a while."

"Well, that's good."

The two of us paused in a moment of uncomfortable silence until Jesse said,

"So, Gabriel finally got arrested, huh." She looked at the screen, playing footage of Petra being lifted into an ambulance on a stretcher.

"Yeah. I just can't believe he would do something like that! I hope Petra's okay."

"Me too."

"Okay, Jesse. I'm gonna have to have you leave now. Lukas needs to rest," said my nurse as she came back into the room.

"Yes, ma'am," Jesse said. She gave me one last glance before walking out of the room.

Jesse's POV

Shortly after I left from seeing Lukas, another nurse came by and told me some news about Petra.

"She got shot in the stomach, which could be serious. Luckily she didn't bleed to death before we made it to the hospital, but she'll still need an operation and she might never be the same again. It's a miracle that she even survived that."

The news hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I was going to throw up right there.

The nurse must have noticed my horrified expression and said,

"I'm sorry. We're doing everything we can to her. And if you ever need anything, you can just tell me and I'll help. My name is Laurie."

"Well," I began, "How long would you say it'll be until Lukas can leave?"

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