Chapter 16

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Hannah's POV;
I wake up to a pain in my stomach followed by my sheets becoming wet. Crap. I  get up as fast as I can and I change then I go to Michael's room.

"Michael, wake up"

I get mumbles in response so I tap him again

"MICHAEL WAKE UP!" I scream at him

"Hannah? Why are you awake"

"Baby is on its way"

"Really?" He smiles sitting up

"Yes, now come on it hurts"

He gets up and rushes off to his closet whilst I go downstairs stopping half way as I hit another contractions. Listen here little one, please wait until we get to the hospital I'm not having you being born in a car.

Time skip
"Don't tell me to calm down and stop being angry. You're not pushing a baby out if you!"

"Sorry" Michael mumbles holding his hands up in defence

"One more push Hannah, you're doing great"

Ok I can do this, one more and it's all over.

Cries fill the room and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations it's a boy"

A blue bundle gets placed in my arms and I smile looking down at my little boy

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A blue bundle gets placed in my arms and I smile looking down at my little boy. He's beautiful.

"What would you like to name him?" The woman smiles

"Kellin, Kellin Harley Compton"

She nods ok and walks off, Michael takes a seat on the edge of the bed and I hand Kellin to him letting him have a hold.

"He's beautiful" Michael smiles

I nod my head in agreement

"I'll look after him, you need to sleep" he kisses my head and moves to sit on the couch letting me sleep.

Few hours later
I wake up and slowly sit up finding sat Kayleigh on the couch holding Kellin instead of Michael.

"Hey, Michael has just popped to the toilet. He's beautiful by the way, I hope I'm the godmother"

I smile at her nodding my head yes as she gets up handing Kellin to me

"Should I contact Ryan?"

"No, I saw him on my way here. He didn't care, I'm so sorry Hannah"

"It's fine, I'll manage without. I don't need him" I mumble whilst looking down at Kellin, we'll be fine who needs a jerk like Ryan anyway.

"Hey, you're awake" Michael smiles entering the room

"Yeah, when can we go home?"

"Whenever you're ready"

"Now then, I'm hungry"

"Ok, I'll take him whilst you get changed"

I nod ok passing him Kellin then I grab my clothes and go to the toilet to change into my clothes.

"Omg I've missed eating this" I smile as I dip another spring roll into the sweet chilli sauce

"Imagine if Kellin was still inside you, you'd be not eating them" Kayleigh laughs

"Shut up, it was torture"

"Anyway school breaks out soon so you'll be stuck with me even more"

"Oh great a second kid to look after" I smirk

"How rude"

"Only joking, it will be a fun summer"

"of course it will"

I hear Kellin start to cry on the baby monitor so I get up and go to my room where he's in his Moses basket. "Hey buddy" I smile as I pick him up

I rock him a little then he falls back asleep so I place him back and return downstairs.

"I need to go but I'll text you tomorrow" Kayleigh smiles

"Ok, thanks for coming today"

"Your welcome"

I hug her and walk her to the door then I go upstairs and have a bath hoping Kellin won't wake up. I get into the warm bubbly bath closing my eyes as I feel my body start to relax. That was until cries fill the room again, great.

"I got it. Hey little man" Michael says through the monitor

Thank god he's around to help.

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