Chapter 2

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Hannah's POV:
I finish drying my hair and I leave it down. I put on my plain black dress, which I haven't worn since my granddad's funeral. I go downstairs and Miss Jenkins have a bowl of Lucky Charms on the table waiting with a glass of Apple Juice. I'm not hungy but I don't want to talk so I just sit down and eat it.

I get out the car and walk inside the church, Kayleigh runs over and hugs me. I hug her back and break down crying,

"I got no one Kay, I'm alone. The only remaining Compton, what am I gonna do?"

"You're gonna be ok, you're not alone. You got me. I'll be here for you every step of the way."

"What if they send me away? What if I'm not going to stay in California?"

"They wouldn't do that, I promise it will be ok"

She holds my hand and we walk to the front row and sit by her parents. I stay quiet just staring ahead of me mostly ignoring the speeches of Mom's friends until it's my turn. I get up and walk to the podium and look at everyone, Kayleigh gives me a reassuring smile and I clear my throat.

"My Mom was not only my Mom, she was my sister, my friend, my auntie, my grandmother, my boss, my teacher. She was my everything.

We had so much planned for the future, we was going to visit London, somewhere she always wanted to visit. We was going to visit Italy too, everywhere, we was going to travel the world.

She was willing and looking forward to teaching me to drive, take me to concerts herself. She was going to be brave and take me to a concert even though she's witnessed me and Kayleigh at one which she hated and that was just the que to go in and coming out.

We was going to get a bigger house, big enough for pets. We had so much planned, our whole lives was planned out. None of this will now happen.

I love my Mom so much, only one Mom we will ever have. Cherish  everyday you have with your mother because you don't know when it will end, you won't have another. I will always love my Mom, I'm going to try and do this without her.

I miss you Mom, please don't leave me, always be with me watching me."

I walk back to my seat and Kayleigh's Mom wraps her arm around me.

Michael's POV:
It's finally complete, Bad is officially ready to be released. It's been a fun and stressful year but it's all over. I hope it will do well and the fans will like it. I also hope no one will pay attention to my skin.

I have Vitiligo, I'm guessing it's in my genes via my biological parents. I always wonder if I would be where I am now if I didn't get put up for adoption. I do get upset at the thought of my parents not wanting me but Mother and Joseph took me in, I'll always love them for that.

I sit at my desk and answer the phone "hello?"

"Hello, is this Mr Jackson?"


"Hi, I'm Miss Jenkins from California's Children Social Services"

Why are they calling me? "Umm ok, may I ask why you're calling?"

"I got a Hannah Compton who's Mother have died. You're her Mother's next of kin meaning if you can Hannah will have to come to you"

"I don't know a Hannah Compton I'm sorry"

"She has the same birth Mother as you Mr Jackson"

Woah, god this is a lot to take in. "Mr Jackson? You still there?"

"Yeah, sorry. Just a lot to take in"

"I understand that. Please can you answer if you'll take her in or we'll have to put her in a children's home"

"I'll take her"

"I'll be at your home this evening with her."

I finish the call and burst out into tears, I got a sister. I found my real Mom but she's dead. Will my sister like me? Does she look like me? This is so hard to take in.

Hannah's POV:
"You'll be going to live in the Santa Barbara area" Miss Jenkins says helping me pack

"Will I still be at my school?"


"Who am I going to live with?"

"This will be a lot to take in, you have a older brother. You'll be living with him"

"I got a brother? Why didn't I know?"

"He got put up for adoption"

I sit down on the bed and take it all in, I can't believe I got a brother. My life has now been turned upside down.

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