Chapter 3

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Michael's POV:
I get home and go upstairs to pick a bedroom for Hannah, I'm so nervous but at the same time excited. It's a lot to take in but I can cope, hopefully. I choose the bedroom and make sure it's all nice, I can't make it comforting as I don't know her. First thing tomorrow we'll make it nice for her.

Hannah's POV:
I'm so nervous, what if he doesn't like me? Does he look like me? Will I be ok? I get in the car and look out the window trying to figure out where we're going. After 40 odd minutes we arrive at a set of gates, I know these from somewhere I swear. We keep going and reach another set of gates, golden with Neverland written above them. Omg, this is Michael Jackson's home. It makes sense, Mom is a massive fan of him and I mean massive. She got upset when the papers had lies written about him, I was always confused as to why she'd literally be in tears over the lies. It all make sense now.

I get out the car and the door opens with the world's biggest singer walking out of it. He smiles as he makes his way over.

"Hi Hannah, I'm Michael"


"Come on in, I'll help you with your things"

We both grab some of my things and I follow him.

"I know it's plain and boring but first thing tomorrow we'll fix it"


"Have you had anything to eat?"

"I had an apple not long before I left"

"Would you like anything to eat?"

"Do you have any salad items?"

"yeah, do you like any chicken pieces in it?"

"Yes please" I smile

After food

"So what are you into?" Michael asks

"The Beatles" I smile

"Anything else?"

"I can only think of The Beatles" I laugh

Michael's POV:
We was watching the Cosby Show, at first Hannah didn't like it but I got her into it. See, I win at everything. Personally I think the quote related to me about the expensive clothes won her over. We was half way through an episode and I get informed of some professional man asking for me at the gates.

"Who is this professional man?" Hannah asks

"I don't know, you stay in here ok?"


I go to answer the door and let this person in, "hello Mr Jackson, I'm Peter Gospel. I'm here to deliever your Mother Jessica Compton's will."

"Hello, would you like to come on through to the dining room" I half smile and lead him the way.

"I understand this must be hard with you not knowing anything until recently" he says sitting down

"I found out earlier today"

"I'm sorry for your loss, is Hannah here?"

"Yeah, I'll go get her now, would you like a drink?"

"A glass of water please"

I nod ok and go to get Hannah and a drink, when we return and sit opposite him he has various papers dotted around the table.

"Alright. Your mother has a total of $700,000 to split between the 2 of you so that's  $350,000 each"

Hannah looks at him shocked, I'm guessing she didn't know that our mother had that sort of money. After an hour we sign the remaining papers and we get given a letter each then he leaves. Hannah goes to the living room and I go to the 2nd living room and take a seat taking a deep breath and I start to read the letter.

Dear Michael,

Firstly I'd like to say how proud of you I am. You're such a talented person and you got adopted to the right family. I'm sure you're upset as there's so many questions you got and I'm not here to answer them. I got a rough idea of what questions you would have so I have answered them.

Why did I put you up for adoption?
I was young, I knew I wouldn't be able to give you a good life. Abortion was out of the question, I could never abort my baby. I wanted you to have a good life, you deserve it and sadly you wouldn't be able to get it from me. I loved you, you was such a cute baby. I woke up every morning to my only photo of you (photo attached) I was so happy that Joesph and Katherine took you in, they made sure you was clothed and had a nice time. I was there, watching you grow up, just from a distance or through a magazine.

Family history - vitiligo
Your father had vitiligo, it runs in his family. I'm so sorry with what you went through due to it. I had no idea about it until I was 6 months pregnant, your father told me before he left. Your father is called Jordan Kingston, I have no idea where he is living but his parents lives in Venice, about 4 blocks away from the beach near the end where Alex's Bar is located. Just incase you would need any history family medical records.

Why didn't I contact you?
I went to contact you loads but I backed out, you was doing well. I couldn't be the one who ruined it. I was at a show you did supporting you, I was so proud that you won those grammy awards. I thought if I got in contact you might of dropped your family and left and I couldn't bare the heartache they would go through of you ditching them. I know this sounds horrible but I don't 30% don't regret what I've done, if I didn't you probably wouldn't be where you are now, a world famous singer. You might of been living a bad lifestyle involved in gangs or working somewhere on a low wage. I knew from a young age I wanted my children to have well high paid jobs, if I kept you I knew it wouldn't happen but that remaining 70% I regret, I always think of you every day. I regret it cause I would've tried to find of way of helping you get a good job.

I'm sorry Michael, I wished I could've met you in person. Hannah is a great kid, please look after her you're all she has. She can be very sensitive to negative things but other than that she is really good and well behaved.

I love you, forever and always
Mom x

Hannah's POV:
I sit down on the couch and open the letter taking a deep breath before reading it.

Dear Hannah,

I'm so sorry you have to read this, I love you so much and will always love you and will always be here with you. I'm sorry you didn't know about Michael being your brother. I know he will do great with raising you and help you with your future ambition.

Please stay on track, don't fall in with the bad crowds. Please do not become a rebellious teenager, that gets you nowhere in life,

You're such a beautiful intelligent girl, I'm proud of you and always will be. You're gonna have such a nice time living with Michael. You got a zoo in your backyard. 5yr old you always wanted a pet tiger and now you got one.

I love you so much
Mom x

I wipe my eyes and just go to bed, I miss Mom. I want her here, she left too soon. I curl up on the bed and fall alseep

Michael Jackson is my Brother???Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat