chapter 11

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Few years later, Hannah is age 16
Michael has released another album, which tour has already started for. I was right but also wrong with what I said about the famous married couple. 20 months they lasted, Michael was devastated when they broke up but he managed to get over it thankfully. Ryan asked me out 5 months ago and I said yes, so I'm the one in a relationship now. I did throw another party, well a few but they all have been no more than 100 guests and Michael was there at them all, life was great. I say was cause now it's not so great.

So I accidentally didn't lock the zoo pen properly. A load of animals escaped it was funny. None got harmed and all got safely returned to their pens however Michael didn't see the funny side of it, especially cause he's already mad at me so this didn't help the situation. Basically I was doing homework in the office but was being clumsy as usual and spilled my drink, it went on some papers ruining lyrics for a song he was writing. He wasn't talking to me after we had a massive argument then this happened with the animals. I stand there looking at him as he pace around the room, he's mad. Imagine this current scene but add the animated steem coming from him where he's so mad.

"What is wrong with you? First the drink, now this. What's the 3rd? They say problems comes in threes"

"I said I'm sorry"

"Just go to your room or something"

I nod ok and walk off, I head to the stairs but guess what? The 3rd and final problem arrived. I tripped and fell, I tried to grap the sideboard to stop but I ended up face planting the floor bringing a vase with me, may I add this vase is from Vegas, $3,000.

"Oh just great, you born to be clumsy or something?"

I sit up and see Michael stood there looking down at me, I brush some china pieces off me and stand up.

"Yes Michael, I'm fine and not hurt. Thanks for asking" I say sarcastically

"Of course you're not hurt, I bet you've done stuff like this before so you're used to it. I thought Marlon was clumsy but compared to you, he's far from it."

"I get it! Ok I'm clumsy whatever. Don't need to keep pointing out how clumsy I am. Otherwise I may be clumsy and slap you"

"You wouldn't dare slap me"

"You wanna bet?"

"You slap me and you'll be out of here faster than you can say Clumsy"

"And I'm meant to be worried because......"

"Because you'll have nowhere to go"

"I'll go join a circus, that's where all the clumsy people are. I'd fit in really well there and seeing as I'm sooo clumsy I'd be the best one there."

"Oh my god, you're annoying. I thought I got away with not having an annoying little sister but now I'm stuck with one"

"Oh so I'm annoying along with being clumsy? Great, cheers for that"

"Ugh, just go to your room"

"I better walk slowly so my clumsiness don't kick in again and break something" I say walking off and making my way up the stairs

"You know what? I wish this didn't happen, the one wish of knowing my biological parents came somewhat true and I wish it didn't. I got a nice family, a lovely mother and I spent my whole childhood wishing to know my real one"

I stop and turn on the step to look at him "MOM WAS LOVELY, SHE WAS THE MOST KINDEST PERSON EVER!" I yell at him

"Even though she had an annoying clumsy daughter?"

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