chapter 10

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(Picture: outfit which will be mentioned later on)

"Omg we need these too" Kayleigh smiles adding balloons into the cart

We're party shopping and so far we got 1 and a half cart full of stuff, Michael is NOT aware of this but the staff thinks he knows and is cool with it. Last time I checked there was close to 200 people coming but hey the more the merrier.

"I'm so excited about this" I smile adding more stuff to the cart

We get to the check out finally and $859.66 later we're finally on the way back home, that price also including food & drink so it's pretty cheap. Some people at school have spent over $1,000 on their parties before.

After decorating
I get out the shower and dry my hair then I start to style it to how I want it to be for tonight. Once that's done I start on my makeup then I finally get dressed into my favourite Beatles dress with converse. I look in my jewellery box and pick my Beatles charm bracelet and homemade necklace which Mom made for me.

I go downstairs to find Kayleigh is already dressed and is putting the music on, I turn the lights on then dim the main light so we can still see and not just have flashing multicoloured lights.

"Everything valuable moved?" I ask


"Doors to the majority of rooms locked?"


"So we're ready?"

"Let's rock this party" she cheers and high fives me

Michael's POV:
I ring the house for the 7th time and still no answer, I'm starting to worry now as a member of staff would've answered it if Hannah doesn't but they haven't. I step off the balcony closing the curtains on San Francisco

"She will be fine, they're probably having an open air movie theatre again" Lisa smiles sitting next to me

"No they would've answered by now, they know I call the same time everyday."

"We'll be home in 2 days so not talking to Hannah tonight won't kill you, or her"

"Something isn't right and I know it" I say walking into the bedroom

"Where are you going?" Lisa asks following me

"I'm ringing the security hut, they will answer"

"Hello, Neverland Valley Ranch. Billy speaking how may I help you?"

"Hi Bill, it's Michael"

"Hi Michael, how's the trip?"

"It's good, can you tell me if you know why no one is answering the house phone? I've rang 7 times and no answer. Is everything ok?"

"It's fine, no one can probably hear it due to the music being loud. We can faintly hear the music from here. Billy Idol is being played now, good choice" he chuckles

"Why are they playing music so loud, it's only a few of them there?" I ask confused

"It's the party"


"Yeah, Hannah and her school friends. You must've been so busy with having fun you forgot it was tonight"

"I haven't agreed to any parties. How many people are there?"

"Over 300 people"

"What! Oh she is in big trouble. I'll be there as soon as possible"

And with that I hang up and start packing my suitcase "Lisa pack your things we're leaving"

"What? Why?"

"Hannah decided to host a party"

"So why are we going home early because of that? She is allowed friends over Michael"

"Over 300 of them?"


"Yes oh, now pack up we're leaving in 30mins"

Hannah's POV
This is great, everyone is having so much fun. It's my first party to host as my house was never big enough so I'm glad it's this successful.

It's Tricky by Run DMC starts playing which is my favourite party song so I immediately get to the dance floor and start dancing the awesome dance moves which everyone joins in with.

"It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time, It's Tricky" I sing along

The intro for Jump Around starts which makes me and Kayleigh get super excited, another favourite party song of mine.

"Pack it up, pack-"
"Pack it up, Pack it in, get out my house"

I stop on the 4th word as me and everyone get interrupted by someone singing into the DJ's microphone. That someone being Michael. The music stops and the main lights get turned to fully on.

"Party's over, everyone go home immediately"

He isn't meant to be here in San Francisco. Why is he home 2 days early? He gives me his angry stare which doesn't leave me whilst everyone is leaving.

"Bye Hannah, see you in school" Kayleigh says hugging me

"Bye Kay" I smile hugging her back

"What on earth do you think you was doing!" Michael yells when it's just us 2 in the room

"Why are you home early?"

"That wasn't an answer. I rang security as no one was answering here. I told you no parties. Yet you go a throw one"

"It was my first ever party to host, I wasn't expecting that many people to turn up"

"Of course they would, party at Michael Jackson's house I'm surprised the whole state wasn't here"

"It was all my school students, security saw every single person's school ID card before allowing them entry. We locked all doors of rooms they not allowed in, we moved all items from this room so nothing can get broken or stolen"

"Just go to bed, you're cleaning this tomorrow"

I turn on my heel and walk off going to my room, even though he came home and crashed by party like the police would I still had a great time.

Next Morning
I walk over to the stereo and put on Jump Around "let's try this again seeing as it got interrupted last night" I laugh as I pick the first plastic cup up putting it in the trash bag.

See if he didn't come home Kayleigh would've been here to help me but no he has to be the party pooper and ruin things leaving it so I'm alone having to clean up.

2 1/2 hrs later
Finally, the room is back to how it used to be. Michael and Lisa are arguing, trouble in paradise already? Yeah they won't last long.

"You're grounded for 2 weeks" Michael says walking past me going upstairs

"What's wrong?" I ask following him


"Trouble in paradise I see"

"Stay out of things which doesn't concern you"

"Whatever, I give it a year. Maybe possibly two" I say and enter my room slamming my door shut immediately opening it and poking my head out

"Sorry, that was uncalled for"

Michael ignores me and slams his bedroom door behind him, I go downstairs and find Lisa watching to so I stand j front of it.

"Hannah I'm watching that, please move out of the way"

"If you two have argued about coming home early then that's just pathetic, it wasn't like you went far anyway"

I go to the kitchen and make lunch not letting her have a chance to reply. I sit on the counter and eat my sandwiches as I plan my next party cause let's face it. Well all know Hannah Compton/Jackson will throw another party.

Michael Jackson is my Brother???Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat