chapter 12

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"Hannah, wake up sweetie" Frank whispers whilst shaking me awake

"Huh? What's going on? It's way too early to wake up, I wanna sleep" I mumble whilst turning my back to Frank snuggling back into the blanket

"It's Michael, we need to leave"

I immediately wake up wide eyed and jump out of bed "what's wrong?"

"He has to go into rehab"


"He was using pills to sleep, he will be in rehab for 2 weeks"

"Where is he now?"

"He's packing to leave, you need to do the same"

I nod ok and get up immediately packing my stuff, I leave my pjs on and leave the room giving my stuff to Bill and James. Frank comes and gets me then we go to the plane, Michael isn't anywhere to be seen but apparently he's at the back of the plane in a separate section. I take a seat and curl up with a blanket going back to sleep.

We're in London at some hotel, I get changed into skinny jeans and my Beatles jumper.

"Frank I'm ready to go" I smile

"You're not coming with us"

"What? Why?"

"Michael doesn't want you to"

"He hasn't seen me since last night, I want to go with him"

"He said no"

"I don't care"

I push passed him and make my way to the car, Michael sees me but does a de tour walking to the car. I keep going to the car and wait, that little pig! How dare he get in another car. I get in and look at the driver "the rehab centre and fast. I need to get there before he does"

He nods ok and drives off. I'm so angry with Michael right now and boy he's gonna find out just how angry I am when he sees me.

I stand outside the front door with my arms crossed and my angry look already on display. The car pulls up and Frank gets out followed by Michael.

"I'll go in the other entrance" he speaks walking off


Everyone looks at me shocked and Michael walks over like a kid who's just been told off by his mother. Well that is true except it's sister. He stops in front of me and looks at the floor.

"I am so angry at you right now. I told you I'll be here every step of the way and help you and what do you do? You go and ignore me"

"I don't want you to be disappointed in me" he says quietly

I sigh and hug him "I'll never be disappointed in you, you're my big brother and I love you so much. Yes I'm upset you did this to yourself but you're fixing it by coming here."

"I love you too"

I smile and kiss his cheek "come on, let's get your side"

I link my arm around his and we walk inside. He says bye to us and we go back to the hotel, he'll be fine I know he will.

"Frank we're in London"

"No I thought we was in Paris by the look of Big Ben outside the window" he replies sarcastically

"I want to go sightseeing so come on get ready"

"Demanding much" he mumbles walking off

"I heard that" I call

"Good, you was meant to"

I smirk and make sure I got everything in my bag ready then I neaten my hair a bit more. Once I'm ready we grab 2 body guards and make our way outside.

2hrs later
"Ignore them" Frank whispers in my ear

I clench my fists and nod yes whilst I give them my evils, these stupid bunch of wannabe gangsters cannot make it anymore obvious they're talking about Michael knowing damn well who I am. After 10 minutes I can't take it anymore and I stand up walking over to them.

"Right whatever it is you got to say at least be man enough and say it to face!"

They remain quiet

"Cat got your tongue? Not so cool now are you. I bet any money that you all have someone in your family who's been in rehab or got an addiction. Could be in the past present or future. Every family will have at least one person who has an addiction. Michael is getting better by going into rehab. So bad mouth him again and I will not be afraid to knock your lights out"

They get up and quickly walk away "yeah that's what I thought!" I yell at them

"Come on, we're going" Frank speaks pulling me away in the opposite direction.

"Well other than this afternoon's commotion it was a nice day" I smile before having another sip of my drink

Frank nods his head in agreement and food finally arrives after hundreds of minutes of waiting.

"So we got a total of 2 weeks here, what's the plan?"

"We can visit more attractions and things" Frank replies

"Theme parks" I smile brightly, this is gonna be a good 2 weeks and a perfect end with seeing Michael again.

2 weeks later
We did it, we visited every theme park within a decent amount of miles radius around us along with many other attractions. I missed Michael but I know he was safe and getting better. I sit on my suitcase whilst I finally manage to fully zip it close, one suitcase down another 2 to go. Apparently we're going home after picking up Michael, well that part is true what I'm about to say next is apparently. Tour will carry on in a few weeks and the accusations will be put to rest by money. Why do I feel like in the future this decision will be regretted, a lot.

I look around the hotel suite and make sure I got everything which I have then I finally leave. As soon as we arrive at the rehabilitation place I jump out the limo and run straight to reception.

"Hi, here for Michael Jackson. I'm his sister"

"One moment please" the women smiles as she types on her computer

Frank finally arrived with Bill and Jason then he signs some papers whilst I wait by the door like a dog outside a store waiting for its owner.

"Michael" I yell and immediately hug him as soon as the door is open

"Hey, I've missed you" he smiles hugging me back

"I missed you too"

"Coke on, let's go home"

I smile and link my arm around his as we leave to go home, pushing the thoughts of paying will be regretted to the back of my mind. It will all be ok, I know it will.

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