At lunch, Ryohei and Kyokai sat outside on the grass. They sat silently since she doesn't want to talk about anything and he was hesitating "I know you are worried about me" he flinched and looked at her "it's fine" she told him and he clenched his fists. She flinched when he pulled her to his chest and rested his chin on her head "it's not fine" he glared and her eyes widen "you can cry if you want, now one it looking, I won't look" he buried his face in her hair, she clenched on his chest and her eyes watered "hm" she buried her face in his chest.

At that scene, Kyoya was watching them over his shoulder from the roof, he clenched on his crossed arms as he was leaned against the fence "Kyo-san ?" He shot a glare at Kusakabe, who was looking at him with worry "aren't you going to talk to her ? I mean at least you two could get to an understanding" Kusakabe said and hoped that he won't get a tonfa to his chin "as you can see, she doesn't want to listen like a stubborn dog, nor she does need me" Kyoya glared and left the roof.

After school, Kyokai and Tsubaki went to the café where they promised to meet with the other girls. They blinked in confusion as Kyokai sighed while staring at her tea "Ano, Kai-chan.." Haru said "hm ?" Kyokai glared at her "Hahi !" Haru paled and Kyokai looked away "sorry, but it will be better if you don't call me that" she rested her cheek on her palm.

They glanced at each other worriedly then looked at Tsubaki, who stayed silent afraid that Kyokai will get angry talking about it "ne Onee-chan, how about we hang out at your place to cheer you up ? We'll call everyone if Hibari-san doesn't mind" Kyoko suggested and Tsubaki flinched "Kyoya won't be at my place because I moved to my dad's mansion" Kyokai explained and sipped her tea "your dad's ?" Hana raised a brow "what happened ?" Haru frowned "oh" Kyokai lowered her cup "Kyoya and I broke up, he got a fiancée"

Their eyes widen "are you okay ?" Kyoko asked "to be honest, I'm broken, I don't know what I'm suppose to feel anymore, happy ? Sad ? Or angry ?" Kyokai sighed "I hate to admit it, but I miss that idiot" she mumbled "UGGGGGGHHHH !!!!!!" They nervously sweated when Hana got surrounded with flames of rage.

Kyokai flinched as Hana pulled her by her shoulders "forget about that perfect Demon ! You shall find a perfect Angel !!" Hana raised her fist "I don't think-" Kyokai got cut off "it doesn't have to be a real relationship, you can just make him jealous" Hana shrugged "the best plan to break a man apart, ho ho ho ho !!" She had her hanbd under her chin and laughed "I don't really want to do that" Kyokai said and rested her chin on her hands "I want my Demon" she sighed.

They paused when the door of the café opened and Kisume and Kazumi walked in, Kyoya walking behind them. He looked at them and the girls paled while Kyokai only stared blankly at him over her shoulder "what an awful coincidence !!!" They thought "hn" they two looked away from each other "ah Kai-chan ! It's so nice to see you here, have you been doing good !?" Kazumi smiled at her "hm" Kyokai only nodded, just because she broke up with Kyoya doesn't mean she would just ignore his sister even though it was painful.

Kazumi frowned and glanced between Kyoya and Kyokai, her eyes sadden after reading the atmosphere "Kazumi" Kisume called and they walked ahead "we'll talk at the next Varia meeting" Kazumi whispered and winked before following her brothers "are you okay, Hayashi-chan ?" Tsubaki asked "yeah I'm fine, I'll get used to it in the end" Kyokai shrugged.

"This is the first time I see Hibari-san's siblings" Hana said "the brother looks so mature, I want to get to know him" she held her pink cheeks "he's married with a child" Kyokai glared and Hana's heart broke "why is it so difficult to carry on ? Is this what girls feels after break ups ?" Kyokai sighed.

They frowned when the waiter placed a plate of cake in front of her, they didn't see the cake in the menu "excuse me, I didn't order this" Kyokai looked up at the waiter, but his face was covered with the trey "it is special made, don't worry about the money it's on the house" he bowed and returned to his work, Kyokai blinked "what was that about ?" Kyokai said.

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