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Micky woke up groggy and confused. He didn't know how long he'd been out, but he heard rain outside. It pattered heavily against the roof. Micky didn't remember much, but he knew it hadn't been raining when he first arrived at the cemetery.




He wasn't outside anymore, that much he could tell. He tried to look around, but he found he couldn't get up. His wrists and ankles were strapped down and he felt cold stone underneath his (bare?) back. He was lying on some sort of table. 

Micky shivered and looked around. The room was dark, but he could see that the walls were also made out of some sort of stone. It smelled like something was decaying nearby and he wrinkled his nose.

That's when it clicked. As soon as it did, he had to keep from screaming.

He was in a tomb.

I Wanna Be Free (Dolenzmith) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now