Chapter Twenty One : Found her

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The sound of the school bell spread throughout every corner as crowds of students entered different dimensions of classes; loud footsteps and conversations could be heard all over the place.

I took slow steps towards my classroom my mind wandering over many things. I didn't want to remember anything that happened at the karaoke the other day. It was the moment I had always been afraid of and that was Jungkook having feelings for someone else.

Anger and jealousy rose up inside of me every time I think of it. I cannot accept this. If I can't get him, no one else can.

Adjusting my school uniform, I smiled a confident fake smile as I forwarded inside the class.

"Baek Nara where were you the whole time?! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Sowon shouted looking worried

"Mian (Sorry) I fell asleep at the library" I lied giving out a sheepish smile

"Arsh arraseo you sure do know how to make a person worried. Anyways, class is starting in 5 minutes come on!"

*Time flies*

(Announcement to all students; by the end of the mid semester we will be having a two nights camping trip and if any of you are interested in taking part, feel free to sign up at the school cafeteria from now on. Thank you.)

*Ring Ring*

It was finally lunch break as I was keeping my belongings when a soft voice came from behind.

"H-Hi Nara ah" the boy said

"Hello" I responded friendly although I didn't know who he was

"M-My friends and I-I are throwing a party at my place this Friday. W-Would you like to c-come?"

"Hmm I'll think about it" I winked at him as his face quickly turned red.

"Yah loser who are you to talk to the leader of the Queenkas? know your place. Nara is not coming to your sh*tty party so get lost" Sowon shouted at the boy as he quickly ran away not even looking back.

"Now what would you do without me?" Sowon smirked and folded her arms

"Arraseo you're the best" I said uninterested

"Yah something is wrong with you right? Tell me" Sowon asked

"Sowon ah listen to me carefully. Yoon Ahyoung, that girl, I want to know everything about her. Can you help me?"

"Wae? (Why?) why do you want to know about that trash" Sowon stated in a disgusted expression

"Because she might be the one Jungkook is having feelings for"

"Speaking of which, I need to see her today"


Ahyoung's POV

"Thump thump thump thump"

I could hear my heart beat getting faster and faster as I broke into cold sweat taking heavy steps towards the park. From a far, I could see a suspicious looking black van parked nearby the shade of the tree. I walked in a slower pace getting nearer and nearer.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind which got me startled that I quickly pulled away with hesitating.

"Wow it's been so long sister! I can't even remember who you are anymore!" Amber shouted

"Omo where did that pretty pale face of yours go? And that hairstyle right now? honey you're making me want to puke" Amber judged acting out a puking expression causing the other three Jaeyoon, Choi and Soomin to laugh.

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