a goodbye kiss before he pulled off, leaving me in front of my ex boyfriend's house. i feel.....liberated honestly. i felt like i was putting alot of stress on our relationship. like i was demanding to much of myself. im glad he broke it off with me. i get the feeling we were growing towards this anyway. yeah, i still have some of my things in his house but.....im not gonna get them. he can have them. im not even gonna risk walking in on him and his new boyfriend. i got in my car and started it up. since he wont tell me who or what this boyfriend looks like, i wont know if i were to see him and i REALLY dont want to walk in or disturb them, especially since this boyfriend can satisfy him so....i guess we are phone buddies from now on. gotta give him space just like i did with lavi and kanda. speaking of them.....i haven't talked to them in a while. eh....whatever. they have their own lives. reever and kanda are best friends now and i dont want to third wheel. if im lucky, this thing with the gang stuff will only last a few months before i can go back to being normal. i headed home.

i walked in and got right into the shower. ill admit im a little bummed. never been with out friends before. its like they took what i said in stride. maybe i was a little too harsh on them. im thinking i should have just not talked to them for a week or something like that. the only person ive seen since that fateful night is reever and he avoids me like the plague. im confident the only reason we even see each other is because we live together but i haven't seen anyone else. i need friends. i can feel my social life dying by the day and its not a good feeling. im afraid of spending too much time with marie, because i dont want his boyfriend to think im trying to take him back for whatever. pretty much have to be friends with long handled spoons. i got in my bed. i....i dont know. ive never felt alone before. why not find and talk to them? well they are avoiding me i actually did try and find them again, just two weeks after our falling out. kanda and lavi moved some where. lenalee moved out of her parents house some where. i dont know where any of them are at. i tried texting and calling but all i got was air. i think they might have changed their numbers too. reever works and goes to school on a really crazy schedule so i never see him long enough to talk to him. shit. now.....i kinda wanna go back to daisya's house. im sure he wouldn't mind if i was there a little more often. yeah. i threw on some clothes and packed a little bag. just a few days. like two or three before ill come back here.

i knocked on his door. "who is it?" he grunted, followed by footsteps. the door opened, revealing him in his boxers holding his silver pistol. "its me," i said. he put the gun down and walked away, getting right back in the bed. i walked in and closed the door, tossed my bag in a corner, before joining him in the bed. i just lounged next to him, both of us in our undies. "why'd you come back?" he grunted, flipping through the channels. "boring at home by myself," i said. he just grunted. we watched tv for a while.

we went through two of his movies before he flipped the tv off and laid down next to me. he pulled up the cover. "night," he grunted getting comfy. i pulled his back to my chest and snuggled up to him, earning a grunt of surprise. "what brought this on?" he muttered, gripping my hand on his stomach. "i like cuddling," is said, resting my head on his. there was a long moment of silence. "hey...." i whispered. he grunted. "how old are you?" i asked. "...17," he whispered. i was surprised. he is younger than lavi? "how....how about you?" he asked. "19," i said. he let out a sigh of relief. "i thought you were like 27 or something," he muttered. "i thought i was going to jail," i muttered, squeezing him tighter.

"stop doing that!" he grunted, pulling my hand off his ass. he kept kissing on my neck. i had been woken up this morning when he rolled over in my embrace, pushed me on my back and forced himself on top of me. i kept running my hand down his back, cupping his butt cheek and enjoying the smooth feeling of his undies. he didnt like me groping his ass. weird cause he likes me fucking it. "why not? i know you like it," i grinned, running my hand down his back and gripping the round petite cheek. his breath would always hitch when i did this and he would arch his back. he gripped my wrist and pulled it off again, this time intertwining the fingers and pinning it above my head. he pinned my bicep so i couldn't grope him with my other hand. he slowly ground our crotches together, growling into my neck lustfully. he felt pretty fucking good. he kept sucking and nipping on my neck, grinding our erections together. my other hand was able to rub his leg but that was it. for some reason he didnt like me feeling on him. he kept rubbing his chest against mine, his hard nipples dragging across my skin as he kissed me. he moved his tongue around in my mouth in concert with mine. i dont even know what he is trying to do. i asked him earlier if he wanted to have sex but he said no, instead doing this. apparently he is just wanting the intimacy? i can do intimacy. i can be so intimate, he will cum without taking his undies off. i grinned. i gripped his waist, easily breaking his grip on me and rolled myself on top. "n-n-no! i...i dont want to have sex!" he kept trying to get from under me.

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