Double Dose of Cuteness

Start from the beginning

"So, potentially, five kids? If I say yes, I want to get someone to help us while we're at work because it's not fair to you to have to take care of five kids by yourself while you're on maternity leave during the offseason" JJ smiled back.

"Mom was going to come to stay with us while I was on maternity leave to help me with the kids," Kat reassured him.

"You really think we can do this?"

"Baby, we always talked about having a lot of kids, and we're just fostering the girls until they are adopted by another family. With our connections, they'll probably be adopted by a family from the team."

"Alright, let's do this. We'll have both sets of twins in one room, Blaze in his, and your mom in the office" JJ smiled, kissing her.

"Do you want to talk to the contractor today and see how much longer the remodel is going to take?" Kat asked JJ as they drove back to the house they were renting while the remodel was going on.

"Oh, I meant to tell you, Tucker called today and said that they'll be done with the remodeling and expansion in two weeks" JJ smiled at her knowing that she was worried about it.

"Good, I didn't want to bring the twins home to a rented house in four months. Nimiru said if we choose to foster the twins, we'd be getting them in a few days so that they are legally allowed to fly and go to Hawaii with us in a week."

"Good thing we have access to the jet and don't have to pay for two extra tickets."

"That is very true. Rae said that she and Jacob are going to Hawaii for a couple of weeks while we're there before she has Lorenzo," Kat informed JJ.

"Tell them to stay with us when they go, so they don't have to pay for a hotel. The villa we're renting is huge and has more than enough space for all of us" JJ smiled at her.

"Alright, I'll tell her tonight when we get home since they're there with our parents," Kat laughed.

"Okay, sounds good to me, Baby Girl. I'm really excited about this all to begin, and I know that even when you go on missions for the CIA in about a year, we'll still be fine. You are the perfect combination of soft and strong, and few can say they have mastered that. You have taught me to view my life with kind-sight. You've shown me how to stop beating myself up for things in my past. To instead of slapping my forehead and saying: what was I thinking? To breathe and ask: What have I learned?" JJ spoke truthfully as they drove into the neighborhood where they were renting a home.

"JK Rowling once said that, 'Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.' I got lucky when I found you because I found exactly what was best for me" she smiled as they pulled into their driveway.

Inside the house

"Jacob, I thought that maybe we should adopt after we have Lorenzo," Rae spoke to Jacob as they got ready in one of the guest rooms of JJ and Kat's rental home

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"Jacob, I thought that maybe we should adopt after we have Lorenzo," Rae spoke to Jacob as they got ready in one of the guest rooms of JJ and Kat's rental home.

Texas and Wisconsin  (A JJ Watt Fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now