♞ 23: If only

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Chapter 23

-x- Lumii -x-

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw stars.

Not because I got whacked in the head and had those flying stars around me, but real stars. There is a clear glass on the ceiling that gives a perfect view of the night sky. "Where am I?" I muttered to myself.

"In Levi's room—I mean my room." A husky voice said, the type of voice when someone just woke up from a nice long sleep.

I immediately stood up and look at the one who said that. "Why are you here? And why do you look so handsome with your bedhair? And—oops. Please pretend that you didn't hear the last part."

Ugh. My special talent is at work again, saying the things on my mind unconsciously. Another ugh. But, hey, you can't blame me for saying that. He really is handsome with his bedhair that I almost touched my chin just to check if I'm drooling.

"This is my room so it's only natural that I'm here." he answered in a monotone voice. I clutched my chest, stared at him accusingly and said, "If this is your room. . .then why am I here?"

He yawned and said, "We slept together."

Now that would've sounded do wrong on so many levels but I feel that he said it on the most innocent way that he could muster so that I won't suddenly scream and wake up half of the HQ.

"Just sleep. Right?"

"Yeah, just sleep. Not sleep sleep."

Our conversation might have been weird if other people heard it but we nodded at each other as if to say, 'Okay nothing happened. Case closed.'

"I guess I fell asleep on the couch." I whispered to no one in particular. "Yeah right, and you weigh a ton so be thankful that I carried you all the way to a cozy bed." he said.

"Then thank you very much RIVAILLE. Oh by the way, can I call you Rivaille just for now?" I said with a bow. His usually expressionless face was now mixed with shock. "R-Rivaille?! H-How com—"

I snorted and said, "Oh come on! Seriously? Do you think that I'm that stupid? It's very obvious that you are not Levi, you know. But I'm still wondering, why did you dress as him?" I stared at him and couldn't help but drool all over again because of his amazing features. He may be vertically challenged but who cares anyway? With that oh-so-smexy bedhair, I couldn't help but…but…

…but love him more.

He rubbed his temples and said, "Having a mad scientist for a twin hard. He made me agree to a stupid deal."

"And loving a guy with attitude problems and whose much more older than you is very hard too," I said out of the blue. I covered my mouth and realized it is now all too late to take back what I said. I ruffled my hair in annoyance and said, "I really, really didn't mean to say that. Just forget it."

I was about to exit the room when Rivaille grabbed my arm and said, "You're not going anywhere. We'll have a nice long chat." I shivered at the tone of his voice. Is he going to punish me because I called him Rivaille instead of Heichou? Ugh.

I sat on the space next to him and said, "If it's because I called you Rivaille instead of Heichou, I'm very sorry. And please let me go."

He looked at me straight in the eye and said, "As if I'm ever gonna let you go."

All the blood rushed to my cheek and my face felt hot. "W-What are you talking a-about?!" He looked up and stared at the breathtaking view of the night sky. "I never thought I was going to say this but, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realized that…I don't care if loving a klutz much younger than me is very hard, I'd still love you anyway."

Inhale. Exhale. Do it all over again.

I'm so shocked that I almost forgot how to breathe. Holy shizz, am I dreaming?! God, I hope Eren won't wake me up if this is a dream.

"Rivaille, if you're playing a prank on me, please stop. I've spent the last few weeks hoping and getting that small ray of hope crushed again and again."

He looked at me incredulously and said, "I've never shown interest at other girls other than you."

"Well there's Myrna." I said, stating the obvious.

"Oooh. Forgot about her. But she's not important right now. What's important right now is these feelings that are very alien and us."

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"What the—?! Ugh, you don't need to make me say it you brat."

"Do you really, really love me?"

He was about to protest but after a few moments, he sighed and said, "Of course I love you, you idiot." I smiled, cupped his cheeks and said, "I love you too. See? It's not that complicated, you just need to be honest with yourself."

He moved his face closer to mine and said, "I never knew that a day will come where a brat would lecture me."

"And I never knew that you'll fall in love with that brat."


"Yeah, I really love that brat. I will never let that brat go."


"That brat doesn't want you to let her go either. She's all yours."


"She better be."

He closed the gap and I feel my heart and mind go haywire. The kiss was so electrocuting that I had goose bumps and I  can almost feel sparks around us.

I wish we can stay like this forever. Forever, in a place where there will be no titans, no big responsibilities like saving humanity, just us.

If only I could stay in our small piece of forever, if only.

23: End

Finished: 6:59 PM, 12/20/2013

Sorry for the loooooooooong wait :( I missed all of you. TT^TT Oh and by the way, advanced Merry Christmas! Spread the Love~

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