♞ 16: A not-so-nice encounter

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Chapter 16



"Yippee! We're going to be happy forever!"

The words that left Myrna's mouth clearly rang throughout the room.  Those seven words made me shiver from the hideous thought of spending my entire life with her. The King clapped and said, "I'm happy for the both of you. I wish you all the best!"

"Whatever you say, old geezer." I said but he didn't seem to hear it because he just continued talking with that filthy mouth of his.

"Myrna, I want you to get acquainted with Rivaille as soon as possible so I hope you won't mind if I send you off with him so that you could both experience living together."

My eyes widened at what he said. I was about to object when the clown— I mean, shitty princess suddenly talked.

 "Why, yes Father! I would love to live with Rivaille! After all, we're going to get married so I believe that this is the best course of action," she clung to my arm and said, "Right, my love?"

My love…


Yuck. It sounds more disgusting than a toilet full of feces. All of a sudden, Irvin started to speak up and said, "Your Majesty, isn't it too early for that? Rivaille needs to mentally prepare himself for this. Why don't we do it step by step?"

The King shook his head and said, "Time is gold, Irvin. Why beat around the bush when we all know where this engagement is heading?"


"No buts. I'm the King and you will follow my orders."

I clenched my fist and I was ready to punch him again but Irvin put a hand on my shoulders and whispered, "Rivaille, stop. This will only make matters worse." I took a deep breath and said, "I know but I just can't help it."

The King coughed to get our attention and said, "Enough.  You'll take Myrna with you whether you like it or not. It's a long way back to the Scouting Legion's HQ so I suggest that you leave now. Take care of my precious daughter, okay?"

Well, I can't guarantee if I can fulfill that request because I'm sure as hell that not a single living soul in the Scouting Legion would like this girl. They will all have the same killing intent as me so, who knows, maybe someone crazy would kill this bitch. Not that I would mind anyway.


"Lumii, can you please help me prepare today's lunch?" Petra asked. I nodded and said, "Sure! I would love to!"

We went to the kitchen and while I was preparing the soup Petra suddenly said,  "We really need to make it special today…"

"Huh? Do you mean the foods? Why?"

"It's because Heichou's coming back today from his trip to the Kingdom." Petra said with a smile on her face.

"Uh…yeah…" I said awkwardly. The kiss was still so fresh in my mind and I doubt that I'll forget all about it anytime soon. But not only do I feel awkward but also a tinge of…jealousy. I gulped and said, "Say, Petra. Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

She looked at me momentarily and said, "No, not at all." It took all my strength to look at her and ask this question that has been bothering me for a long time. "I-It's fine if you don't answer this b-but…by any chance…do you have some special feelings for Heichou?"

Petra's eyes suddenly widened and she said, "O-Of course n-not! Why d-do you s-say so?"

Great. Just great. Now both of us are stuttering from so much awkwardness.

"Well…b-both of you seems so close and I just thought that maybe, just maybe, something is going on between the two of you…"

It seems that she calmed down a bit and chuckled lightly. "Yes, I do admire Heichou but not in the way that you're thinking. It's just that he's so awesome and he is my inspiration in becoming a better soldier. Besides, I kind of like someone else…"

Phew. I don't know why but I felt very relieved at what Petra said. I laughed and said, "Sorry for asking that silly question! Hahaha! But by any chance, is Auruo the person you like?" I said jokingly with a wink.

Petra suddenly blushed and  shook her head rapidly, "N-NO! I WOULD NEVER L-LIKE HIM!"

Eh? It was only a joke but I didn't expect that Petra would react like that. Hmmm. I guess I didn't need to worry after all! "Teehee. Hmm. It looks like Petra has a crush on Au—"


"—oops. Hahaha! Don't worry, I'll keep that secret of yours."

Petra blushed a darker shade of red and said, "J-just continue making the soup o-or whatever…"

"Aye!" Aww. Petra looks so cute when she's blushing. I guess that I was such a fool for being jealous for no reason.

I finished making the soup and when I tasted it, it is oh-so-delicious! Heichou will surely love it! Now I just have to wait for him and…

"HEICHOU AND COMMANDER IRVIN FINALLY ARRIVED!" Eren said as he busted through the door of the kitchen. I immediately ran to the dining hall while still holding a bowl of soup. I don't know why I was suddenly filled with joy when I finally saw Heichou.

"Heichou! WELCOME BACKKKK!" I was about to run to him to give him his soup but…


I-It hurts! I tripped over something and fell face flat on the floor. "Oww. Good thing that the soup is still— wait, where's the soup?!"

I looked at my hands and found out that the bowl was gone. D-Don't tell me that…that…that…the bowl with the soup landed on Heichou?!

I stood up and was about to say sorry but I stopped when I saw that it was not Heichou who was covered with the soup.

It was a girl, wearing a dress that's filled with many precious jewels. But it's such a shame that it's now covered with…my precious soup!

"Sorry! I'm very, very sorry!!!"

"Hmph! YOU SHOULD BE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH—" she started talking but I raised my hand to silence her and said, "Shhhh. I'm not saying sorry to you. I'm saying sorry to Soup-chan…

Farewell Soup-chan…Farewell."

16: End

Finished: 3:23 PM, 10/05/2013

Pfft-- Looks like I pity the soup more than Myrna. Lol. 

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