♞ 11: Titan Eren

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Chapter 11

-x- Lumii -x-

It was a rainy Sunday Morning and I was eating my breakfast with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin in the dining hall. Everyone ate in silence and only the raindrops could be heard. Everyone was probably still exhausted from the training yesterday and I sure am glad that we're all free for the day.

I was taking a sip of my coffee when Armin asked me a question. "Lumii, I was just wondering,  where did you go during yesterday's training?" I flinched at what he said. I suddenly remembered the scene with Heichou. The part where h-he almost stole m-my first kiss! That very horrible memory caused me to choke while drinking my coffee.

Eren patted my back and said, "Hey, are you okay?" I nodded and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "Err. Don't worry guys! I just happened to really suck in using the 3DMG so I got me and Heichou in some kind of trouble." I said as I laughed awkwardly. I debated whether I should tell them about the whole hanging on the tree thingy but I guess that awkward information can wait.

"Is that so?" Mikasa asked. Mikasa must've felt that there is something I'm not telling but I guess that she decided to drop the topic too. We just continued eating but Mikasa and Armin suddenly stood up from the table.

"Where are you two going?" Eren asked. "We just have some errand. We'll be back later. Bye!" Armin said as he waved at us. Mikasa didn't say anything but just waved at us as well. It's actually been a long time since the last time I've been alone with Eren. Hmm, I guess brother-sister bonding is a good idea. I actually missed having a sibling and Eren is like a brother to me so why not?

"Hey Eren, why don't we go in my room?" I said as I looked at him with an excited look on my face. His expression suddenly lit up and said, "I would love to!"

* * *


-x- Rivaille -x-

I gave a sigh of relief as I finally got the peace that I've always wanted since this morning. Even if it's my off today I'm still surrounded by a group of idiots so I wouldn't exactly call it as a day off from their stupidity.

I decided that I'll go to the library first and read for a bit before I do my favorite thing in the world—cleaning. I'm currently walking in the hallways when I heard a voice in one of the rooms.

"Ohmygolly Eren! Y-You're so good at it! Ugh!"

Wait. What the fuck?! It's the brat's voice! And I just suffered from a mental image that's probably going to stay in my mind for a while. I inched closer toward the door and pressed my ear against the door. Tss. I'm not eavesdropping, I just wanted to make sure that no one is doing ridiculous stuff in the HQ.

"Eh?! How is it supposed to fit?! I-It's too big!" Lumii said with worry evident on her voice.

"We can do it! Just…need…to…push…a…little…harder!" Eren said with determination.

Will someone really tell me what the fuck this two are doing?! Geez. Teenagers and their hormones.

"Ungh. W-Wait! Don't push too hard! It will be out of shape! OUCH!"

Ok. I'm really over with this shit. I need to end this once and for all! I kicked the door open and you could say that surprised is an understatement, once you saw what they were doing.

"You…He…Uh…" Wow. For the first time in history, I became speechless. There were on the floor. Making a…uh…a Titan Plushie. Eren was pushing some foam inside while Lumii was the one sewing at the seams. Lumii has her finger on her mouth so I guess that she pricked her finger with a needle.

"Eh? Heichou? What are you doing here?" She titled her head to the side and asked innocently. "What were you two doing?" I shot back.

"We're just making a Titan Plushie because Lumii said that she has troubles sleeping alone in the night." Eren stated.

Oh. So that's how it is. Tss. This is what I get for jumping into conclusions. "I guess that's fine then. Just don't do any weird stuff or I'll beat the shit out of the two of you." I said as I left the room. I only managed to walk 5 steps away from them when something more ridiculous happened.

My eyes grew big as I stared in horror. Oh shit.

* * *


-x- Lumii -x-


Eren and I were making a personalized Titan Plushie when Heichou suddenly barged in. I was really surprised at first because I was worried if I did something bad again. But then it turned out very awkward and funny at the same time. Heichou was speechless and the look on his face was too damn precious. It's like it is his first time to see someone making a plushie.

"I guess that's fine then. Just don't do any weird stuff or I'll beat the shit out of the two of you." He said and then left the room.

I looked at Eren and asked, "I wonder what's wrong with him?" Eren just smirked at me and said, "Maybe he just thought that we're doing some adult stuff and barged in here because he's in love with you and doesn't want you to be with me."

Woah. Woah. Wait. Where did that inlove thingy came from?! "What a fascinating imagination you got there Eren." I said sarcastically.

"Or maybe, you're the one in love with him!" Eren teased. I puffed out my cheeks and said, "Eren! Stop teasing me or else I'll bite you!"

"Lumii loves Heichou~" Eren said in a sing-song voice. I jumped at him and tried to bite the first thing that I touch. I grabbed his hand and before Eren could pull away I bit him on the part near his thumb.

"OUCHHHH!!!!" Eren shouted. I smirked triumphantly until something weird happened. E-Eren grew freakishly large and he broke my whole damn room! He grew taller and taller until he even broke the higher floors.

I started to panic and then shouted,


11: End

Finished: 2:35 PM, 9/1/2013

Hey! Thanks for all the comments! I super duper love all of you! And if you like you can watch the video on the side because that parody describes SnK in a nutshell. Hahaha! It's really funny.

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