♞ 20: Challenge

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Chapter 20

-x- Lumii -x-


"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Levi, Rivaille's twin. Nice to meet you!"

"Levi. . .Twin. . .Rivaille. . .?" I said. It seems that I was so shocked, I lost my skills in forming a coherent sentence. If this revelation made my brain malfunction, the next thing that Levi did made my heart stop.

Levi extended his hand  to me and said, "It seems that you're a newbie and I know that this is something new for you, but why don't we get out of this dungeon first? I wouldn't want someone as cute as you to stay here for that long."

He said that with his smile that makes my heart go wild. Ah, the joy of seeing Heichou smile—someone who completely looks like him anyway. Levi is still waiting for my hand expectantly and I find it very hard to resist that's why I held his hand and he started leading me out of the dungeon.

There are many little rocks in the dungeon and I don't know if anyone could possibly trip because of it but it seems that my body is not in a good shape right now that's why I keep tripping over here and there but Levi always looks out for me and always manages to keep me in one piece.

"For crying out loud, Levi! That kid is 15, don't treat her like a baby who can't walk!" Heichou said behind us, a bit irritated, well not a bit but I'm sure he's irritated.

"Oh don't be such a kill joy, my dear twin, or maybe, you just want to be in my place." Levi said with a playful grin.

"A freaking babysitter? Hell no." Heichou said. Levi just laughed and let his twin continue muttering curses behind us.

We finally got outside of the dungeon and proceeded to the dining hall.  "You two just wait there while I make some hot chocolate, okay?" Levi said as he trotted away to the kitchen.

I sat we Heichou and we're immediately surrounded with awkward silence but I somehow felt the need to start a conversation. But what would I say?

"Uh…Nice twin you got there." Tsk. I really wanted to facepalm myself because that is the most sensible sentence that my brain could form right now.

"Yeah right. I just wish that he wasn't that cheerful. It's pissing me off."

"Why would that piss you off? I actually think that it's kind of cute." I said sheepishly. Heichou stared at me like I'm nuts and said, "Cute, huh. Anyway, Myrna isn't here so just say whatever you wanted to say."

Should I say it? Now that I have the perfect opportunity, why can't I say it?!

I turned my attention on the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the whole world and said, "Uh...I-It's ju—"

"Hey guys! Here's the hot chocolate!" Levi said while carrying 3 cups of the sweet chocolate drink. "You really like to ruin the moment, huh. . ." Heichou muttered under his breath.

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