Stay Together Part 32

Start from the beginning

"You know I don't want any part of this war." Demitri nodded knowing full well how true her words were. "Who should the Skeptrum be given to?" She asked him. "Who would you give it to?"

"I don't know," Demitri said with complete honesty. "I never assumed I'd be in a position to choose. IN truth I assumed I'd be with Raiden but..."

"But what?" Poseidon's daughter asked.

"I never expected you Kai. None of us expected you. Certainly not someone like you," Demitri told her. "If you decide to go for the skeptrum yourself and obtain it than you will have to decide who you want to have it. You can give it to your father or any other god or goddess of your choosing."

Kailani sighed. "How am I supposed to know what to do? I wasn't raised around all of you. I have no idea which god or goddess is the best one to rule. I could make a huge mistake."

"We all could Kailani," Demitri told her.

Kailani got up and walked a few feet away. "If I'm going to help someone I guess it will be Marius. I just don't think I want to go after the skeptrum." Turning back she looked at Demitri. "Not unless he does something that I really disagree with. If he hurts someone I care about I'll go after it myself."

Demitri nodded. It wasn't exactly the answer he wanted. In truth the demigod wanted her to go for the skeptrum herself but he also understood her position. "Call in Marius. We'll tell him together." Kailani nodded and walked over to the door to have Marius enter.


Poseidon watched as his daughter and Demitri agreed to help Marius. While part of him was disappointed he was pleased to know that Demitri would stay at her side. He glanced up at Ares where he stood across the pool from him. "If he wins make him keep his word to her," Poseidon stated.

Ares gave a nod of agreement. "She could still end up with it."

"My daughter does not seek power. As long as Marius does nothing against those she cares about he'll have nothing to worry about," Poseidon replied. "She'll keep to her words."

"So will Marius," Ares assured his uncle. Poseidon gave a nod and walked away. He watched his uncle walk away and then looked back at his son and Kailani. Unlike Ramiero, when Marius said something he did it. He was the son that could actually be trusted. Still there were many tasks that lay ahead and anything could happen. Even if Marius did nothing to upset Kailani there was a chance the girl could be the one to claim victory. Especially if she managed to end up in someone else's hands. The God of War didn't believe for a moment that anyone had seen the extent of what Kailani was capable of.


Solana, Serenity, Aran, and Narissa had traveled through the night and with the help of the forest animals had finally arrived at Marius' lair. They were actually surprised to find out the lair wasn't nearly as far away as they had expected.

"Not exactly what I expected," Narissa commented looking the stone and would structure over. Serenity nodded in agreement. "Alright so how do we get in and how do we find Kailani and Demitri?"

Hearing a chirp the group looked up to see a small brown bird with yellow tips on its wings looking down at them. "Serenity, Aran, as Kailani would say I believe this is your department," Solana said.

Serenity smiled and holding up her finger the bird flew down and perched gently on her right index finger. "Can you find my brother for us? Find Demitri." The bird gave a chirp and flew away toward the stone building. "If we find Demitri he'll know where Kailani is." Everyone nodded in agreement. Quietly the group waited for the creature to return with news.

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