Chapter 5 (Picture of Blake)

Start from the beginning

 "Coach you can't let her do gym" He piped up yet again can he not just mind his own business my "injury" did not incapacitate my ability to play sport.

 "Shut up I'm doing it weather you like it or not"

 "I ain't going to argue with a lady she wants to do it then she can Bennett" the coach spoke up. Yes he was on my side.

"First off I'm Coach Myers and this is the gym you'll have this class for the rest of the year every day beside Tuesdays  when you'll have a free period we so happen to have a good portion of the football team in this class and with all introductions over I'm quiet interested in why we have majority of the football team here with no shirts on" he quizzed raising an eyebrow.

One of Brodie's friends from lunch Spoke Blake I think his name was" Well coach we just though where going to put everything into whatever where doing and we fancied making your job harder by letting the girls oogle at us through class" all the boys laughed whacking each other on their backs as the coach laughed with them

 "Good to know you haven't got to Cocky over the summer Pennington now let's get started you daisies"

 Brodie's POV

Coach set us running laps of the gym to warm up. The guys led the pack with the girls at the back .I looked for the tall chestnut haired girl. I saw Naomi and quickly avoided eye contact.

I spotted Sam jogging next to Caleb in-between the girls and the guys.

"Caleb, the panda is in the oven “He looked at me in panic in his eyes as he scaned his surroundings and took off running ahead of everyone. The panda is in the oven was the code word for someone we saw and didn’t want to talk to them like Naomi the devil in disguise. I laughed at Sam's face because she had no idea what the panda in the oven meant and Caleb because it was just funny.

She looked very sporty and defiantly up for gym so I wasn't going to ask her to sit down. Her ponytail pounced on the top of her head. She had changed the cling on her arm so instead of a full one she just had a support and a loop sling which she must have got in-between classes.

 "You didn't need to say that to coach you know” she ventured.

"I know" wanting to move of the topic which was clearly agitating her I smoothly moved on "you’re a pretty good jogger better than I expected”.

"So what you thought I was just another pretty face not all girls like shopping and texting you know” she raised an eyebrow.

 "Yeah I know I guess considering you were sporting a bike instead of a car this morning and wearing a Brady shirt should have been a hint I must be blind “I laughed and so did she. One more lap to go coach watching everyone intently making sure no one cut corners like Parker who just got another lap added to his tally.

 "Yeap you must have been cause you didn't see this coming” she blurted out before speeding around the court out in front of Caleb and Blake to go across the start point effortlessly I pulled up behind her ahead of the pack.

A thin layer of sweat forming on my still shirtless chest.

 "Yeap defiantly didn't see that one coming" I shakily laughed .I need to get fitter and fast. As if reading my mind Coach came up behind me "I'd get fitter if I were you Bennett" he said before shouting to "parker to hurry along before I get old and die".

 Parker crossed the line and as everyone else was finished catching their breath

 "Right guys today where shooting some hoops just shooting no running 4 people to a hoop one ball each" coach blared.

“Give me a second there coach it’s only the first day back”

“You think cause it’s the first day I’ll go easy on you Parker get a move on or ill give you some more laps” he barked and parker walked dejectedly to the hoop.

 I walked to the rack and picked up three balls I threw one at the panting Parker one to Blake and handed one to Sam "let's see what you can do Manning" I ran to the rack to get one more ball and jogged to the hoop where our group was standing around the key.

We spent the class talking about random things like the first day back whose classes we were going to ditch and which girl has got the hottest over the summer. Sam didn't really talk besides adding in the odd yes or no to a question just was figuring how to get the ball in the hoop without missing which was rather unsuccessfully doing as I kept wanting to laugh but I knew it would be cruel considering I ran into her but that didnt stop Blake and Parker.

 After a meeting from coach after gym about football about getting fitter if the guys and me had any chance to be on the team we filled into the locker room and changed for history.

Oh wonderful just what I was looking forward too.


Okay so I know this chapter may be shorter but the one after this is (planning to be) rather long

and I know im sort of pulling out the first day but I know that a first day is really important and I want to set the scene so thats the reason

Dedicated to 15laya90 because she is a fan and has a picture of friends :)


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