later on that night....

reader pov

"sheril, listen to m-" "NO! im not gonna listen to your lies, ian. i saw you going out to that bar and talking to that guy. you didnt come back to our hotel room till really late that night. you fucking cheating on me!!" he screamed, storming out the door. "i told you time and time again that that was noise marie (d gray man hallow version), the cello player in your orchestra. me and him have become good friends since you introed me as your boyfriend. every now and then we go out to get drunk and vent to each other," i kept saying it and kept saying it but he never seemed to listen to me.  "why do you keep lying to me, ian? i know you and him get drunk and fuck every weekend! i see how he talks to you. the bald headed son of a bitch always blushes and giggles when you guys talk and fucking stares when you look away. the whole fucking orchestra talks about you and him being together!!" he kept trying to walk away from me but i wouldn't let him. me and him are friends. we dont even talk about that shit! we get drunk and talk about how the basketball team in my hometown is doing. the star player chaozii han always scores at least 50 pts a game. he has like thirty rings too. i swear the guy is my idol. all the bitches, all the money, always stays fit. im not fanboy level but i do like getting his merchandise. i sent a bunch of jerseys with his stats on it back home. "see! you fucking thinking about him right now! what is it, ian? does he give you blowjobs? you know why i cant give you blowjobs, ian. im an opera SINGER! that means that my voice is literally everything. its my entire livelihood and the reason we are even here today. that's literally the one thing that he can give you that i cant! im not gonna become the next Mariah carey when my voice goes to shit cause i let you fuck my face sometimes so you can forget it," i managed to corner him in one of the rehearsal rooms. i closed the door behind us. "its has nothing to do with blowjobs, sheril. your hand jobs are to die for. i keep telling you: me and marie are just FRIENDS! how many times do i have to keep telling you this before it gets through your thick ass skull that im just dating you! i dont have 5 other people that i can be with right now. all i have is you. whether you want to believe it or not, im monogamous and honestly, its driving me crazy. i mean when was the last time we fucked? like the day of our date? its always 'im too busy' or 'im too tired' with you. why arent you paying attention to me? why are you holding out on me? are....are you cheating on me?" i accused. "now you listen to me, you worthless piece of--" i slapped the shit out of him, making sure his face grew a bright red. his jaw dropped.

"i dont give a fuck who you think you are, who you think i am, or who i am to you. you dont just talk to me any old kinda way. im not your employee, your peasant, or your fucking slave. im your BOYFRIEND. apparently that doesnt mean anything to you cause you treat me like i owe you something. i dont owe you shit. im perfectly capable of leaving right the fuck now and going home so i suggest you stop telling yourself that i need you more than you need me because that is NOT the case, nor will it ever be. ever since that show where the light fixture almost killed you, you completely changed. you started treating me like it was my fault the incident happened. i knew what i was doing. it was when you said for me to 'stop messing with my things like you know what you are doing and let the pros handle it' that i stopped. i stopped doing what i thought was my job and let your inexperienced employees do it. ive been doing lighting and sound almost as long as i been working. i have certifications to prove it that i got when i was in high school. i even warned you that the shit was gonna fall since your 'pro's didnt secure the wires holding it up properly so its all your fault, sheril. if you would have let me do what i knew how to do, none of it would have happened and you wouldn't have been out of 400k for having to pay for it. i thought we were in this together, since we are susposed to be dating. i dont ask for a paycheck or anything. i live in the room with you, eat with you, fucking shower with you, and share your bed every fucking night so i cost you hardly anything. if having to buy my plane ticket every time we leave is too much for you, the ill pay my own way from now on if i have too to convince you that im trying to be with you, sheril. im trying my damned hardest to make this work so you better get to convincing me that this will all be worth it in the end," i said. he seemed still distraught about the bitch slapping i gave him. i gripped his waist and pulled him close before pressing my lips against his warmly. he hesitated before kissing me back, gently working his tongue with mine in a heated kiss. i pulled away, putting my forehead against his. "there is six hours until your show. that's plenty of time for you to apologize to me," i whispered against his lips. a dark blush came over his cheeks. he leaned in and kissed me again, savoring my taste. he melted a little as i moved my tongue skillfully in his mouth. i pulled away. he chased but i stopped him with a finger. "we need to go if you wanna have time for a nap afterwards," i said. he nodded.

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