Mikoto's eyes widened as tears traveled down her face. She then moved in close and kissed Snare-oh on the side of his golden masked face. "Thank you........"

Mikoto looked at Gwen's unconscious form which lay several meters away. "Should we wake her up?"

"No..... Vilgax's ship runs on fusion drive." said Snare-oh. "She wouldn't be able to teleport us out at the rate we're dropping. And the moment this ship hits solid ground it will blow to smithereens. It's better she doesn't feel it.......when it happens.........I never wanted her to have to feel any of this........not ever again."

"Your parents weren't the only ones Vilgax went after before, am I right?" Mikoto asked.

"Gwen and Kevin barely made it out of their with their lives......." Snare-oh said shakilly. "I wonder how Kevin will react when he finds out Gwen was..........." Snare-oh couldn't go on.



"Shouldn't we have hit the ground by now?"

Snare-oh's green eyes widened. "You're right......"

Suddenly a giant mass of water flooded through the halls and the throne room. Water that smelled strangely of salt. They had crashed in the ocean, and the dampness was slowing down the rate of the fusion engine. They could still make it!!

Snare-oh ran over to Gwen with Mikoto still in his arms, and used his tendrils to wrap Gwen to his back. If they could find an escape pod, they could get out of here. He hadn't considered that option before because escape pods never usually worked when a ship was falling at a high velocity. But now when the ship was slowly sinking........

Snare-oh ran through the hallways which were quickly filling up with water, suddenly he came upon a familiar white haired boy with a cane who was just coming around the corner.

"Hey," said Accelerator. "Do you know how hard it was trying to fit in a new battery while in a stroke like state?! And now I find you somehow managed to crash this thing into the ocean."

"Accelerator!" Snare-oh exclaimed. "Did you happen to find anything like an escape pod?!"

"Thought you would never ask." Accelerator spat. He guided Snare-oh over to an area where a bunch of one man escape pods were embedded in the wall. Most of them however had been smashed or destroyed. All except three. And to make matters worst, the pods had a DNA guidance code, which meant only one sentient life form could be allowed at a time, and any secondary sentient life form would be immediately ejected, one of the most stupid security functions ever designed in the galaxy.

Snare-oh quickly made a decision. He set the unconscious Gwen inside one of them and made sure Accelerator had also made it inside a pod. Finally he set Mikoto inside the last pod.

"It's a tight squeeze, but it'll open up after it floats to the surface." Snare-oh explained. "Now when I press the button out there, the pods will instantly launch."

"From out there? Couldn't you just squeeze in one of the pods and activate it from inside?"

"There is only three, plus it has security measures against a second person entering the pod."

Mikoto's eyes suddenly widened when she realized what her friend Ben Tennyson was saying.

"NO!! I'm not leaving you!! YOU CAN'T!!!!" Mikoto started frantically tried to get out of the pod, but Snare-oh used his tendrils to tie her down to the seat.

"I'm sorry Mikoto." Snare-oh reached out a bandage-like finger and pressed the button on the wall.

The pods immediately shut and launched through tubes in the ceiling. Snare-oh began considering his options. If he turned into JetRay, he could speed through the water and blast his way out before the fusion drive blew up the ship. Snare-oh was just about to execute this plan when suddenly a clawed hand grabbed him and through him against the wall. Snare-oh stood up from the water covered floor and looked at Vilgax. For an alien stuck in a flooding ship, Vilgax looked oddly happy about something.

"The battle has officially gone to my favor Tennyson." Vilgax said. "Because now we are in my element."

"Your element is a sinking ship?" Snare-oh said tauntingly. "Wow, that explains so much!"

"Laugh while you can fool." said Vilgax. "But as long as there is water, I can reveal my true strength."

Vilgax suddenly grew ginormous, the halls of the ship blew apart as Vilgax grew to the size of a building, His body suddenly turned from humanoid into that of a ginormous squid. What was once Vilgax was now a humungous monsterous octopus creature with spikes on it's head and sharptoothed jaws. Vilgax launched it's massive tentacles at Snare-oh and grabbed him, pulling him inward. Just as Vilgax thrusted the Thep-Khufan into his mouth Snare-oh used a tendril to press his Omnitrix crest and change in a flash of green light.

Three pods surfaced at least 12 miles away from the sinking star ship, the pods opened up and Gwen got up rubbing her head. "ugh......what happened?"

Gwen looked around and saw Mikoto in a pod floating nearby struggling against some strange bandage like things. Accelerator was also in another pod and was standing up in it looking at the sinking ship. Gwen used a purple energy beam to slice through the bandages that held Mikoto down. She immediately got up looking at Gwen frantically.


"Mikoto!? What are you talking about!?"


Suddenly the ship blew up in a gigantic mushroom cloud. Gwen and Mikoto watched the wreckage burn with horrified looks on their faces.

Mikoto fell to her knees. "No.........no........no....no."

But then, as if by a miracle of God.  The intangible moth-like Big Chill burst through the water 5 feet away and landed on Mikoto's pod. a green light flashed and Ben was kneeling next to Mikoto.

"BEN!!" Mikoto hugged him tightly. "How did you? HOW?!"

Ben gave the short version. Realizing that JetRay wasn't going to do much escaping from the new monster Vilgax. Ben had changed into Big Chill and used his intangibility power to phase through Vilgax and the rest of the ship. And thanks to Big Chill's intangible nature, Ben was able to survive being underwater just like how Big Chill could survive space, and here he was.

Mikoto laughed with tears in her eyes. "You are so darn stupid sometimes you know right?"

"Yeah..." said Ben with a grin. "I guess I am."

"So what happened to Vilgax?" Gwen asked looking at the burning ship>

"He's survived worst, but if he's still alive I don't think he'll be in any state to make a move for a long time yet."

"Impulser survived." said Accelerator.


"Trust me." said Accelerator narrowing his eyes. "I would know if he was dead at this point......he's alive, but like Vilgax, I don't think he'll be able to bother us for a long while yet."

"So....." Ben said. "What do we do now?"

"Why don't we go to Mr. Smoothy?" said Mikoto.

"We are stuck in the middle of the ocean, you have at least a dozen broken bones and serious injuries, and you wanna go to Mr. Smoothy?" Ben asked increduosly

"Okay.....after we get back to Academy City and into a hospital we can go." said Mikoto. "And it'll just be you and me because of how injured we are compared to everyone else, plus you're buying."

"I'm almost broke though!"

"No excuses!"

"Hey!" spat Accelerator. "If you two are done flirting over there, anyone know how we're getting back to Academy City!?"

Mikoto looked at Ben for a moment. "Hmmmmmm.......does WayBig do taxi service?"

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)Where stories live. Discover now