Gwen clapped. "Okay that's the monster esper we all know and love, now if we're done here, how about we go hijack a space ship?"

Ben, Mikoto, Accelerator, and Gwen stepped into the abandoned hanger. Immediately they were met by ginormous tank like drones with bulky arms and missle launchers. Not at all like the normal three wheeled trash can shaped 3 foot tall drones that constantly roved all over Academy City.

"Uhh.. Mikoto? I thought you said they were security drones."

Mikoto gulped. "Looks like they had an upgrade eh?"

"Jeez," said Accelerator. "This is getting absolutely irritating." Without waiting for anybody, Accelerator turned on his electrode and launched over to a drone and sent it flying through about 20 other drones like blazing bullet. He then proceeded to use seismic shocks to tear apart the ground around him and throw the drones off balance.

"He sure is impatient." muttered Gwen.

"So am I." said Ben as he activated the Omnitrix.

In a flash of green light Ben turned into the molten humanoid with a fiery head known as HeatBlast and dove in blasting fire at all the drones and melting them into the floor. Mikoto looked at Gwen who just shrugged and dove in after HeatBlast adding her powerful lightning bolts to the mix.

It was absolute chaos. No one knew why anyone would want to gaurd an abandoned space ship hanger so badly but they didn't have time to think about it. HeatBlast flew around the interior of the hanger human torch style and blasted powerful flames at all the drones while Accelerator knocked them around laughing. Gwen used her powers to create glowing purple tendrils on her hands so she could grab the drones and pull them down to the ground. Mikoto got out a quarter and performed her signature Railgun move where she used electromagnetic propulsion to launch the coin at several times the speed of sound. The move mowed through several drones at once.

"There's no end to these guys!" HeatBlast exclaimed. "Seriously, somebody has got to find that ship before we get buried in overated R2D2s."

"It's over there!!!" Mikoto pointed at a sleek looking black and white shuttle. The side of the shuttle read 'A.C.S.T.' which meant Academy City Space Tours.

The drones seemed to figure out the group's objectives, they immediately formed a robot wall and began pushing everyone away from the ship. Everyone except HeatBlast that is. Heat Blast flew out of the drone's reach, throwing powerful flames from his hands to melt the drones apart. Accelerator came at the wall of drones from the front and used his vector deflection to propel them away and create an opening. However, with every new opening they created, another 20 drones came to take the place of the destroyed ones.

"This is really getting annoying!" said HeatBlast. "Mikoto! Can you push them aside with electromagnetism!?"

"I can't.....!" Mikoto shouted. "It's like they're made of some sort of non conductable substance!"

"It's almost as if they were designed to fight us!!" said Gwen as sent some purple energy spheres flying at the drones.

"But that's absurd!" shouted HeatBlast. Suddenly several drones opened up hatches on their shoulders and water cannons blasted HeatBlast out of the air, causing him to fall smoking and steaming onto the ground.

HeatBlast got up wearily as his flames reignited. "Okay, maybe Gwen is right."

"Try and turn into EchoEcho." said Gwen. "Maybe we can use the extra numbers to clear a path."

HeatBlast looked back over his shoulder and grinned. " Something tells me we won't need to worry about extra numbers."


At the entrance of the hanger, there were what must have been what looked like over 300 look alikes of Misaka Mikoto, all of them had high tech military goggles and automatic weaponry.

"It seems like we are outnumbered. Says Misaka observantly." one of the Misaka clones said.

another Misaka spoke up. "But Misaka does not feel that these numbers scare her. Says Misaka bravely."

"So Misaka requests that big sister and Ben Tennyson please get on to the ship while Misaka holds the robots off. Says Misaka as she raises her gun in disdain for those who would hurt Misaka's friends." A third Misaka said.

Mikoto looked absolutely stunned. "H-how?"

HeatBlast rubbed his flaming head. "I kind of called them. One of the Sisters has a crush on me so she kind of forced me to save her phone number. And I figured since whole incident involves them, I thought it would be best to tell them."

Mikoto looked at HeatBlast with her face still stuck on stunned. "Ben, I would hug you right now if you wern't made of fire at the moment."

The Misakas charged the drones and began peppering them with high powered automatic weapons. The weapons were powerful enough destroy the circuits in the drone's heads. Immediately the drones began concentrating on the Misakas.

"Are they going to be okay?" Gwen asked worriedly.

"Those clones are tougher then they look." said Accelerator. "Plus those drones are designed to restrain not kill, so they should be fine."

Mikoto, Gwen, and Accelerator hurried onto the loading ramp of the ship. HeatBlast flew in after them and landed inside. In a flash of green light, HeatBlast turned back into Ben and pressed a button that immediately closed the ramp. He hurried over to the cockpit where the others were huddled.

"We have a problem." said Gwen. "This ship is way different from a Plumber's cruiser. I don't know how to fly it."

"But I know who would." said Ben as he re-activated the Omnitrix. Another flash of green light later, and Ben had turned into the large cranium crab called Brainstorm.

Brainstorm began using his pincers to turn knobs and flip switches. " Behold! This is the true method in which one should fly an aerodynamic vehicle such as this. My powerfully developed intellect shall be more then enough to annalyze this simple ship of which I believe only follows into the level 2 category, quite simple if you ask me."

Accelerator looked at Brainstorm. "Since when have you started talking like that?"

"Brainstorm's super smarts make him sort of eccentric." said Mikoto. "It's nothing to worry about."

"I would sit down and strap in if I were you, my homosapien friends." Said Brainstorm. "I can't gauruntee that an Earth shuttle would have quite so smooth a ride."

Brainstorm pressed a couple more knobs and buttons while the others took their seats behind behind Brainstorm and strapped themselves in. In front of the ship, a garage door opened up to a runway. The ship started out slowly at first, then the ship moved quickly and before long, the ship was flying upwards into the sky. After the initial sensation of being flattened like a pancake. The friends finally entered the domain known simply as:


A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें