Man, thought Ben, I'm so lucky. I have a family that loves me to death. My cousin is a total genius. And I have awesome friends...........

The purple eye appeared in Ben's mind.

"Foolish boy......You know all that stuff is useless. Yet you cling to all of that useless baggage like you actually need it. Friends, Family.........You don't need it. All you need is darkness. The darkness that is me. Me, the creature that dwells in the darkest nightmares." said the eye in its evil voice.

"Creature that dwells in the darkest nightmares?" Ben mentally shook his head. "You sure are doing a good job selling yourself. Who wouldn't want to surrender to their darkest nightmares?"

"You mock me boy......but soon you will see that You and I......we are not just alike. We are one and the same. As long as you are fused to the Omnitrix, I will always be a part of the deepest shadows of your heart. You are the ferocious creature who dwells in all darknesses. Against us Vilgax is no match. Do it boy........ditch these useless things you call friends........become hate......become anger.......become darkness........disembowl all living things and devour the flesh of any who oppose you. Say my name.....Say my name and become fear."

"Never." Ben said in his mind. "I......I'm not're lying.........I'm not YOU!!!"

"Face it boy, whether I take the form of an Ectonurite or not............This darkness I embody had been within you long before you discovered the Omnitrix in the woods those years ago.

"Shut up." Ben said out loud.

"Something wrong Ben?" Mikoto said with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh, uh......nothing, just remembering something from my childhood." Ben said.

Mikoto took a sip from her smoothie and watched the stars for a bit before speaking. "You know sometimes I think of my childhood, and I remember that my entire life has just been one crazy trip after another."

"Really? Me too. Especially that summer vacation that I had when I was 10. Man that was the journey of a life time."

Mikoto turned to look at Ben. "What was it like? That first summer vacation with the Omnitrix?"

Ben sighed nostalgically. "It was like every kid's dream. To wake up one day and figure out that you had the power to do anything. To run around and save people everyday and have people cheer for you along the way, even if they didn't know it was you doing the saving."

"Wow.....That sounds wonderful. What happened to all of that?" Mikoto said. "The way you talk about how you used the Omnitrix back then, it sounded like you had absolute fun."

"I still have fun....somewhat. I just grew up that's all. Hey, I still name my aliens don't I? And that's half the fun."

Mikoto chuckled. "Yeah that's right. Say, if you get a new alien, do you think I could name it?"

Ben grinned. "You could name one right now if you like. There is this one alien I have that I haven't been able to name for the longest time." Ben turned the Omnitrix on and showed the Mikoto the hologram of an alien that looked like an egyptian mummy with long arms and bandages for fingers as well as a golden mask and black headdress. Ben whispered the alien's abilities in Mikoto's ear.

Mikoto scratched her chin a little before finally saying something. "How about...........Snare-oh*?"


"Yeah. Think about it. He looks like an Egyptian Pharoah and he snares guys with his bandage like tentacle things." said Mikoto thinking. "So I say Snare-oh, is that okay?"

"Sure, I said you could name it, and that's what it's name is going to be. Snare-oh it is."

Mikoto laughed. "I wonder what those aliens would think if they saw us naming their species like this."

"I'm pretty sure a Thep-Khufan would look at us like we were complete weirdos." said Ben laughing along with Mikoto. "The last Thep-Khufan I met though tried to kill me......." Ben suddenly went cold when he remembered who that Thep-Khufan known simply as The Mummy had been working for.

Ben shook himself. Now wasn't the time to feel like this. He was sitting here with his best friend with the possibility of enjoying a spectacular fireworks show in a moment. He wasn't going to spoil it, especially considering the huge battle they would possibly have to fight. Speaking of friends. Kuroko hadn't been home for a while. Judgement must have been working her overtime with all the issues that were happening to law enforcement.

Ben's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the first firework which burst colorfully into the air. Suddenly the entire sky was filled with a rainbow of colors and lights. It was beautifull. That would only be the first tradition in the Daihaseisai. Tommorow there would be a bon fire folk dance. But the Fireworks were always the best event in Ben's opinion. It reminded him that just like there were immesurable amount of colors in the Universe, There was also an immesurable amount of life. The Omnitrix was a testament to that."

"Man that's something else." said Ben.

" is." Said Mikoto. Mikoto leaned her head on Ben's shoulder and together they sipped their smoothies. "It's something else......"

It could be said that while watching the fireworks during the short 30 minutes of peice before the great battle for their lives, that both Ben and Mikoto felt like they were more full of life then ever.......Almost like the colors in the fireworks were made of mana.

*Snare-oh is Ben 10's Thep-Khufan form. Snare-oh's bandage like body is extremely stretchable and he can use his tentacle like bandages that his body is composed of to shape shift his body and ensnare his foes. Snare-oh can also regenerate from any wound. Along with Blitzwolfer and Frankenstrike, Snare-oh was one of the aliens that went the longest while without actually recieving a name in the Ben 10 universe. It actually wasn't until the Ben 10 Omniverse series that the name Snare-oh was introduced. Until then, Snare-oh was merely referred to as Ben-Mummy.

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)Where stories live. Discover now