20: I Met Her at Waitrose

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[ The Next Week ]

I can finally say that I've got my own place and I've settled in. Louise has brought a few things from the old house so I could avoid Alfie. I would also have to pop into Waitrose today. My fridge is completely empty!


Before I could even step in Waitrose, I was bombarded with a number of viewers. They have not asked anything about Caspar and I, despite the million photos of us posted online. Or Alfie.

"Whatever choices you make Zoe, I'll support you. We'll support you." A girl with auburn hair smiles and my heart melts. I honestly don't deserve viewers like this since I've not posted in months!

Suddenly from the corner, I catch a glimpse of someone very familiar. Staring at me, waiting for me to come towards them. I didn't want to get distracted so I head inside.

I whip out my long list of groceries and then I thought. I'm back at where I started. All over again, I'm buying groceries. For my new apartment. Wow, it's hard to swallow.

"Zoe?" I turn around, and the one person I've dread to meet for the past few months is standing right in front of me. Gabi. "Oh my gosh, it's been a while." She hugs me but I don't hug back, and we both know exactly why.

"Hi." I reply, not quite looking at her while I speak and she rolls her eyes.

"You're still not over the fact are you?" She leans her body on one side which only means one thing, her bitch mode is switched on.

"Of?" I walk towards the opposite direction and she pulls my shoulder and turns me around.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She scoffs and I shake my head, attempting to escape her hands but they're locked down on my shoulders.

"I don't."

"Oh for god's sake, Zoella. You're just jealous. You can't get over the fact that Alfie and I dated. We fed each other. We kissed. We hugged." She yaps and all I want to do is leave but she won't let me. "Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, we slept together." She smirks as I'm one second away from slapping her.

At that moment, I hear another voice from behind. "And the fact that you're talking to his ex right now, shows how shallow you are." I look behind Gabi and there stood Caspar. He was listening. His arms were folded but Gabi didn't even care the slightest bit. Instead, she rolls her eyes and smacks her lips.

"Oh, look who's come to rescue. It's funny you have two people to choose from, which reminds me how slutty you actually are. Going after two boys because you can't choose your one true love?" She mocks. "Honey, this isn't The Vampire Diaries. But in the end you chose the white South African shit." I see Caspar shaking his head, indicating for me to resist any temptations. But I can tell he's mad as his fists are clenched together. "Oh right. Forgot he had more subscribers than Alfie that's the whole reason you're going for him aren't you?" She laughs.

"That South African shit is my boyfriend, you bitch." I wasn't going to be intimidated by her.

"Not as bitchy as you."

"Gabi, go." Caspar raises his voices which startle her a little.

"You're lucky boyfriend number 2's here today. Wonder where boyfriend number 1 is? Right, my place. See ya." She walks past me, hitting my shoulder hard as she goes.

"Are you okay?" Caspar comes closer but I take one step back and he pauses.

"I'm fine." I take a deep breath and turn around, pushing my trolley to the next aisle. He picks up his basket and follows me.

"If you want to talk, you can, you know."

"I don't." I pretend to look at the shelves for things so I can avoid looking in his eyes. "There's nothing to talk about anyway."

I spot the toilet rolls I wanted but they were on a high shelf. I couldn't reach it, and knowing Caspar, he would take it for me. I contemplate for a moment, then proceeding to grab the ones on the lower shelves.

"What you said to Gabi, we're still together? You still want me?" He asks, waiting for an answer.

"I don't wanna do this." I shake my head.

"I want to talk." He places his hand on my trolley. I glare at him until he releases his hand was blocking my way and I continue pushing the trolley.

"Then talk." I didn't want to seem interested in what he was going to say so I kept looking at my shopping list but I listened to every word.

"I'm sorry. And I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I know we shouldn't have rushed into this because...because, you still love him." His voice breaks. "And I shouldn't have asked you too quickly. And now your heart just can't decide and it's all my fault. You still love him, do you?" He stares into my eyes, searching for an answer but I don't reply. I can't bare to say it.

"You can't convince me to go back. I'm...I'm happy." This time my voice. breaks.

"Are you?" He asks, not believing me and again, I don't reply. I wasn't happy, nor was I depressed. I would feel much better in my own space. "I won't ask you to come back. You should decide for yourself. I just want to know if we're still continuing this." He points towards us. "Right now, I can just assume we are still a thing but on a break." I hate to hurt him like this. I just want to hug him but I can't just get okay with him all of a sudden. He hurt me, not only me but Louise! I take out my phone and in seconds, his phone beeped. I've sent him my apartment address.

"Tell the lobby you'll be visiting a friend, they'll let you in." I put my phone back in my pocket and a smile appears on his face. I continue pushing my trolley to the cashier.

"Wait, Zoe. You forgot these." And in his right hand were two stacks of the toilet rolls that were on the high shelves.

"How'd you know?" I smile, taking it from him.

"I remember, unlike you." He smirks. "I missed seeing that smile."

"What?" I ask as he keeps mumbling things all the time.


✄ ✄ ✄

Yay! Caspar's back as the hero. This won't be the only time he is a hero for Zoe. Their relationship doesn't end here *hint hint*.

[ by harper gray ]

[ updated : may 15th 2017 ]

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