8: Twitter Heartbreak

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[ Zoe's POV ]

"Caspar, what am I going to do? Alfie wouldn't even care about me anymore. Look at how much happier he is with Gabi." I frown, staring at the photo of them hugging.

"See this photo?" Caspar shows me his phone which has a group photo of Troye, Connor, Joe, Caspar, Jim, Tanya and I. "You've got to post this. It'll blow up." Caspar snickers. "I'm not forcing you to do anything but do you really think he still cares about you? He doesn't even care if you're safe, Zoe."

I thought about it for a second. Caspar's right. If Alfie doesn't care my feelings, why should I care about his?

"I'll think about this, Caspar." I shrug. "Thank you."

I headed upstairs, back into the room Louise had let me stayed in. I sighed.

All I want is to wake up in Alfie's arm and pretend like this was just a bad dream. I feel as though every photo of Alfie and Gabi stabs me in the heart. I really wanted to write a long letter to my viewers. They need to know what really happened. I opened Twitter and as usual, there were surprises for me again.

1. #ZalfieBreakUp was trending on Twitter.
2. People were making manips of Alfie and I hurting each other.
3. And of course, more harsh comments.

However, my mentions were full of the same link over and over again. Why was everyone tweeting me the same link? Feeling more courageous than I usually am, I click on the link and it brought me to a Youtube video titled #ALBI - Alfie and Gabi.

Flipping hell. It was a fan-made video full of Alfie and Gabi hugging, kissing and playing with each other. Suddenly, the video took a dark turn. My face popped out, but it wasn't good times of Alfie and I. It was edited to make me look like a monster. I was 'punching' and 'scolding' Alfie. I even had horns edited on my head.

Was this how people pictured me? Am I the monster? What the hell, they don't even know! Was it really this funny to them?

I am so fucking done. I don't care about Alfie or anybody anymore. It's time I stand up for myself. As soon as I posted the group photo on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, I switched off my phone. I mustn't care about the comments or what anybody thinks anymore.

Fuck those people. Fuck Gabi. Fuck Alfie.

 ✄ ✄ ✄

Sorry, guys if you were offended by the mature language but this story is already rated mature anyways. Also, just to clear things up, if you're wondering why Zoe is so obsessed with Alfie at first, well, think about it; They've been in a relationship for years and they're quite comfortable with each other. So when suddenly, everything changes, Zoe's heart can't decide what to feel. things will change, obviously. I'm so emo.

 [ by harper gray ]

[ updated : may 20th 2017 ]

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