6: Shout Out to My Ex

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[ Alfie's POV ]

I gulp, before taking a deep breath. Then, I read the note:

You don't have to look after me or Nala anymore. I've taken her. You've always said I was lazy and that Nala is a nuisance. Now you can go to your meetings without having to think about Nala or me. I'm fine by my own. Live your life the way you want it to be. And don't find me.

~ Zoe

No. No. I cried, wailed, shouted and threw anything I could see. How could she treat me this way? How could she write this note?- the note that made my heart break into a million pieces. I never meant for it to go this way. Why does she have to be so sensitive? Does this mean she's going to Caspar now?

That bitch. How can she move on in one day? Does this mean she has never loved me? Anger and jealousy filled my mind. If she's going to make me jealous, I'm going to make her jealous too.

"I'll get a new girlfriend then," I smirk. "Gabriella Lindley - a fellow YouTuber and Zoe's best friend."

[ Over The Next Few Days ]

This has been a blast. A few days ago, I started chatting with Zoe. Retweeted and favourited her tweets. We took tonnes of cute, couple photos together and managed to trend #GALFIE worldwide. Everyone was confused but happy for me. No one cares about Zoe Sugg anymore.

I wish I could see Zoe's reaction. Would she even react? I'm just happy I have another girl now. One who cares and loves me more than I could ever imagine. One that won't go around hugging other guys.

[ Zoe's POV ]

The past few days has been amazing with Louise. Darcy and Nala are best friends now, in fact! No phones, computers or internet. I wish I did this more often. I still wanted to work on my book though. I didn't want to put all my hard work down the drain so I've told Amy, my book editor to have our sessions at Louise's instead.

"Zoe, can I talk to you?" Louise comes in, her face more serious than ever.

"What's wrong?" I shift aside so she can sit next to me.

"You don't care about Alfie anymore, right? It doesn't matter to you about what he thinks? Right?"

"Yeah, of course, chums. Get to the point." I chuckle. "I don't mind about whatever he does. It's not my problem, and he should learn to take care of himself." I state and Louise nods in agreement.

"Great then!" She smiles. "I just wanted to tell you Alfie's got a girlfriend, but it doesn't really matter anyways."

WHAT THE HELL. I know I said I didn't care but is he serious? Is it even possible to find a girlfriend THAT FAST?

"Oh," I remain calm on the outside. "Who?"

"Gabi." She replies and I scan my brain for a Gabi. "Gabriella Lindley?"

THAT GABI. No, she's my friend! She wouldn't do this to me. This is ridiculous! No, no, no. Oh my god, why do I still care?

"I don't mind, I don't care." I repeat in my head. He can date whoever he likes. I'm not his girlfriend anymore. He's probably doing this to make me jealous. He hates Gabi. She acts like a bimbo, he said. I'll just accept the fact that my ex-boyfriend found a person and I'm happily living with my best friend, her daughter and my pug. I don't have to care about that asshole anymore. He's gone - out of my life.

✄ ✄ ✄

Well, that escalated quickly! By the way, I've never watched Gabi before so I don't really know much about her. To be honest, I don't even know why I chose her to play this character in the story. 

[ by harper gray ]

[ updated: april 25th 2017 ]

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