7: My Friends by My Side

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[ Two Weeks Later ]

"Zozeebo..Zoe...Zoella." My eyes were shut, but the voices were so familiar. Then, I heard giggles.

"Ugh trust me, this will work. ZOELLA2093029!!!!" He shouts in my ear. I knew exactly who's voice this is - my brother, Joe. My eyes shot wide open and adjusted to brightness.

I heard laughing and so, I looked around. Standing around me were Joe, Caspar, Connor, Troye, Tanya and Jim. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Uh, what are you all doing here?" I asked and they smiled. I turned to the clock - it read 9:30 am. People say that when you dream, you can't tell the time but I can.

"Go get ready Zoe and we'll explain everything." Caspar smiles. They all giggle as they walk out the room. I was still in shock. Why are they even here? This reminded me of the birthday surprise that Alfie planned. Ugh, Alfie, I don't want to think about him. 

I went downstairs and they were all having fun with each other which put a smile on my face. We've been so busy with our careers and we barely have enough time with each other.

"Ooh, Zoe's here!" Jim shouts as he spots me coming down. 

"What are you all doing here?" I ask, and they've now sat on the sofa.

"Basically we saw the tweets about you, him and Gabi." Connor looks at the others when he mentions her name. "We thought it would be you know...appropriate for us to come here. Besides, Troye is touring the UK and I followed so you don't need to say we flew all the way just to see you." Connor laughs.

"Are you serious? You all came here? Just for me?" I gasp and they all smile. "Oh my gosh, thank you!" I shouted and hugged all of them. "Let's have some fun then."


The atmosphere was now quiet since everyone was tired from all the playing and shouting we had. Tanya and Jim had gone home as they didn't want their little puppy, Martha to be alone. The rest were all sitting on Louise's couch, by the TV.

At this point, I wasn't confused or lost anymore. I was really happy, excited and grateful. What did I ever do to deserve friends like this? They honestly know how to cheer my up and at least they know the truth about everything now.

I decided to check on Caspar who has been sitting at Louise's balcony. Well, I needed some fresh air too. He was absorbed into his phone, busy scrolling through Twitter. He didn't notice I came in until I pulled the chair to sit down, which made a screechy noise.

"Oh, hey Zoe!" He sets his phone down. "So, do you like the surprise?"

"You kidding? I loved it!" I exclaim. "Did you arrange this?"

"Uhm yeah." He blushes.

"I really appreciate this but...why?"

Caspar scoffs. "You really think as friends, we would all sit behind our phones scrolling through Alfie and Gabi's tweets?" I cringe when I heard the name, Alfie.

"Thank you, Caspar." I smile and hugged him. He hugged me as tight as the time we met at the coffee shop. 

Suddenly, a bright flash from inside the house blinded my eyes. I turned to see Joe running out, with his phone in his hand.

"Joe, delete that picture right now!" Caspar demands as we tackle Joe to the floor.


By 5 pm, the house wasn't as noisy and lively. Troye and Connor had to leave to attend Troye's meetups but they were going to be in the UK for 2 months and they promised they would be back.

Caspar and Joe would be staying in Louise's for a week so they had plenty of time to relax. Joe was playing with his favourite pug; Alan. Darcy was giving a makeover to Caspar, whilst Louise and I were looking at some of her makeup.

Just then, I remembered I had not gone on any social media for the past three days. I decided it was best to take another internet break after Gabi came into the picture. But now, I feel so much better since I know that my friends have got my back.

My phone exploded with notifications as soon as I turned on my data. I scrolled through my mentions and read every single one. Of course, most of them were about Alfie and I. Some were really sweet and comforting.

'Zoe, you don't have to be sad about him! Maybe you guys should take a break Every couple goes through this.'

'Don't worry Zoe! We've all got your back.'

'Zoe, it's okay! I've been through this before. Feel free to PM me and we can talk all night long.'

But some were the most vicious, meanest comments ever:

'Knew they were going to break up anyway. Zoe's a slut.'

'Yes ALFIE! Any lady is better than that ZOELLA.'

'You've made the right choice, Alf! Zoe isn't meant for you. To be honest, she's not meant for anybody HAHA!'

I felt so heartbroken I wanted to stab myself a million times. Why did I have to care about mean comments? Why did it touch my heart instead of the good comments? A slut? I was nowhere close to a slut. Is this was people really think of me? I was terrified. So very terrified. These were only 3 out of the thousands I go. I don't even get why people are supporting Alfie, they don't even know what really happened. Tears started to trickle down my face.

"Zoe are you okay?" I looked around and it was Caspar. I showed him the comments and he hugged me as I cried into his chest. "It's your turn now Zoe."

"What do you mean?"

"He had made you jealous and he's clearly succeeded at it. It's time for yours."

 ✄ ✄ ✄

Ooh, I love how a lot of YouTubers are in this chapter. Also, did anyone see a tinge on Tronnor there, hehe.

[ by harper gray ]

[ updated : may 20th 2017 ]

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