Friends, Again

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When Shawn and I got up the next morning Ed was still asleep on the couch. He had one arm thrown over his eyes and he kept tossing and turning and moaning in discomfort. I assumed he probably had a headache from hell due to dehydration and he probably needed to throw up. Hangovers are the fucking worst. When I got them I couldn't even get out of bed for a whole day. 

"I'll make breakfast," I offered to Shawn. "What sounds good?" 

"Make whatever you want and I'll just eat whatever's left over after my run."

"Are you sure? I can wait until you get back."

"Oh no, babe, that's fine. Go ahead without me," he smiled and gave me a quick peck before he headed out the door. 

Shawn was one of those people who weren't ever hungry first thing in the morning. Instead, as soon as he got up he went out on a morning run. Both of those things were completely insane to me. I always woke up starving and couldn't function until I had food and caffeine. I figured Ed would need to soak up the alcohol with food as soon as possible. 

So I cooked breakfast and made him a plate and brought it to him along with a huge glass of water and aspirin. I stood there for a second to see if he would sense me there and wake up, but now he was snoring. I sat everything down on the coffee table in front of him and then reached out to grab his shoulder and wake him up.

As soon as I touched him he shot up, startled. "What the fuck??" He grabbed his head immediately. "Oh my God. What's going on?"

"You got really, really shitfaced last night."'

He squinted up at me. "Sam? Wha- where are we?"

"My apartment."

"How? Why?"

I walked back to the kitchen to grab the plate I had made for myself. I brought it out into the living room and sat in my recliner chair so I could eat breakfast with him while I refreshed his memory about last night.

"Well, when the bar was closing, you were so wasted you could barely stand up on your own. No one knew what to do with you so Shawn and I brought you back to my apartment." 

He glanced around. "Shawn. Your boyfriend. Right. Where is he?"

"He just left for his morning run. We don't have to wait for him to start eating or anything." 

I dug in but Ed just stared down at his plate. I reached over and pushed the plate closer to him to encourage him to eat. I was stuffing my face. 

"What is this, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking care of you. Eat. And take some aspirin."

He picked up his fork to take a bite of eggs, but he quickly sat it back down and ran over to the bathroom in the hallway. He slammed the door shut and I heard him lift the toilet seat up and puke. A couple of minutes later he came back out holding his stomach. He looked miserable.

"You okay?" I laughed.

"Well throwing up made it a little better." He sat back down in front of his plate.

"You'll feel a lot better if you can get something in your stomach. The toast, at least."

"I know. Thanks. For breakfast." He took a small bite of the toast. "Okay. So. Why did you bring me back to your place? The last thing I really remember is us having a pretty tense conversation at the bar."

I nodded, "We did. But it ended on okay terms. We made a truce."

"And your boyfriend didn't care?"

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