Chapter Forty.

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*Iris’ POV*

Josh and myself raise ourselves from the seats and hesitantly walk through the doors of the labour room. I immediately look at Maddie who is cradling a little babe in her arms in a little pink bundle of blankets. I smile slightly at the sight. Maddie looks up at Josh, Connor and I and smiles at the boys, but she scowls at me. What have I done now? I ask myself. I stand the farthest away from her bed. 

She shifts her hands so that we can all see the baby’s face. I smile. I have to say it looks more like Connor; but she has Maddie’s nose and lips. Josh laughs lightly. 

“She is the SPITTING image of Con.” He says, taking his seemingly large hand up to her cheek, stroking it lightly.

“I know, but I will dress her cutely so she is a girly Connor okay?” Maddie says smiling. 

“Have you got anything planned? Like the nursery? And what school will it go to or be home schooled because you and Connor are known worldwide?” Josh asks in one quick breath. I squish my face in a questioning look. Maddie notices and gives me a glare, but overall doesn’t say anything about it. I kind of wish she had so I could tell her they don’t have to think about it NOW. 

“We have everything ready, I am so excited to get her home. I can see it now, soon she’ll be walking in with her books and pens, learning and getting the best grades possible. We would like to send her to a public school, but if the fame doesn’t die down by that time when we will be home-schooling her.” She says, flicking her hair slightly back. I widen my eyes. 

“What’s your problem?” She asks, harshly to me.

“Well, uh… Why are you thinking about this now? She was born not 30 minutes ago and you’re already assuming her whole future. Maybe she’ll want to be a hard-core drummer and rock out in the basement of your house. She’s just a baby.” I say, making the air guitar motions with my hands. Josh smiles at me and shakes his head. 

“Oh so I can’t plan for my child to have the best life?” She says with hostility shown in her voice. 

“No, I just think it’s a bit early.” I say, scraping my converses along the floor. 

“Oh, and you’d be the best to talk to about this wouldn’t you? Mrs I don’t want kids Hutcherson – Well tell me this Iris. Did you really think Josh would sit by and grow old with you and have NOTHING to show for it?” She says, rolling her eyes. “You are in no way good enough for him-“ She says, getting interrupted. 

“That’s just about enough; I don’t need kids Maddie, you know that.”

“You’re right, Sorry. Can we have some girly time to talk please. It must just be the hormones. I am truly sorry.” She says, making me swallow the large lump in my throat and hold back the seemingly imminent tears. 

The boys both nod and leave- I wish that hadn’t. 

“You didn’t mean it, when you said sorry. Did you?” I ask. She shakes her head. 

“What are you of use of on this planet if you don’t reproduce. Nothing. You are nothing. Why don’t you get over the whole incident with Drew. He was a twat. Josh loves you. Why can’t you have a family with him. He honestly isn’t going to want to sit around and wait for you to say that you want something out of the relationship, Iris. Wake up! No guy is like that. You’re not worthy of a good guy like him. I tell you now, Vanessa, was doing MUCH better.” She spat at me. I let the tears fall freely down my face. Not able to speak due to the knot in my stomach. 

I knew it. 

I knew it was all too good to be true. 

I hastily walk toward the door, trying not to listen to Maddie’s calls of me being a ‘non-worthy bitch’ and ‘Worthless’. I wipe my eyes and see Josh and Connor standing out the door. Josh looks up at me. 

“IRIS!?” He shouts. I take off, feet gliding across the floor, trying to get away. Anywhere would be better than here. I see the store cupboard sign and walk in without hesitation. My palms are sweating and heart rate fast. My face covered in my own tears. Somehow this moment reminds me of when I was running away from Josh on the first day that I had met him. I didn’t want to even talk to him. Now I’m hopelessly in love with you. 

“IRIS!” I hear him shout from outside. I bang on the door twice to show him I am in here. He walks over to the door and sits down behind it. 

“You okay baby?” He asks, sighing. 

“No.” I reply bluntly. 


“I’m not good enough for you. I don’t want kids. You do. We aren’t right for each-other.” I say, as the words fall out of my mouth, I instantly regret them. 

“Please open the door, Angel.” Usually, when I had a panic attack I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone. I move up to the door handle and pull the door open hesitantly. Josh walks in and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my nose lightly. 

“You’re more than enough for me.” He says, I take his hands and wind them back around me, immediately feeling empty from lack of his touch. 


“No, Josh. I meant it. I would have saved so much trouble on your part if I had just stayed away, stayed with Drew. I mean he didn’t want me for marriage or children anyway.” I say, his eyes meet mine. His are flooded with glistening tears. 

“No. Iris. No. I would never, EVER want you to be with him, ever. If you were so broken that you wouldn’t marry me, I would still be with you. Maddie doesn’t know shit. I don’t know what she told you, but I never want a child if it’s not with you. Anything you want, we do. Okay? If you don’t want a baby then that is fine. We’ll just be in love.” 

“But we won’t. As Maddie truthfully said, if we don’t have anything to show for the relationship, we’re not going to have that flare anymore, Josh.” I say, tears still freely falling down my cheeks. 

“No. We won’t. I will always want to see that beautiful smile in the mornings when I wake up, and will want to smell your hair when I hug you while we watch TV. I want all of that and anything else, it just an addition to the happiness. Of course I want a baby. But I am willing to do anything for you Iris Hutcherson. I don’t want to be without you. Ever again.” He says, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing it lightly. “Please, just trust me.” He finishes. I smile at him and put my hands either side of his face, bringing his lips to mine. 

“I will take that as a yes.” He says, I smile, taking his hand into mine. 

“Where are we going?” He asks as a pull him through the halls.

“Home, so I can show you something I can do that Vanessa cannot. Hint: It involves the bedroom.” I say. 

“Oh my lord; we’re making a FORT.” Josh says jokingly, sprinting ahead of me and pulling me behind him.


So that was short? 


What do you think of Maddie changing woah? 


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