Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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*Josh’s POV*

I look over to a sleeping Iris as she leans against the window of the car. My hand rests on her thigh as I drive along the road. Noticing the closeness to the house, I hurry and pull into the drive. And I instantly notice that people are in the house. I sigh, expecting it to be my mother and father, about to moan about us getting married so quickly. 

I sigh and jump out of the 4x4 making my way around to the side Iris is on and pulling her out of the car. I carry her bridal style in my arms as we walk in through the front door. When I walk through the door, I hear hushed murmurs, so I take Iris into the living room to lie her down on the couch. Upon entering the room, I notice my mother, father and brother sat on the couch. I look to the left and see Iris’ parents sat at the dining room. My immediate reaction is to make sure Iris is laying down and out of harms way. 

I straighten my back after having put Iris down. She squirms cutely on the sofa and brings her hand to her chin, leaving it to rest there. I look up to my parents, who look slightly mad. Then I let my eyes turn to Iris’ parents. Tracy looks as she normally does, smiling and polite. Keith on the other hand is shooting me daggers. 

“Hey guys.” I say, my mother moves her eyes to meet mine. 

“Josh. Do you understand how much that hurt?” 

“What mom?” I ask, knowing the answer but wanting to eek the whole thing out. 

“You got married. Without us. Without telling us” She raises herself from the seat, coming closer to me. “Joshua Ryan Hutcherson. I would have at least liked to be notified about you getting married, rather than getting told through a magazine article.” She finishes, looking down at Iris and going back to sit next to Connor. 

“I believe, that if they’re happy, I am. Of course I wanted to be there, but Michelle, you have to understand me and Keith alike wouldn’t have thought they would get married.” Tracy says, smiling at me. Making me feel better. 

Keith takes large steps toward me, and It takes all the muscles in my body for me not to tense up. 

Surprisingly, he extended his hand and holds it out which entices me to place my hand in his. His firm hand-shake makes me aware that he’s accepting me. 

“You hurt her, I kill you. She likes you enough to promise to stay with you for your whole lives, then I trust her. I mean it pretty boy. ONE step out of line and I will rip your balls off.” He says, walking back to his seat making me grin. 

We talk about what happened when we were over in Vegas, and how the wedding was. I admittedly said that it was very strange, but it was what Iris wanted. Maybe in a few years we could renew our vows and have a proper wedding then; it seems unlikely. My mother, Father and Brother leave with Tracy to go get some food. I didn’t want to leave Iris so I stayed sat beside her on the floor. 

Keith walks over to the adjacent couch and leans back. 

“I trust you Hutcherson. That is the only reason I am allowing you to be with her.” He says, sighing lightly as I take my hand to her silky hair, twirling it around my fingers. “You know. I knew that you were going to be together for a long time when I noticed how you reacted when she was taken. And how you both reacted when you saw each other- it’s how I used to look at Tracy.”

“What happened? To make you end it?” I ask, unsure what he will say. 

“Alcohol…I drunk too much while she was pregnant with Iris. I was an ass. She was the best thing that happened to me. I’m never going to get her back and it kills me. Now that you have Iris don’t let her go. Ardine’s are classy, sophisticated, beautiful and kind.” He smirks, looking up at me. “Well, she’s a Hutcherson now. But she still has Ardine in her blood.” He finishes, taking a sip of water from a tumbler glass. 

“I will definitely second that.” I say, taking the pad of my thumb and running it along her cheek bones. 

She mumbles something incoherently in her sleep. Keith looks at me and smirks. 

“What?” I ask. 

“She was saying your name Josh. Didn’t you hear?” 

“No, sir.” 

“Don’t call me ‘Sir’. I’m happy with Keith. And she did.” He says, getting up from the seat. 

“Well. I am going to go around the town. It’s not every day that your ex-wife makes you come out to America. So I’m going to check out the area.” He states, standing up and placing his glass on the coffee table.

“Bye, Keith.” I say, getting up and shaking his hand again. 

“Bye, Daddy” Our heads snap to Iris, who is now wide eyed, looking up at us both with a glint in her eyes. 

“Bye muffin.” He says, making her giggle slightly. 

I bring myself back down to her level, and skim my lips against her plump ones. 

“Your mother was here, and so was my family. They will be back shortly.” I say, kissing her lightly. 

“Were they okay with the Vegas wedding?” She asks, with a worried look in her eyes. 

“They thought it was amazing.” I say, lacing my fingers into hers as she smiles widely. 

She places her lips onto mine again and our lips move in sync. 

“Where did they go, and how long ago did they leave?” Iris asks. 

“Well, your dad just went to look around, the other family members went into town to get some lunch. I would say they left 10-15 minutes ago?” I say.

“Well. That gives us enough time to uh…” She says, not finishing but blushing profusely. 

“Really? I’m totally fine with that, Mrs Hutcherson.” I state, scooping her up into my arms and carrying her into the bedroom.

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