Chapter Nine

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*Iris’ POV*
I look up at his face which is showing enough emotion for the both of us. I roll my eyes. 
“You just don’t give up do you?” I mutter, smirking.
“No. Not when I care for the person on the receiving end.” He says. 
“What about when I leave. For England: How will we maintain whatever we have when we’re half way across the world from eachother?”
“We’ll figure that out when the time comes. But I will never just forget about you.” He says, eyes glazed over. He squeezed my hand, making me remember that we were still holding hands. 
“Okay.” I whisper. He smiles widely and moves me toward the skating rink he lets me in it first releasing his firm, yet gentle grip on my hand. I skate to the other side of the rink and turn to see Josh slowly gliding toward me. Suddenly a familiar tune rings through my ears. 
“How did you know I love this song?” I ask listening to ‘Sleeping With Sirens – Roger Rabbit’
“A little birdy told me.” He says skating away. Liam. They planned this! They planned him walking in conveniently on time for Liam to ask him, and THAT just be the reason for Liam asking me all the questions about my life and my likes and dislikes. Somehow thinking about Josh asking Liam to do all of this makes my cheeks flush red. 
“Iris?” I hear Josh mutter, coming out of my daze. 
When I look ahead all I can see is those tormenting eyes. I look down to see our bodies only inches apart. I inhale quickly. Before I know, Josh presses his lips to mine quickly. I look at his eyes which show lust, then obviously seeing my reaction show fear and regret. Before he can mutter his apologies I move my body away from his and hush him. 
“I-I’m not ready for that Josh-“
“I know, and im sorry. You have no idea how much need you build up for someone, and when you get the chance, you just go for it. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He mutters stepping away from me. 
“It’s okay. Just wait next time. I didn’t like that.. at all.” I mutter, wiping my lips. 
“Am I THAT BAD?” He says laughing. I nod. 
“Kinda like a dog.” I answer back rolling away.
The evening went by smoothly joking around. I sit back in my trailer and think about the events of the day.
Does he really try, and care for me because he has wanted this for a while?
Offending people is my only form of counter argument really. But I did like that kiss. I liked it a lot: But I would never tell Josh that. 
I look out the window of my trailer and smile at the sight of Josh running around smiling and screaming ‘YES’ running toward Jen and Liam who smile at him and welcome him into their arms. I grab the throw off of the back of the chair and wrap myself in it. Falling asleep smiling. 
Was I wrong about him?


Fixing you -Josh Hutcherson Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя